Ranks required to work off stealth hinderance? on 01/20/2010 10:39 PM CST
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Anyone have a rough guess to the ranks required in HC/LC to work off most of the stealth hindrance for a Necro?
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Re: Ranks required to work off stealth hinderance? on 01/22/2010 05:11 AM CST
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In a full-chain set-up you are not going to work off the stealth hindrance; you will always be hindered moderately, at the very least, as a tertiary armor guild.

Wearing chain and still successfully hiding as a survival primary is more a matter of primary learning rates and using your powerful stealth buffs than it is working off the stealth hindrance of chain.

"I hate you so much right now." -GM Armifer
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Re: Ranks required to work off stealth hinderance? on 01/22/2010 10:17 AM CST
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>In a full-chain set-up you are not going to work off the stealth hindrance; you will always be hindered moderately, at the very least, as a tertiary armor guild.

Not true. As a moon mage (currently the most punitive armor hinderances of any guild) I can work chain hinderance down to fairly. Here's what I get in my 4 different armor setups:

But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently fairly hindered and your stealth is lightly hindered.

But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently somewhat hindered and your stealth is lightly hindered.

But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently fairly hindered and your stealth is fairly hindered.

But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently moderately hindered and your stealth is highly hindered.

By the way, the chain setup is a mix of HC and LC, with full chain shirt (HC) for my torso.
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Re: Ranks required to work off stealth hinderance? on 01/22/2010 10:28 AM CST
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Would you mind posting the specifics of that chain setup Coper? You've piqued my interest as I was currently considering moving from leather to a chain setup on my necromancer.
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Re: Ranks required to work off stealth hinderance? on 01/22/2010 10:48 AM CST
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>Would you mind posting the specifics of that chain setup Coper?

a damaska-hide buckler
some mail gloves
some chain greaves
a balaclava painted to resemble rotting flesh
a full chain shirt

gloves: good/mod/good/good/fair/poor mod absorb insig. hinderance 42 stone LC

greaves: good/mod/good/mod/mod/low good/good/fair/mod/mod/mod absorb insig. hinderance 28 stone LC

balaclava: good/good/good/mod/mod/low good absorb insig. hinderance 100 stone neutral chain

shirt: good/good/good/mod/mod/poor high/high/high/good/good/good absorb mod hinderance 416 stone HC

buckler: standard capped p5 buckler pattern - low to good protection armworn low hinderance 37 stone

By the way, I tanned the shield and forged all the chain except the balaclava (no forged chain protects eyes). Can't wait for the new creation systems.
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Re: Ranks required to work off stealth hinderance? on 01/22/2010 12:12 PM CST
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Mmm contemplating the change from

ArmorPunctureSliceImpactFireColdElectricityHinderanceWeightConstructionArmor Type
Perfect Firecat LeathersHigh/ModHigh/ModGood/ModLow/ModFair/ModMod/ModModerate320Quite HardLeather
Storm Bull GlovesGood/FairGood/FairHigh/ModFair/FairFair/FairGood/FairLight38Very StrongLeather
Storm Bull CowlGood/FairGood/FairGood/ModFair/FairFair/FairGood/FairInsignificant70Very StrongLeather


ArmorPunctureSliceImpactFireColdElectricityHinderanceWeightConstructionArmor Type
Full Chain ShirtGood/HighGood/HighGood/HighMod/GoodMod/GoodPoor/GoodModerate416UnknownHC
Chain GreavesGood/GoodMod/GoodGood/FairMod/ModMod/ModLow/ModInsignificant28UnknownLC
Mail GlovesGood/ModMod/ModGood/ModGood/ModFair/ModPoor/ModInsignificant42UnknownLC
Chain BalaclavaGood/GoodGood/GoodGood/GoodMod/GoodMod/GoodLow/GoodInsignificant100UnkonwnNeutral

Currently in my leather setup and ~120 ranks in leather I'm sitting at lightly/fairly, and I don't think it goes much below that. It's seeming like I could actually get to a lower, or at least similar hinderance level in chain.
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Re: Ranks required to work off stealth hinderance? on 01/22/2010 12:30 PM CST
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Thief, 140 LC

>currently lightly hindered and stealth is somewhat hindered.

a crocodile-skin buckler
some mail gauntlets...45 stone LC light hindrance
some chain greaves.....................22 stone LC
a balaclava painted to resemble rotting flesh
a chain shirt g/m/g/m/f/l h/h/h/g/g/g 150 stone LC

Without the buckler stealth drops to fairly hindered.

Also, looking for LC gloves like JMF makes ;)
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Re: Ranks required to work off stealth hinderance? on 01/22/2010 01:29 PM CST
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Does anyone know roughly what the penalty percentage is for stealth at the different hindrance levels?

Specifically: lightly, fairly, somewhat and moderately?

Also, I'm assuming although leather's protection values for puncture, slice and impact damage (the most common we encounter) LC is overall more protective due to it's significantly higher absorption in most cases?
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Re: Ranks required to work off stealth hinderance? on 01/22/2010 02:57 PM CST
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When I said moderately hindered, I meant a value relative to your overall skill. I forgot moderately was actually a range of hindrance.

In any case, as Cop said, 'fairly' is about as low as it gets.

"I hate you so much right now." -GM Armifer
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Re: Ranks required to work off stealth hinderance? on 01/23/2010 12:37 AM CST
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but your ability to work off the stealth hindrance on armor is not the same as your ability to work off maneuvering hindrance. Maneuvering hindrance is tied to armor and guild. Stealth hindrance is tied to Survival and guild? Was I informed incorrectly?
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Re: Ranks required to work off stealth hinderance? on 01/23/2010 01:56 PM CST
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With forged LC shirt, greaves, gloves and neutral balaclava I get:

If you were only wearing a chain shirt your maneuvering would be minimally hindered and your stealth would be insignificantly hindered.
But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently minimally hindered and your stealth is lightly hindered.

With forged hauberk and same gloves and balaclava:

If you were only wearing an augmented hauberk your maneuvering would be minimally hindered and your stealth would be lightly hindered.
But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently insignificantly hindered and your stealth is lightly hindered.

Add an arm worn tanned buckler and stealth goes to fairly hindered for both set-ups

Thats with 425 LC and 402 shield. Not sure about guild ramifications though. Barbarian.
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