Hello there folks,
In a few moments, I'll be rolling in some significant changes to how naphtha works. These changes are intended to curtail the devastating effect and ease of naphtha usage, as well as provide new functionality and better messaging and creature logic. With anything of this scope, I do expect there to be tweaking one way or another, so if you have any concerns please post them with the impression that we are open to modifications of this new set of mechanics.
Naphtha will no longer be on <you>, it will be on your <body part>. Ignition of the naphtha will often then rely on a hit to the specific part that has been coated. Each amount of naphtha now gives more evaporating/burning pulses, and there is a cap to how much can be on each body part. Previously, 1 amount of naphtha would pulse twice - the new version will pulse 4 times, and 3 for each additional amount. When naphtha is ignited, the initial 'Whoomph' will not cause any harm, damage effects start taking place a few seconds later.
Naphtha now has a potency. All store-bought naphtha is basically the lowest form, and alchemy will allow for making higher grades. Naphtha potency affects a few things, longer evaporation timers, decreased burning pulse timers, difficulty to roll the fire off, and increased likelihood of the fire spreading. A high tier naphtha will do the same damage per pulse, will take longer to evaporate away harmlessly, will burn away quicker, and will almost always guarantee to ignite unlit naphtha on adjacent body parts. There is one method to obtain high potency naphtha that has been added in, and it is not from a shop.
Here's how naphtha hurts you. First, if you are wearing armor in good repair over the affected part, most of the ill effects will cause damage to the armor. Armor can only be damaged to a certain point; non-metal armors can be damaged more severely than metal armors. Reaching a point where armor damage is capped will take a few pulses, and the armor's fire absorption rating will help mitigate some of the damage it takes. If your vitality is high then all remaining damage will be applied to vitality. If your vitality is below 75% or so, then the external body part that is coated will start taking damage. Once the external part has been significantly damaged, damage will be split between internal and external. Even when your armor is damaged to naphtha's cap, the armor will reduce the vitality/physical damage dealt, the fire protection rating of the armor modifies the effect.
The methods to get yourself free of naphtha have changed as well. Rolling to put out the flames is now skill based. Having higher skill at athletics will allow for less rolling to extinguish the flames. As mentioned earlier, higher potency of naphtha will be a greater challenge to skill. Considering that the initial 'Whoomph' doesn't cause any damage, you may be able to roll away the flames before any actual harm comes to you or your armor. However, rolling out burning naphtha no longer removes the naphtha, just the fire, the evaporating naphtha will be ready to ignite again. Naphtha can also be removed by a body of water, which douses the flames and removes the remaining naphtha. Prior to this change, you'd pretty much need to be underwater to accomplish this, now you can sit or lie down in shallower waters to extinguish various body parts.
Aside from core naphtha, a few other things were modified to deal with the new naphtha mechs. Naphtha box traps have been updated to be more squirtastic. Paeldryth's Wrath has the naphtha hitting body parts. Phoenix's Pyre now increases the potency of any burning naphtha, rather than the amount. Creature AI has been changed to intentionally make good or bad decisions on whether or not to actually lie down and roll, they will no longer roll standing up (except for creatures that can't be knocked down). Health, Look, Touch code has been updated to say, "So-and-so's head is on fire." DP Sentinels naphtha attack has been updated to the new mechs. Weapons that have magical fire damage should now properly ignite naphtha. Messaging about running around in circles screaming now take into account details like sitting, how much health you have, how hurt the body part is, before deciding how crazy you behave while on fire. Casting spells that previously ignited naphtha on yourself will now generally only ignite naphtha if it's on your hands.
I think that's about it. Please let me know if you encounter issues with any aspect of these changes.
AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
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