Non-damaging hits no longer give xp on 06/18/2019 06:32 PM CDT
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This is definitely new. Is this intended and was just not announced?

< You jab a steel throwing spike at a mottled westanuryn. A mottled westanuryn attempts to dodge.
The spike lands a glancing blow to the westanuryn's left leg.
[You're incredibly balanced and overwhelming opponent.]
[Roundtime 1 sec.]
RT with no EXP.

You turn to face a red-gold scaled atik'et.
< You jab a steel throwing spike at a red-gold scaled atik'et. A red-gold scaled atik'et badly fails to block with a scimitar.
The spike lands a light hit to the atik'et's right leg.
[You're adeptly balanced and have slight advantage.]
[Roundtime 1 sec.]
Learned: Small Edged, Melee Mastery

Can confirm this is happening on multiple characters. Glancing, brushing, and harmless hits are not giving xp. Only light and above are actually giving xp now.
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Re: Non-damaging hits no longer give xp on 06/19/2019 09:46 AM CDT
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Might be my bad memory, but I thought that only light hits and above have been giving experience for a good while now.

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Re: Non-damaging hits no longer give xp on 06/19/2019 10:20 AM CDT
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>Might be my bad memory, but I thought that only light hits and above have been giving experience for a good while now.

Non-Damaging hits gave exp before the last reset. They still do for some weapons. For me pole weapon non-damaging hits are not giving exp, but large edge is working. ¯\(ツ)

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
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Re: Non-damaging hits no longer give xp on 06/20/2019 12:48 AM CDT
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You need to provide a bit more information such as your skill level in weapons that give non-damage hit experience and damage hit experience. We have the critter already from your post. In general, non-damaging hits don't grant much, if any, experience (or shouldn't). This may have been a "fix" put back in with the latest update. Your weapons skill vs. the critter caps would come into play on this as well though.

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions
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Re: Non-damaging hits no longer give xp on 06/20/2019 06:51 AM CDT
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>In general, non-damaging hits don't grant much, if any, experience (or shouldn't).

A week ago I would have said "this is absolutely not true". I had my routine set up to prefer light/grazing because they taught quite well. In fact grazing hits were some of the best training since the GMs seem to be afraid to actually make critters spawn 4/hunter/room.

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
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Re: Non-damaging hits no longer give xp on 06/22/2019 05:52 AM CDT
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What Hanryu said. I used to train exclusively with feint/jab and would get xp the same as if I were attacking all out. Something has definitely been changed behind the scenes without notice.
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