meeting of the blunts on 08/18/2012 10:41 PM CDT
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I notice that there was an event of light blunts and medium blunts on the 17th of augest.. i missed it cause of my lack of looking ahead on the calander.. but.. was wondering if there will be more to come for i would love to come and test my skill with my blunts..


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Re: meeting of the blunts on 08/19/2012 02:48 AM CDT
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Hi Thunderfoot,

We're sorry you missed our festival of weapons event. We're hoping to have more such festivals in the future, possibly focusing on different weapons, but blunts are likely to be included. It probably won't be for several months though -- we aren't a big group and can only do so much.

As it happens our two medium blunt weapon winners wanted to donate their prizes, so if you are a MB aficionado I can hook you up with one (a glaes spiked hammer or a glaes belaying pin). Find me in game down in Shard or IM me sometime at ixien.usaek.

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