Looking for on 08/12/2005 11:45 AM CDT
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I looking to buy rare metal chain armor, LC or HC can(yes I know its super expensive) Aim me at jedi kaeles if your interested in selling yours. (nudges madas)

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Looking for Good LC on a budget on 01/14/2008 04:26 PM CST
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I'm currently using Crossing LC, with Haven LC greaves and HC helm. What I'm wondering is, aside from forged LC (cuz I'm young and poor), where can I find better LC? Or am I good sticking with what I have now, and just saving up for the forged stuff?

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Re: Looking for Good LC on a budget on 01/14/2008 04:45 PM CST
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If you are going to wear all chain anyway, the Shard racially fitted LC is relatively low hinderance stuff with good protection. I don't think there is any standout storebought chain armor (that I know of, anyway).
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Re: Looking for Good LC on a budget on 01/14/2008 05:08 PM CST
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Thanks for the quick response. I see there's two sets of chain, are they both light, or is one heavy chain? And I don't suppose anyone has an appraisal of it?
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Re: Looking for Good LC on a budget on 01/15/2008 03:16 AM CST
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<<Thanks for the quick response. I see there's two sets of chain, are they both light, or is one heavy chain? And I don't suppose anyone has an appraisal of it?

My good friend does Hanryu does. He keeps this pretty updated with all the current store bought items.


It's one of my most used resources.

player of Celeiros

Climbing List:http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Climbing_skill
Swimming List:http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Swimming_skill

And while I am evil, I try to avoid being just plain mean.
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Looking for starting Heavy Chain on 01/18/2008 07:47 PM CST
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whats some good starting Heavy Chain storebought is fine, Haven or Crossing preffered.

B D Buuwl
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Re: Looking for starting Heavy Chain on 01/19/2008 07:48 AM CST
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Visored chain helm from Haven Ironworks. In fact that's the only HC you'll ever need. HC body gear offers no advantage over LC, at least in the forged department. Of course you can check my link for a full list.

~Hanryu Ves'Shomis
Sword of House Calibanor, Ambassador of the Ilithi Court, Emerald Knight, Keeper of the CEC, ... still a Ranger
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Re: Looking for starting Heavy Chain on 01/19/2008 02:18 PM CST
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Thanks for the advice... now can I die chain in leth? Or do I have to go somewhere else?

B D Buuwl
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Re: Looking for starting Heavy Chain on 01/19/2008 02:39 PM CST
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Knife clan for metal gear.

~Hanryu Ves'Shomis
Sword of House Calibanor, Ambassador of the Ilithi Court, Emerald Knight, Keeper of the CEC, ... still a Ranger
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Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/12/2008 08:50 PM CDT
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My arms need some love. They keep getting damaged, and I need them in order to play instruments.

Currently I'm wearing...

>app my lori

The chain lorica is light chain.

The lorica looks like it offers protection for the following areas:


You feel certain that a chain lorica appears to impose fair maneuvering hindrance and offers:
moderate protection and good damage absorption for puncture attacks.
good protection and good damage absorption for slice attacks.
low protection and good damage absorption for impact attacks.
moderate protection and moderate damage absorption for fire attacks.
moderate protection and moderate damage absorption for cold attacks.
poor protection and moderate damage absorption for electrical attacks.

If you were only maneuvering in a chain lorica you would be unhindered.
But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently lightly hindered.

You are certain that the chain lorica is of average strength, and is rather scuffed up.

The chain lorica is made with metal.
The chain lorica is moderately flexible.
You are certain that the chain lorica weighs exactly 282 stones.
You are certain that the chain lorica is worth exactly 2164 dokoras.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.

>app my armbands

The leather armbands are leather armor.

The armbands look like they offer protection for the following areas:

right arm
left arm

You feel certain that some soft tan leather armbands appear to impose light maneuvering hindrance and offers:
low protection and fair damage absorption for puncture attacks.
poor protection and fair damage absorption for slice attacks.
poor protection and fair damage absorption for impact attacks.
poor protection and fair damage absorption for fire attacks.
low protection and fair damage absorption for cold attacks.
fair protection and fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.

If you were only maneuvering in some soft tan leather armbands you would be unhindered.
But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently lightly hindered.

You are certain that the leather armbands are of average strength, and are in pristine condition.

