Brawling Claw Questions: Prydaen and Claws of the Cougar on 04/28/2019 11:39 AM CDT
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Back after a long time and trying to figure some things out.

I made a Prydaen for the sole purpose of having the brawling bonus supposedly due to claws. Such a bonus is stated multiple places, e.g., on Elanthipedia's brawling page ("Prydaen claws are much stronger than normal and do quite a bit of slice damage. They receive a damage bonus to the claw and gouge commands.").

When I use gouge in combat I do see messaging about my claw's, e.g. "your claws [hit the target]," however when I use the claw attack, it messages about my fingertips. I haven't done concrete testing, but it seems gouge is hitting harder (my new char has 13 agi/16 ref and 12 str/16 stam, as I believe these attacks use different stats for damage.).

Related to this is the ranger spell Claws of the Cougar, which is descried as granting functional brawling claws to those that do not already have them.

I was hoping to get definitive answers to the following questions, and would guess this would be helpful to many so e.g. epedia could be updated with more accurate information:

1) Does the Prydaen claw bonus still exist, and does it apply to gouge and claw as stated above, even though the messaging on a claw attack references fingers instead of claws like gouge?

2) Are the functional brawling claws granted by claws of the cougar equivalent in the bonus they provide to the Prydaen racial bonus (if it exists)? If a Prydaen casts claws of the cougar, do they only get the +brawling skill part of the spell?

3) How do the functional brawling claws granted by claws of the cougar work? Do they grant bonus damage to the gouge and claw attacks?

Thanks a lot! If the bonus is not there, this information should really be updated, as I would guess I am not the only one swayed in my choice of race by the claw bonus to brawling. Furthermore, if it is not there, or if it is weakened compared to claws of the cougar, that is really important to know if one is considering making a Prydaen ranger.

Thanks a lot for the help!
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Re: Brawling Claw Questions: Prydaen and Claws of the Cougar on 04/29/2019 10:09 AM CDT
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After more hunting around, I've seen a few similar posts, and one post in the bug report forum from 2016 without any official response. Here is what my understanding after some testing, and this is information I do not see posted anywhere:

1) The Prydaen claw bonus only applies to Gouge, not to Claw, when brawling. The information on Elanthapedia is wrong in that regard (brawling page), as it states Prydaen gains bonus damage to claw and gouge. This should be updated.

2) Claws of the Cougar grants functional brawling claws that only give bonus damage to the Claw attack, and not the Gouge attack, while brawling. This specific information does not seem to be available anywhere, and so should probably be added to Epedia for reference.

The fact that the racial bonus and the COTC spell buff distinct brawling attacks suggests to me an intended change. It also raises a question I have not tested (my main ranger is Rakash, I made an alt Prydaen for testing):

Epedia states that COTC grants functional brawling claws to those who do not have them already.

Q: Does COTC grant claws to Prydaen?

I would guess so, as this would not overlap, and if it did not would be a serious penalty against Prydaen rangers. This information should also be updated on Epedia in this case (if any Prydaen Rangers care to test and post the info).

At any rate, I have seen others searching for this info, as was I, so here is what I found out. Hope this is helpful to people.

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