LP Helm on 08/17/2003 05:47 PM CDT
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any store bought LP helms? tried Gidske's spreadsheat but doesn't say which are LP and HP, i'm guess they are all HP.


Heck no, that would ruin my destruction of the guild. I'll be aiming for the trash that everyone throws out.

Moon Mage GM - Talian
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Re: LP Helm on 08/17/2003 05:51 PM CDT
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Armet helm. Isnt too hot. Better off with forged.

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Re: LP Helm on 08/17/2003 06:15 PM CDT
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easy to say, but its a baby barb with no coin.


Heck no, that would ruin my destruction of the guild. I'll be aiming for the trash that everyone throws out.

Moon Mage GM - Talian
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Re: LP Helm on 08/17/2003 06:17 PM CDT
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IM me at lord drachus.
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Re: LP Helm on 08/17/2003 09:34 PM CDT
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very generous of you Frittse, but i'm in plat. :-) thx for the offer thought.


Heck no, that would ruin my destruction of the guild. I'll be aiming for the trash that everyone throws out.

Moon Mage GM - Talian
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Re: LP Helm on 08/17/2003 09:37 PM CDT
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No prob. Since its plat, I would suggest trying the armet helm, if memory serves its sold in Stone Clan. Whats your overall goal with the helm, perhaps I can help with that? Are you mixing armors or somthing?

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Re: LP Helm on 08/17/2003 11:36 PM CDT
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ya, i have a real nice set of HC full body armor i wanna keep. wanna learn HC, LP, and HP. think i'm gonna go HC body, HP glove, and LP head. how's that sound?


Heck no, that would ruin my destruction of the guild. I'll be aiming for the trash that everyone throws out.

Moon Mage GM - Talian
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Re: LP Helm on 08/17/2003 11:40 PM CDT
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The learning wont be spread out well. You will be locking the body armor while pondering-concentrating, if that, in the hand and head armor. Since protection is dependant on ranks, eventually this will create a disparity in your protection and your head and hand armor will be a liability and cause frequent stuns, and you'll be left with wearing all HC. Feel free to IM me if thats hard to understand, I might be able to explain it a little better.


The thief guild is like Andy Coffman

Amusing, but you kinda feel sorry for em at the same time
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Re: LP Helm on 08/17/2003 11:42 PM CDT
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And here I was just going to reply with, "painful".

Pack your shield.


"The best leaders inspire by example. When that's not an option, brute intimidation works pretty well too."
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Re: LP Helm on 08/18/2003 07:00 AM CDT
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>tried Gidske's spreadsheat but doesn't say which are LP and HP, i'm guess they are all HP.

No, when I was compiling that information, when you appraised accessories, it didn't say what type of armor it was. I assume because a lot were neutral aspects of that class of armor (Chain or Plate).

I am not planning on going back and redoing the process now though just to find out what each accessory is. Sorry.

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Re: LP Helm on 08/18/2003 11:48 AM CDT
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another LP helm is the one in haven the help that looks liek a skull or something


Poodles can fly, too. They just can't land. ~~ Qreyq
If you don't find death death will find you.
The gene pool needs cleansing and I am the minster of chlorine.

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Re: LP Helm on 08/18/2003 10:20 PM CDT
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well, at this point i have a HP helm which learns at nearly the same rate as my HC body.........? maybe just get some very hindering forged LP along with hindering HP gloves?


Heck no, that would ruin my destruction of the guild. I'll be aiming for the trash that everyone throws out.

Moon Mage GM - Talian
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Re: LP Helm on 08/19/2003 08:11 AM CDT
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Unless your on older paladin, don't bother, the new hinderance for multi armors is just lethal. Also, the point earlier about never locking the off armors is depressingly true. Using LP greaves, helm, and gauntlets, I can barely get concentrating while going murky from HP(Armor prime, but still)

Considering your in plat, your best bet might be to go all chain, unless you can find a smith, but don't hold your breath there.

Samsaren Remlane
Remember those that came before, remember honor.
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LP Helm? on 12/08/2010 10:43 AM CST
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So I was doing some comparison on the protection on my LP gaunts versus the protection on my LP armet helm and it's pretty dismal.. is there a better forged helm than armet?

Gaunts: h/h/m/g/m/p protects h/h/h/g/g/g absorbs (light/ins hind)
Helm: m/g/l/g/m/p protects g/g/g/m/m/m absorbs (ins/fair hind)

Seems a pretty significant difference to me. For reference, 49 stone gaunts, 150 stone helm

Shadow Priest, Baron's Own Militia

"The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep." ~WC Fields
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Re: LP Helm? on 12/08/2010 10:49 AM CST
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Those gauntlets aren't capped LP to start with, but LP gauntlets and greaves will have good stats due to the split template with HP in the forging system.

The forge cap for pure LP pieces is below what can be purchased in a store, so your best bet is to buy a bascinet from Iron Mountain Weapons in Dirge for the helm.
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Re: LP Helm? on 12/09/2010 07:54 PM CST
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<<The forge cap for pure LP pieces is below what can be purchased in a store, so your best bet is to buy a bascinet from Iron Mountain Weapons in Dirge for the helm.

LP forged gaunts are much better than store purchased. The forged armet helm pretty much blows. Seg, I will stash some LP gaunts in my pack for the next time I see you.

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Re: LP Helm? on 12/09/2010 10:03 PM CST
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> LP forged gaunts are much better than store purchased.

They're also not pure LP, because they're on a split template with HP, thus increasing their base stats.
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Re: LP Helm? on 12/10/2010 07:35 AM CST
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<<They're also not pure LP, because they're on a split template with HP, thus increasing their base stats.

I am not exactly sure what you are saying. I am not sure it matters but forged 49 stone (great slice protection) LP gauntlets pretty much knock anything you can buy at a store out of the water at least that I have seen in a store.

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Re: LP Helm? on 12/10/2010 07:39 AM CST
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I think he means that the forging template is an LP/HP split one based on weight.

And so it sort of inherits higher base properties due to that compared to templates that are LP only no matter how dense/heavy you make the piece (helm).

This is what he's told me in the past at least.

lolbard 3.0
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Re: LP Helm? on 12/10/2010 08:12 AM CST
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<<I think he means that the forging template is an LP/HP split one based on weight.

<<And so it sort of inherits higher base properties due to that compared to templates that are LP only no matter how dense/heavy you make the piece (helm).

Never heard that theory before, so he could be spot on.

In my experience, armet helms pretty much blow no matter the mix. I made some decent breastplates by jacking up the density, so that probably cuts against the theory a bit. Meh, who knows? Could just be the arbitrary cap on armet helms that no amount of mixing can overcome.

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Re: LP Helm? on 12/10/2010 08:27 AM CST
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I've made 8 density LP breastplates, which are pretty much terrible, as are LP vambraces or LP forged helms. 8 density caps any HP mix, so I can only assume it does for LP as well.

If you compare the capped stats of "pure LP" pieces which can never be anything but LP regardless of weight, to the capped stats of weight-based LP pieces that are on a split template with HP (gauntlets, greaves), it becomes clear that the split template items are in a different league entirely. This is due to the higher stats of HP pieces being tossed as the bottom end for those templates.
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Re: LP Helm? on 12/10/2010 10:09 AM CST
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Sounds like a solid theory based on my experience.

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