Crossbow exp modified? on 02/13/2013 05:07 PM CST
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I am learning drastically less crossbow experience than I was before. Has this been modified?

Over-hunting with crossbow and missile mastery granted obscene amounts of experience per shot, so I am fine with the idea of it being down-tweaked, but I feel it wad down-tweaked too much. I'm learn the same amount per shot as I am with slings now, and of course a crossbow has 4x-7x the load RT.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/13/2013 05:28 PM CST
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Same here. I was able to lock it fairly quick; now I am only getting 1 point per shot.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/13/2013 05:35 PM CST
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Assuming it's not bugged, it needs a nice uptweak. I can mind lock melee weapons 100+ ranks higher on the same critter quicker than I can the crossbow.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/13/2013 05:36 PM CST
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It's definitely not just on characters using masteries to backtrain, either. Hunting with an arbalest against gryphons with a character that has crossbow at-level for them (actually a bit low, xbow 205 and missile mastery 192), I'm only seeing 1-2 mindstates per full aimed shot (26 total seconds per shot), using a pulzone as ammo.

"Take chances and see what you can get away with, it only costs you a favor or two if you mess up." -Issus
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/13/2013 05:39 PM CST
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I've also noticed a major down tweak in exp as well, I'm backtraining at caracals with 240 crossbows and 290 missile mastery. I used to lock crossbows in about 6-7 shots, now it takes about 5 minutes to lock now. It's still quicker for me to train it now then it was in 2.0 but It's quite a difference from before.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/13/2013 06:31 PM CST
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There was an exp bonus being given out based on AIM time, or a bug with full aim.

Most people were locking crossbow in 3-5 shots, obviously that is not ok, despite being fun for the first time since the start of DR.

This bug/bonus has been fixed/removed, making your exp gain the same regardless of if its a snapshot or full aim or anywhere in-between.

Oh well.

In all honesty I can still lock it in a few minutes with a full spawn rate, so I probably shouldn't complain.

But I'll probably still vault my crossbow and re-double my efforts with HT, bows/slings are just too much hassle, loading, aiming, recollecting ammo; bleh, no thanks. ; p
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/13/2013 06:35 PM CST
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I was locking it in 3-4 shots(I was getting 11 mind states per shot, so it was taking me four shots to technically lock it. 3 shots got me to 33/34) with 120ish(I started there with 115 ranks and am now at 127, not sure what my mastery was when I first started but now it's 150) ranks in Quartz Gargoyles. Now it just took me 24 fully aimed shots to lock off the same mobs. Now, the whole 11 mind states per shot thing was way out of whack and I've posted here and in the weapons and armor bug forums as such more than once, but I think they may have went too far in the other direction. It's taking me longer to lock my crossbow than it is any other weapon now. It's not anywhere near 2.0 crossbow skills levels of bad, but it's noticeably longer.

Although, it also may be confirmation bias and they may not have touched anything but I didn't miss once in all those shots(in Quartz Gargoyles I generally missed 1/5 of the time, give or take) and I seem to be hitting 1-2 points higher and actually killing mobs faster than I was before.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/13/2013 06:47 PM CST
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>>Now, the whole 11 mind states per shot thing was way out of whack and I've posted here and in the weapons and armor bug forums as such more than once, but I think they may have went too far in the other direction. It's taking me longer to lock my crossbow than it is any other weapon now. It's not anywhere near 2.0 crossbow skills levels of bad, but it's noticeably longer.

^ This basically. The learning rate was too good before when it was bugged, now it's too bad.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/13/2013 06:52 PM CST
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I just noticed it too.

All these stealth nerfs are seriously mind boggling. Now crossbow trains like crap again. I'm literally getting 1 mindstate after 25+ seconds? Really? That's 14 minutes to mind lock without any drain calculated in.

I guess it's time to dump bows again.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/13/2013 06:56 PM CST
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>>All these stealth nerfs are seriously mind boggling. Now crossbow trains like crap again. I'm literally getting 1 mindstate after 25+ seconds? Really? That's 14 minutes to mind lock without any drain calculated in.

It needs to be uptweaked, but I could just as easily call this a shield buff as I could a stealth nerf, sort of silly to look at it as that. It's a weapons issue.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/13/2013 07:05 PM CST
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>> It needs to be uptweaked, but I could just as easily call this a shield buff as I could a stealth nerf, sort of silly to look at it as that. It's a weapons issue.

Not a stealth nerf as in gameplay, meaning a nerf by the GMs with no notice to anyone. Even a "Oh we squashed a bug" would be nice.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/13/2013 08:36 PM CST
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Man, I really did not want to use a bow with my dwarf ranger, but the roundtime in combination with poopy exp gains makes me sad.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/14/2013 12:58 PM CST
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Has anyone compared LX to HX experience now?

