Stance Bug? on 02/20/2016 09:30 PM CST
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R> stance
You are currently using 100% of your evasion skill.
You are currently using 83% of your weapon parry skill.
You are currently using 0% of your shield block skill.
You are attacking with 100% of your offensive skill.

Last Combat Maneuver: Dodge
> [hunt]: get club
You pick up the club lying at your feet.
> [hunt]: throw

< You throw a Tog-weight throwing club at a red bear orc scout. A red bear orc scout attempts to dodge.
The club lands a solid (5/23) hit to the scout's right arm.
The throwing club falls to the ground!
[You're solidly balanced with no advantage.]
[Roundtime 2 sec.]
* A red bear orc scout fires a smooth rock at you. You block with a azure-scaled shield.
The smooth rock lands nearby!
[You're solidly balanced with no advantage.]

Stanced for evasion and parry, but blocked with my shield. Is that normal against ranged attacks?
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Re: Stance Bug? on 02/20/2016 09:35 PM CST
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>>Stanced for evasion and parry, but blocked with my shield. Is that normal against ranged attacks?

Yes, when attacked by an attack that ignores parry, whiles stanced for parry, your stances points will shift into shield so you don't get pulverized since you are only using 1 defense. The conversion isn't 1:1 for stances points but it is enough to keep you alive.
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Re: Stance Bug? on 02/20/2016 09:53 PM CST
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Good to know! I was actually in the middle of swapping my stance (I forgot before I ran in there...oops) which is the only way I realized it was a problem.
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