The leather armbands are fairly soft.
You are certain that the leather armbands weighs exactly 40 stones.
You are certain that the leather armbands are worth exactly 45 dokoras.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.

I'm a stealth user, so I'm hoping to find something that's stealth friendly, but that still protects well. Does anyone have any suggestions?

~Leilond - Working up to Galren and Mazrian
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 07:53 AM CDT
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Mercy, why are you wearing that stuff!? You're a leather/chain combo user right? With stealth considerations? 2 suggestions for you.

My favorite and the combo I used for my barb and most of the time on Hanryu too.

Tanned leather coat
Haven Visored Chain Helm, HC (because of the eye protection)
Forged LC gloves and greaves.
My current favorite coat is the cave troll skin reinforced coat (good/mod good/mod high/mod fair/mod fair/mod mod/mod high hindrance 275 stones)
You might want one of the coats that's only mod hindering, but you'll be giving up some impact protection (of corse relative to that lorica and armbands it'll feel like plate to you).

Option two would be reinforced leathers (I like garg for the price, but polo or firecat might suit you better) with a balaclava (neutral chain so you're see it as LC) with forged gloves. In this case you can try using HC, but they won't teach very well, so you might as well just go with the two armor mix.

Whatever you do, remind yourself that leather accessories are usually not the way to go. I don't know how well bards can hide at level, but maybe a LC shirt HC gloves/greaves, tanned leather cowl might work also.

~Hanryu Ves'Shomis
Sword of House Calibanor, Ambassador of the Ilithi Court, Emerald Knight, Keeper of the CEC, ... still a Ranger
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 08:02 AM CDT
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After using leather and then mixing armor for years, I finally went all-chain and haven't looked back. The additional protection is worth the extra hindrance, especially since my stealths are 100 over my weapons anyway.
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 11:34 AM CDT
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>>You're a leather/chain combo user right? With stealth considerations?


>>Suggested Combos

Curious, but it seems that in all of your setups you have leather armor over your body. I thought it was standard practice to wear the most protective armor(LC) over your core in order to prevent one-shot deaths?

What I was thinking about doing, is getting some form of LC shirt(torso-arms), and then switching to HC gloves. The head armor I'm currently wearing(altered feature hiding mask) is precious to me, and thus out-values any other head armor, unless it's possible to forge protective leather masks.

I'm not quite sure what to do with my legs. Here is my current leg armor.

>app legw careful
The light tan legwraps are leather armor.

The legwraps look like they offer protection for the following areas:

right leg
left leg

You feel certain that some light tan legwraps appear to impose no maneuvering hindrance and offers:
fair protection and fair damage absorption for puncture attacks.
low protection and fair damage absorption for slice attacks.
fair protection and fair damage absorption for impact attacks.
poor protection and fair damage absorption for fire attacks.
fair protection and fair damage absorption for cold attacks.
low protection and fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.

If you were only maneuvering in some light tan legwraps you would be unhindered.
But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently lightly hindered.

You are certain that the light tan legwraps are of average strength, and are in pristine condition.

The light tan legwraps are fairly malleable.
You are certain that the light tan legwraps weighs exactly 60 stones.
You are certain that the light tan legwraps are worth exactly 18 dokoras.
Roundtime: 16 seconds.

I guess I'm just afraid that switching all of my leather accessories to chain will destroy my stealth ability.

~Leilond - Working up to Galren and Mazrian
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 11:36 AM CDT
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Head and hands seem to be the parts most in need of protection because a lot of times, stuns result from people hitting you there. They also aren't the primary source of hindrance.

Chest/abdomen/back armor makes a huge difference in weight and hindrance, and you can take more damage there -- though you can be one-shot from a particularly nasty hit there later on, apparently.

I haven't gotten to that point yet.
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 11:42 AM CDT
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Also I should note that I'm not one to switch out armor just for CvC's sake, as I consider it extremely OOC. If this armor is what I'm going to wear hunting, it's also what I'm going to want to wear indefinitely, even in a CvC fight. That's one of the reasons why I don't want to destroy my stealth too badly, even if I can still train it at-level against creatures. (400/350 Hiding/Stalking)

In fact, I'm already thinking about how I can get all of these babies altered in order to keep with my character concept...

