Please fix WIELD RIGHT on 10/03/2019 10:17 AM CDT
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When using wield right on a weapon that was last thrown from the off hand the weapon will default to the left hand.

[ranged]: wield right my hurling axe
You draw out your hurling axe from the weapon harness, gripping it firmly in your left hand.

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
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Re: Please fix WIELD RIGHT on 10/10/2019 02:26 AM CDT
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I've not been able to reproduce this. Can you give everyone the full commands that you are using as I've never seen this and tried to replicate it but can't myself. Example:

==doesn't work

That kind of detail would be beneficial for testing and bug fix.

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions
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Re: Please fix WIELD RIGHT on 10/10/2019 05:53 AM CDT
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It does not happen every time. It seems to only happen after the bonded weapon is invoked after lodging, but it's not 100% after that either. I've turned debug 10 on on that portion of my script. The next time it happens I'll post the dump.

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
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Re: Please fix WIELD RIGHT on 10/14/2019 11:04 AM CDT
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What container are you using? I vaguely remember an issue with wielding from some types of special container.

That one guy

If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at
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Re: Please fix WIELD RIGHT on 10/16/2019 02:18 PM CDT
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>What container are you using?

Oh that's something! I'm using one of those "hold 10 of anything" bags. Specifically this one.

I previously had a hip pouch that did the same thing.

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
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Re: Please fix WIELD RIGHT on 10/16/2019 05:08 PM CDT
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I have the same problem with a baldric from the feltery in P5. Such so that I the following in my match tables in my combat script:

if ("%Left" == "LEFT") then
match RETURN gripping it firmly in your left hand.
match WieldsubSwap gripping it firmly in your right hand.
match WieldSubSwap gripping it firmly in your left hand.
match RETURN gripping it firmly in your right hand.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors." -Raesh
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Re: Please fix WIELD RIGHT on 10/17/2019 08:27 AM CDT
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So I can repeat it now. If I lodge the axe via THROW LEFT and it results in a kill, INVOKE it out, STOW it back into the 'hold 10 of anything' harness (the harness is the default store for melee and throw weapons), then WIELD RIGHT MY AXE, it ends up in the left hand. It seems to be the kill shot that triggers the bug.

[ranged]: throw left
< You throw a hurling axe at a Dragon Priest intercessor. A Dragon Priest intercessor fails to block with a metal bracer. The axe lands an extremely heavy hit that collapses the ribcage and bursts the diaphragm in a messy splattering of bloody pink froth.

The hurling axe lodges itself firmly into the Dragon Priest intercessor!
The Dragon Priest intercessor's body goes still, the deadly spark of life within him having been extinguished.
The spiders lose their interest in a Dragon Priest intercessor.
[You're solidly balanced]
[Roundtime 3 sec.]

[ranged]: invoke bond
A hurling axe suddenly leaps from a Dragon Priest intercessor and flies toward you! You catch the axe easily your left hand.
Roundtime: 1 sec.

[ranged]: stow throwing axe
You put your axe in your weapon harness.



debuglevel 5
gosub wield right my hurling axe
passing label wield
setvariable item right my hurling axe
passing label rewield
if - matchre(right my hurling axe, left) = false
elseif - true
[ranged]: wield right my hurling axe
You draw out your hurling axe from the weapon harness, gripping it firmly in your left hand.
match swaphand
passing label swaphand
[ranged]: swap
You move a hurling axe to your right hand.
match return
returning to line 300

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
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Re: Please fix WIELD RIGHT on 01/08/2020 07:08 AM CST
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This is still happening. Is there a chance someone is looking into this bug?

When using wield right on a weapon that was last thrown from the off hand the weapon will default to the left hand IF the weapon lodged and the lodge resulted in a kill and the weapon was then INVOKED out of the corpse and then STOWed into a container that is the default container for stow melee and stow ranged.

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
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WIELD RIGHT bug: for the taskforce on 02/27/2020 06:08 AM CST
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Bug combat\;WIELD RIGHT fails after thrown from left hand\

When using wield right on a weapon that was last thrown from the off hand the weapon will default to the left hand IF the weapon lodged and the lodge resulted in a kill and the weapon was then INVOKED out of the corpse and then STOWed into a 'hold 10 of anything' magic bag that is the default container for stow melee and stow ranged.

[ranged]: throw left
< You throw a hurling axe at a Dragon Priest intercessor. A Dragon Priest intercessor fails to block with a metal bracer. The axe lands an extremely heavy hit that collapses the ribcage and bursts the diaphragm in a messy splattering of bloody pink froth.
The hurling axe lodges itself firmly into the Dragon Priest intercessor!
The Dragon Priest intercessor's body goes still, the deadly spark of life within him having been extinguished.
The spiders lose their interest in a Dragon Priest intercessor.
[You're solidly balanced]
[Roundtime 3 sec.]
[ranged]: invoke bond
A hurling axe suddenly leaps from a Dragon Priest intercessor and flies toward you! You catch the axe easily your left hand.
Roundtime: 1 sec.
[ranged]: stow throwing axe
You put your axe in your weapon harness.
[ranged]: wield right my hurling axe
You draw out your hurling axe from the weapon harness, gripping it firmly in your left hand.
[ranged]: swap
You move a hurling axe to your right hand.

~Hunter Hanryu
>I would like to avoid the collection of broken dreams and sorrow that is the Ranger guild.~Agalea
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