R> stance
You are currently using 100% of your evasion skill.
You are currently using 83% of your weapon parry skill.
You are currently using 0% of your shield block skill.
You are attacking with 100% of your offensive skill.
Last Combat Maneuver: Dodge
> [hunt]: get club
You pick up the club lying at your feet.
> [hunt]: throw
< You throw a Tog-weight throwing club at a red bear orc scout. A red bear orc scout attempts to dodge.
The club lands a solid (5/23) hit to the scout's right arm.
The throwing club falls to the ground!
[You're solidly balanced with no advantage.]
[Roundtime 2 sec.]
* A red bear orc scout fires a smooth rock at you. You block with a azure-scaled shield.
The smooth rock lands nearby!
[You're solidly balanced with no advantage.]
Stanced for evasion and parry, but blocked with my shield. Is that normal against ranged attacks?