(HC Gloves)
Tap: Some chain reinforced fingerless gloves.
Look: Thin durable plates of leather lined with an interior of chain forms the shell of these gloves. The forearms have been laced with lengths upon length of belt straps, which allow for a comfortable yet secure fitting. The cold steel of these gloves' core can just barely be seen along its inseams, and a riveted metal plate has been embedded upon the back of the hands.

(LC Shirt)
Tap: A dark chain shirt with belted sleeves.
Look: TBD

~Leilond - Working up to Galren and Mazrian
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 11:46 AM CDT
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Are the maneuvering hinderances a range? If so, I wonder what my current lorica's "fair" hinderance falls in the range, and if going up to a bottom-end "moderate" hinderance would make much of a difference.

~Leilond - Working up to Galren and Mazrian
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 12:28 PM CDT
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I use the visored helm from Haven, croc buckler, and forged gloves/hauberk, and am only lightly hindered with just a hair over 100 LC and 80ish HC. The ranks are on the low side compared to my leather, but that's due to my recent swap.

In any case, even with a large rank difference, the LC/HC combo hinders me less than my old leathers did. I expect this to change with the Mech split, but currently, hindrance drops around 100 ranks, according to Elanthipedia.
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 01:18 PM CDT
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Leilond: You may want to take a pass through Crossing and buy some nice forged accessories. I think they will surpass anything you find with normal merchants and well worth the coin charged by the traders.

A bit self-serving, as I supply to traders in Crossing. Not trying to come across that way, but I think you will be well served with forged accessories, plus there are traders that sale other forger's stuff as well.


True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.

Arthur Ashe
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 02:50 PM CDT
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Guess I'll be taking a trip to Crossings this evening to get suited up.

I have a question.

Either I've been particularly lucky to have not received but one insta-kill in all of my hunting, or is it the fact that I'm wearing metal across my torso, or the fact that I've separated all of my armor into pieces?

~Leilond - Working up to Galren and Mazrian
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 03:19 PM CDT
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> Either I've been particularly lucky to have not received but one insta-kill in all of my hunting, or is it the fact that I'm wearing metal across my torso

That armor you're wearing is definitely not the reason you're surviving anything. I'll second Madigan's suggestion of heading to crossing to do some shopping. If you're attacked to the mask and altered gloves what I would suggest doing is finding some that would let you try a different pieces on and check how that affects your hindrance. Then go try to hide on a few thing that should be "at level" for you. You're welcome to look me up via the gweths I'll let you try on a few leather pieces I've got in my vaults.

This is one of those cases where we can give you generic advice, but nothing beats trying out a few combination to find the one that suits you best.

~Hanryu Ves'Shomis
Sword of House Calibanor, Ambassador of the Ilithi Court, Emerald Knight, Keeper of the CEC, ... still a Ranger
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 04:57 PM CDT
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>That armor you're wearing is definitely not the reason you're surviving anything.

Yep. I'm guessing your enchantes also help a good deal, as well as your high stats, but mainly you aren't quite to the point where it becomes a serious issue. Either that or you're getting open rolled occasionally and not realizing it. I'd highlight all the phrases so you see when it happens.
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 08:07 PM CDT
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Unless you're a Ranger or someone who has trained their stealth to be considerably higher than their weapons, I would recommend one and only one route:

Full-body leathers with chain helm and hand protection.

This doesn't maximize LC or HC experience but the protection of some perfect firecat leathers puts to shame any coats or LC greaves you could find. If you're a Barbarian and are going to be training multi as well as stealths I honestly believe there's no other sensible option.

The stealth hindrance from chain gloves and helm is negligible (so you don't have to over-train your stealths every time you switch critters, which is what I do to do with chain greaves) and though the leathers cost nearly double they are often several categories better than a coat or chain greaves (example: high/high for slice instead of good/moderate).

Hope that helps.
Prime: Malkien
Prime: (Necromancer Bob- coming to DR in '08!)
TF: Ganymede
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 08:20 PM CDT
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Which Trader or non-Trader should I be looking for in Crossings in order to get outfitted with all of this, if you don't mind me asking?

~Leilond - Working up to Galren and Mazrian
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 08:24 PM CDT
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>>Which Trader or non-Trader should I be looking for in Crossings in order to get outfitted with all of this, if you don't mind me asking?

If you're going to go with my suggested set-up (full leather body and chain head and hands) the only place you can find chain protection for the eyes is the armor shop in Riverhaven. Buy one of their visored helms.