With the current experience I am getting from my museaum HX, I would suspect that a LX would teach just as much per shot but with reduced load time. I was really pumped that HX was both trainable and useful now, but the new experience model really brings HX training back much closer to 2.0 and that just makes me sad. There should be some middle ground here.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/14/2013 02:15 PM CST
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>> It needs to be uptweaked

There is no question about it. In its current state it is completely broken and i'm not just talking about the exp gain either. The dps is just awful compared to melee. I clear the room faster with brawling which is about 150 ranks behind and i don't even need any weapons for that. When it takes 4 to 6 full aimed shots to kill something i would expect better learning than 1 mind state per minute.

I have to say i don't still see the reasoning behind melee dominating so much in damage when you can't really retreat using a ranged weapon anyway. I could be wrong here but it sure seems like melee is in huge advantage in both damage and defensive capabilities. Being not able to retreat should be penalty enough, i just don't see any justification for the reduced damage output on top of that.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/14/2013 06:40 PM CST
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The exp "fix" needs to be re-tweaked in my opinion. I was never using an arbalest or anything else that gave me 11 mindstates, I got 2 per 20 seconds or so. My locking via forester's and full aim was on par with 2HE, maybe 5-8% faster. Now it's much slower.

As to power, we brought this up earlier and it sounded like there was still some tweaking going on and one of the major factors was the need to maintain a niche for considerable crossbow/bolt improvements in the crafting system. I think that's fair and I look forward to seeing how those happen because you're right, currently on a DPS scale against armadillos (which I believe are a fairly armored creature) crossbow is pretty meh compared to brawl/2HB/2HE for me, even if I use slurbow/DSX/arbalest and pulzones.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/14/2013 07:13 PM CST
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A quick and dirty check, and it appears I am getting the same experience per swing of HE as I get per fully aimed/loaded HX shot. At most I am getting 20% more experience for perhaps 4 times as much time per hit. And am I correct that a full aim is far more important now? A snap shot seems far more penalized.

What I thought was the intention was to roughly have the same experience gain per 'shot' whether ranged or melee.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/14/2013 08:43 PM CST
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I'm currently back training xbow and have been using a stonebow. Like everybody else I was getting really good exp gains about 6 per full aimed shot, now i'm gaining 1 per shot. I just took the full aim out and am doing a 2 second snap shot since i'm still gaining that same 1 mindstate whether I aim or not. So roughly 8-9 seconds per 1 mindstate
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/17/2013 03:46 AM CST
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<< In its current state it is completely broken

I guess i owe an explanation, apparently i failed to recognize that my opponent was shield protected. I went and tried it out on a non shield-wielding critter and the results were much better both exp and damage wise.

target to kill time to lock
shadow beast 4-6 hits ~30 minutes
sky giant ~3 hits ~12 minutes

I wonder if it is now not feasible to train at all on shield-wielding critters or is it just my particular skill range?
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/23/2013 02:58 PM CST
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Sky giants are also harder than shadow beasts.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/23/2013 04:05 PM CST
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Its gotten alot harder for my little bard to lock up crossbows it would seem. Wondering if it wasnt tweaked too far down personally.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/23/2013 04:18 PM CST
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It is better than 2.0, enough that I have taken it up again.

True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/23/2013 10:37 PM CST
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Better than 2.0- 2.0 made me think jabbing myself with a pencil would be better- HX is trainable now, but my very rough experimenting shows that I get the same per strike experience with my 4 sec broadsword as I do with my full load and aim HX. So HE trains roughly 2 to 3 times as fast for my character as HX.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/24/2013 01:55 AM CST
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>>Better than 2.0- 2.0 made me think jabbing myself with a pencil would be better- HX is trainable now, but my very rough experimenting shows that I get the same per strike experience with my 4 sec broadsword as I do with my full load and aim HX. So HE trains roughly 2 to 3 times as fast for my character as HX.

I have found this to be the same as well. Bows might need another uptweak, too.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/24/2013 03:16 PM CST
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Last time I checked, the downtweak went way too far for the amount of time taken per shot.

For a fully aimed shot I go from clear to 1 or maybe 2/34. Mostly 1. This was using an arbalest from Theren Keep and quads against raiders with 220ish ranks of crossobow.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/24/2013 04:08 PM CST
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It's best to snap snot and forget about aim.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/24/2013 04:09 PM CST
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I'll try it, thanks.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/24/2013 05:19 PM CST
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<<It's best to snap snot and forget about aim.>>

Are you hunting at level and not backtraining with a higher missile mastery? Short aims, much less snap shots, are completely worthless at level for me (crossbow is higher than missile mastery) and my crossbow vs critter is about 200 ranks over what Kodius has said my critter is. By worthless, I mean snap shots miss 100% of the time, short aims are less than 50% hit rate. Is it worth it because you still learn well enough for the misses to make it worth it? That doesn't work for me either.

As a tert, I get less than 2 mindstates per each full aim fire/poach, at 18 seconds a shot. As noted, it's not "stab eyes out with a spoon" bad like 2.0, but it's still brutal.

