HX is feasible now on 01/21/2013 12:40 PM CST
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I worried that 3.0 wouldn't change how sucky HX was....but I am very pleased to say that for training at least- Crossbow using my HX is far, far better than it was. I may keep using my HX and not switch to LX after all.
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Re: HX is feasible now on 01/22/2013 07:23 AM CST
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As far as training goes, LX is much better now as well. Did not time exactly but based on a rough estimation i think around 10 minutes to lock on an equal level critter.

Can't really say which crossbow makes more efficient training now since i couldn't manage the full reduction from HX due to lack of strength but it would be interesting to know if someone can pull it off. I can only assume though that it will be pretty close, since as far as i know LX will only have 1 second advantage in the end, which is easily compensated in damage.
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Re: HX is feasible now on 01/22/2013 07:43 AM CST
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I thought damage was divorced from learning now, so in theory you should learn better with the LX if you can fire it substantially faster (2-4 seconds), but I suspect that given only a 1 second disparity they will be equal.

Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
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Re: HX is feasible now on 01/22/2013 10:58 AM CST
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Load time is supposed to be balanced out with experience gain- which I found to appear to be true. I haven't tried a LX or an arbalest yet- when I have a chance to go to my vault I might dig those out but HX appears to be feasable- yeah about 10 minutes to lock.

The difference may show up for misses- though I am still incredibly happy to gain experience while missing too. However, I am missing more now- which is probably a result of having a arm worn shield. That might drive me to LX.
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Re: HX is feasible now on 01/22/2013 01:38 PM CST
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<< Load time is supposed to be balanced out with experience gain- which I found to appear to be true.

In the light of this i decided to conduct a quick experiment:

If you attacked with a simply carved maple stonebow with a bright blue leather sling you are certain that the enemy would train somewhat poorly.

Weapon Ammo Load time Time to mind lock Experience
Light Crossbow frog-crotch bolts 9 second, reduced to 6 [Script aborted after 05:01.] 0 - (33/34)
Stonebow quartzite stone shards 6 second, reduced to 3 [Script aborted after 09:06.] 0 - (34/34)

I only did one clear to lock cycle with each so this might not be completely accurate but based on this i would still say that damage matters.
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Re: HX is feasible now on 01/22/2013 02:12 PM CST
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Stonebows are a weird beast. Have you tried a normal crossbow? I'd be interested to see those results.

Better sling ammo would be nice either way.
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Re: HX is feasible now on 01/22/2013 09:26 PM CST
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<<though I am still incredibly happy to gain experience while missing too. However, I am missing more now- which is probably a result of having a arm worn shield. >>

I think I remember a post confirming that crossbows would not be subject to the two hand weapon with shield penalty.
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Re: HX is feasible now on 01/23/2013 05:52 AM CST
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<< Have you tried a normal crossbow? I'd be interested to see those results.
I have not tried with regular Crossing LX but in theory the difference should only be one additional second for load plus some random factor on top of that. I would be more interested to see about HX which has one second additional load and x amount more damage.

<< Better sling ammo would be nice either way.
That would be nice and all but last time i saw diamonique on tables it was 800 plats per unit.
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