Chain gloves are pretty standard, ask via gweth. The should only cost about 4-5p for capped ones.

If you have the bank for leathers you should look to pay around 50-80 p for them depending on the skin. I'd recommend gargoyles, azures, or firecats (my personal favorite). You can save a lot of money by buying superior ones instead of 'perfect' ones should the opportunity arise.

If you're looking for a leather coat instead they should run about 10-20p depending on the type (again). Dunno about chain greaves, I don't consider them worthwhile so I never looked into the market.
Prime: Malkien
Prime: (Necromancer Bob- coming to DR in '08!)
TF: Ganymede
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 08:34 PM CDT
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I'm still trying to decide between LC shirt/HC gloves/TBD legs and Leather body/LC gloves.

But honestly, I wish I knew the pluses and drawbacks of each route. Right now I'm pretty confused, because you swear by the full body leather/chain gloves set, HERALD42 swears by full chain altogether, and SAUVA had suggested a variety of mix/match combination sets.

~Leilond - Working up to Galren and Mazrian
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 08:56 PM CDT
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>>But honestly, I wish I knew the pluses and drawbacks of each route. Right now I'm pretty confused, because you swear by the full body leather/chain gloves set, HERALD42 swears by full chain altogether, and SAUVA had suggested a variety of mix/match combination sets.

Let me see if I can break this up for you.

Which guild is this? Bard?

1) All-chain. This is what I would actually recommend for a Ranger. This is how my de-activated Ranger is set up, and unless he's changed his perception this is also how Teeklin is set up. Between hiding primary and powerful stealth boosters you can easily work off the chain.

However, for a survival secondary (my Barbarian), I found the time investment needed to moderately over-train my stealths not worth the returns. With chain accessories I get the benefits of no hand stuns and more TDPs for rather negligible penalties to stealth and MO (multi-armor penalty). An all-chain set-up with stealth is still certainly doable, but be aware you'll need to spend some time over-training hiding.

I wouldn't really bother with this strategy as a survival tertiary. The penalty will be too high if you have any interest in hiding at all. You don't need any penalties when every other rank is a wall rank.

2) Leather/chain mix-up. This is attractive under a few circumstances. For one, it's cheaper. Additionally, the overall hindrance is going to be lower, so you can do this much easier at lower armor ranks (I'd say below 150 or so). Finally, splitting up the body will teach your armors more evenly. Honestly in the long-term the final advantage is the only one that would remain true. When you can afford more powerful armor and have trained down the hindrance I'm not sure what other advantages this would offer you, perhaps Hanryu can elaborate on this.

Keep in mind with option #3 (all leather body) your leather will lock very quickly and your chain will take a while to reach high mind states. This point is not quite as strong if you are armor tertiary, but it is worth considering. Also keep in mind the more chain you pile on the heavier your hiding penalty will be.

3) All-leather body,chain accessories. First the downside. This is the most expensive, easily double the other options (perfect tanned leathers are expensive). Secondly, it is the most hindering by quite a margin, though most guilds can train leather down almost all the way, so in the long-term this won't necessarily hold true. It will just take the longest to reach fruition.

With chain accessories you gain the benefit of chain (no easy stuns like with crappy leather gloves, and more TDPs) without any real penalties of which to speak. The one other thing to keep in mind is that this set-up really only allows a two-armor combo (leather and LC or HC). Committing yourself to leathers rewards you with much better protection than a coat but it lessens the potential to train 3 armors at once.

So basically, I swear by this set-up because I eventually opted for performance over short-term cost/ease of use and I didn't really care about the ability to train 3 armors instead of 2.

Hope that helps.
Prime: Malkien
Prime: (Necromancer Bob- coming to DR in '08!)
TF: Ganymede
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 09:16 PM CDT
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Ahh, very much so--Thank you. Yes, this is for Leilond the Bard. It is already extremely easy to hide on the things that I hunt and I'm currently wearing LC body and Leather accessories.

I think I'm going to go LC body/arms, HC gloves, Leather legs/head. Though this isn't the optimum setup, I think it'll be a big upgrade from the current store-bought items I have, in addition to maintaining my character concept.

So, now that I have that planned out, I'm looking at LC shirts. So far, this is what Martyka has to offer. I believe she said it's Edgee made, and weighs 165 stones.

>app shirt careful

The chain shirt is light chain.