There's no reason to use crossbow over bow for learning. And there's no reason to learn crossbow over HT for DPS. All performance hopes rest in crafting. Maybe we get reduced RT loads possible there too, making exp more feasible?
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/24/2013 05:40 PM CST
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> There's no reason to use crossbow over bow for learning. And there's no reason to learn crossbow over HT for DPS. All performance hopes rest in crafting. Maybe we get reduced RT loads possible there too, making exp more feasible?

10 bolt repeater. If not any good for training, its damn nice for pvp.

But yeah for learning its gotten pretty brutal, I'm backtraining with a stonebow and doing small aims so its not to bad. I'd definatly suggest a stonebow if your backtraining.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/24/2013 06:19 PM CST
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Yeah- this is the ironic thing- snap shots and missing teaches faster than full aim and hitting. But I use HX to actually try to kill things- and at level a snap shot is a miss- anything less than a full aim is usually a miss.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/24/2013 06:51 PM CST
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<<10 bolt repeater. If not any good for training, its damn nice for pvp.>>

Got one, and it's really not if you compare it to HT at the same ranks, or a slurbow or LX with decent balance. It's great for pwnzing underneath you. It's the to-hit difference that is life and death at the edge of your abilities, and crossbow is blown away there by HT (terribly balanced tyrium HT hits more accurately, straight to-hit, than slurbow at reasonable balance and very balanced capped short bow) even when the bow actually has more ranks. Maybe the ranged nerfed boost didn't hit thrown or something (last test for above results was from friend with spar).
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/24/2013 07:25 PM CST
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Odd, while I don't use HT to much I've not had much luck hitting at level opponents period with my LT. I guess that just goes back to the conversations that came bout in the thrown folders were people were seeing different sides of the spectrum. Maybe it has to do with high ranks and stats or what not but I think Vinjince even said he doesn't have much luck with LT against an at level opponent unless he disables them first with roars. I however see no defensive penalty what so ever when I use immobilization, in fact usually I seem to miss more after I immobilize other players and creatures.

And I need to get a tyrium light throwing axe, that might help a bit but I haven't seen one around lately and never wanted to use one before the non-premie bonding potions came out.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/24/2013 08:14 PM CST
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<<It's best to snap snot and forget about aim.>>

>> Are you hunting at level and not backtraining with a higher missile mastery? Short aims, much less snap shots, are completely worthless at level for me (crossbow is higher than missile mastery) and my crossbow vs critter is about 200 ranks over what Kodius has said my critter is. By worthless, I mean snap shots miss 100% of the time, short aims are less than 50% hit rate. Is it worth it because you still learn well enough for the misses to make it worth it? That doesn't work for me either.

I should clarify, I'm using AIM, but then immediately fire. I trained it from 0 - 125 and I rarely miss any shots. I swapped from full aim around 75 when they dropped the exp and have been using aim/fire since.

I don't think misses give any exp, so if you can't hit from a partial aim, then it might now help. Although if load is 7 seconds and fire is 1 second, then 2 short fires versus 1 full aim would probably generate the same exp if only 1 shot hits. I would say AIM as long as you can until your hit rate is 100%. Or try using a disable first?

Maybe prep sleep/aim/cast/fire? (Although sleep used to give exp penalties, not sure if it's still in.)

Since AIM appears to no longer giving bonus exp, and damage is a relatively small factor, the best way to get exp is just to connect with as many hits in the fastest amount of time.

With that being said, I dropped crossbow and am just going forward with HT. It's not worth to me anymore.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/24/2013 10:09 PM CST
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>>And I need to get a tyrium light throwing axe

there is a kertig one in Tiddeggurs shop in crossing. Its what I use and it hits just as hard (its practically the same thing) if you can manage 4 stones heavier.

Forged Weapons:
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/28/2013 12:55 PM CST
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I wish a GM would comment on this thread, I thought it made a lot of sense for a full AIM to carry an exp bonus, granted it was way too big, but shutting it off doesn't feel very good either.

I feel like theres zero reason (from a training perspective) to aim more than just "aim;fire".

That just doesn't seem right at all.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/28/2013 03:38 PM CST
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How many minutes is it taking to lock on a mob at level? At level should mean you miss a good 1-2 shots out of 10; if it's longer than 15 minutes, post some numbers. Kodius/Socharis have repeatedly said they'd like locking to take 12-15 per weapon.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/28/2013 10:27 PM CST
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A full aim should be granting an experience bonus. I'll take a look and see what's going on.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/28/2013 10:37 PM CST
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Out of curiosity, how long does it take you to lock other weapons? 5 minutes seems extremely reasonable.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/28/2013 10:45 PM CST
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On my young bard, almost 15 minutes. All I'm doing is chain killing hogs and goblins with it. This is with the 40 ranks range.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 02/28/2013 11:00 PM CST
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Fixed the aim time issue:


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
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Re: Crossbow exp modified? on 03/01/2013 12:16 AM CST
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Thats some nice work Soch.
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