The shirt looks like it offers protection for the following areas:

right arm
left arm

You feel certain that a chain shirt appears to impose moderate maneuvering hindrance and offers:
good protection and high damage absorption for puncture attacks.
moderate protection and high damage absorption for slice attacks.
good protection and high damage absorption for impact attacks.
moderate protection and good damage absorption for fire attacks.
fair protection and good damage absorption for cold attacks.
low protection and good damage absorption for electrical attacks.

If you were only maneuvering in a chain shirt you could expect to be insignificantly hindered.

You are certain that the chain shirt is moderately strong, and is in pristine condition.

The chain shirt is made with metal.
The chain shirt is quite supple.
You are certain that the chain shirt weighs about 165 stones.
You are certain that the chain shirt is worth exactly 1312 kronars.
Roundtime: 16 seconds.

I have no idea what is currently available out in the market. Is this top of the line, or are there some other, more protective/less hindering LC shirts out there? Weight is a non issue(just as long as it doesn't affect stealth).

What's generally the most effective HC gloves available? Also, is there a difference between the different kinds of creature leathers for whenever I attempt to find tanned leather greaves?

~Leilond - Working up to Galren and Mazrian
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/13/2008 09:31 PM CDT
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There's a large difference in tanned leathers by critter. I'd suggest taking a look at the following site for leather info: http://tanning.tribehawk.com/leathers.php

Firecats are what seem to be best all around if you're wanting low hindrance, and they're fair/fair/good with insignificant hindrance (compared to your good/mod/good insignificant). That chain you're looking at is pretty tops. I've seen good/good/mod and good/mod/good, so it's really just a trade-off of what you want your weakness to be (slice or impact, respectively).

I made the adjustment to all-chain for the same reason that was posted -- I play a survival primary with 100 more stealths than combats, and that gap just keeps getting bigger. The larger stealth penalty isn't going to make it so that things on level can see me -- it did under 100 LC ranks every once in a while, but those days are passed.

So, yes. If you have much more stealth than weapons, chain is better. If they're anywhere close, a leather/chain mix or all leather is better. And if you spend your fighting in the open, upgrade to chain. I used to have to hunt from hiding because of my low Stamina -- moving away from leather and picking up a shield has meant that I always have time to hide and hit the herbs with enough time to spare that I don't die if I'm prepared.
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/14/2008 03:08 AM CDT
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I'm still LC prime, but no longer wearing only LC (actually firecats and LC head/hands, to be precise). I still absolutely believe that a full LC setup (or LC/HC) is not only viable but perfect for a Ranger and I'm glad to see someone else agree for the first time in like 7 years now. The only reason that leather is needed is for PVP. When I go to a hunting area I stay there for so long and learn so much hiding that the penalty from chain is worked off in a matter of days and then for the rest of the weeks and months that the creatures train I'm good to go.

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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/14/2008 05:42 AM CDT
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Thank you SAUVA, HERALD42, NEELD, and DIMINISHEDANGEL for all of the expert help. You don't even know how much I appreciate it, and how much of a difference you've made. I'm all suited up now, and am hoping these new armors hold out as well as I think and feel they will.

Again, thank you.

Now I just gotta get 'em altered to fit my new character theme. Too bad I'm not premium, otherwise it'd be easy. Ugh.

~Leilond - Working up to Galren and Mazrian
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/14/2008 05:53 AM CDT
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>>.I'm still LC prime, but no longer wearing only LC (actually firecats and LC head/hands, to be precise).

Same set-up as me, glad to see someone agrees on the relative benefits vs. penalties. I think it's a great set-up.
Prime: Malkien
Prime: (Necromancer Bob- coming to DR in '08!)
TF: Ganymede
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/14/2008 08:12 AM CDT
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>>That armor you're wearing is definitely not the reason you're surviving anything.

I'm going to go ahead and openly disagree with you on this one.

I need only look at myself and my fellow leather wearers who hunt what I hunt and then look at my friends in plate and chain and I begin to realize how much more often I'm open rolled resulting in death.

Frequently I'll see someone paste an open roll hit in IRC only to see them survive with a chest bleeder. I frequently die with ~80% vitality wearing leather chest /legs and HC helm and LC gloves.

That's not to say it doesn't happen to my HP/HC loving friends... I just noticed in the course of a week I'll die a few times more than them.

-Galren Moonskin

Tusfaov calmly says, "Excellent. The inner fire burns bright within your chest, Galren. You have achieved a new level of enlightenment."

!>You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde screaming in barbaric approval of your deeds.
Reply Reply
Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/14/2008 08:25 AM CDT
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I'm agreeing with Galren. I tend to survive open rolls more since I wear chain compared to Galren. We both hunt celpeze and both can dance with multiple celpeze at a time. But, I tend to get a very nasty wound and survive where Galren will just get one shotted due to his leathers.

I would figure, I probably get open rolled equally to Galren but my chain is saving me more then his leathers for him.

Crusader Taghz

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother...", William Shakespeare.
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/14/2008 08:47 AM CDT
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<3 Taghz for dragging my dead corpse around

-Galren Moonskin

Tusfaov calmly says, "Excellent. The inner fire burns bright within your chest, Galren. You have achieved a new level of enlightenment."

!>You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde screaming in barbaric approval of your deeds.
Reply Reply
Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/14/2008 09:26 AM CDT
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>> That armor you're wearing is definitely not the reason you're surviving anything.
>I'm going to go ahead and openly disagree with you on this one.

I think we're all on the same page. Did you see the apps of those arm and legbands he was wearing? That's what I was responding to. I'm glad he's going to go get some better armor. I still think it's a mistake for him to wear the leather leg armor he mentioned in hid last post, but at least he's got a chain shirt now. Which I agree, chain >> leather for open rolls because of the absorption factors.

There's been some great (and sometimes conflicting) advice in this thread. The reason for that is because of DR's complexity. While there are general guide lines, I'm a firm believe that there is no universal perfect armor set up. Before you settle on anything (ie: get it altered) please try a few combination and set ups for at least one hunting trip.

~Hanryu Ves'Shomis
Sword of House Calibanor, Ambassador of the Ilithi Court, Emerald Knight, Keeper of the CEC, ... still a Ranger
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/14/2008 10:00 AM CDT
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Agreeing with Galren and Taghz here.

You'll never save yourself from all open rolls, but heavier armor and stamina will allow you survive more of them.

- Mazrian
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/14/2008 10:10 AM CDT
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>>Did you see the apps of those arm and legbands he was wearing?

Ahh I probably missed them, but in general, when I speak of armor comparisons I am speaking about your run of the mill capped armor. None of which is terribly expensive or hard to get in my opinion.

However if someone is rolling in regular Crossing armor shop hauberk then I'm pretty sure they'd be feeling the same pain I do. If you ask me it has more to do with the absorption that some chain and plate can achieve rather than the protection.

-Galren Moonskin

Tusfaov calmly says, "Excellent. The inner fire burns bright within your chest, Galren. You have achieved a new level of enlightenment."

!>You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde screaming in barbaric approval of your deeds.
Reply Reply
Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/14/2008 12:55 PM CDT
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>If you ask me it has more to do with the absorption that some chain and plate can achieve rather than the protection.

Exactly. If I could use a LC hauberk and suffer no stealth penalties I'd be wearing it 100% of the time. Unfortunately it's significantly harder for me to hide and stalk the critters I hunt while wearing a significant amount of chain on my body. And this is with my stealths 25% higher than my highest weapon.

Currently I'm mixing leather and lc, hoping that in the future my hiding will be far enough ahead that I'll be able to switch to a LC hauberk and hunt normally. The difference between a LC hauberk and perfect reinforced leathers is really noticeable as far as protection.

The ladies would love it if I shape shifted into a bear while we were making sweet sweet love. That benefit alone would make shape shifting worth it.

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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/14/2008 03:01 PM CDT
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>I'm going to go ahead and openly disagree with you on this one.

I wasn't saying armor makes no difference in surviving open rolls, I was saying his armor wasn't anything special.
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Re: Looking for Chain Torso/Arms on 03/14/2008 09:46 PM CDT
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Just to put my two cents in, I was all leathers for the first 100 or so circles, and then jumped on the chain bandwagon. My Ranger currently wears azures with HC helm/gloves, and is sitting at insig hindrance (although no shield).
My Barb wears a combo as well, azures on the body with HC helm, LC gloves, and a tanned buckler. With 150-175 in each, he's sitting at insig as well.

Both train stealth heavily, so it's certainly no deterrent to stealth.

-Vision et al

Also, I can shoot bees.
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