Suggestion for fixing QS on 01/25/2010 07:42 AM CST
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Since we are in the midst of a combat rewrite, I thought I would chime in with my thoughts on what should be done to QS to actually make it a viable weapon. Now QS is interesting because technically it is a two handed blunt weapon, but we already have two handed blunt. So I was thinking we seperate them by type, which will greatly improve QS at the same time.

Anotherwards, Two Handede Blunt weapons are enormous, heavy, hit like ton of bricks and are mostly strength based/require a great deal of strength. So I was thinking we make QS the precise, lighter, agility based cousin to THB. Keeping them both different and making QS useful. Basically just take quarterstaves and make them lighter, give them better balance, and make sure their straight up damage potential is alittle lower then THB, which is pretty much the way it is already.

This makes sense from a logic standpoint as QS really are sopposed to be lighter, better balanced and controlled weapons. Real combat QS anyway, not walking sticks. Plus this would give the two weapon skills their own niche, make QS useful and hopefuly not be insanely hard to code. And the natural parry boost that QS would get with improved balance also makes sense logicaly, as you can parry with pretty much the whole staff, unlike standard weapons where you really dont want want to parry with a weapon hilt. Not to mention that quarterstaves are sopposed to be balanced on both ends equally for proper combat use.

Now I know this might upset some strength based QS users that might be out there right now. Just keep in mind both agility and strength are useful for pretty much all weapons and strength will still be important for QS. I think this would benefit the realms as a whole, as we already have too much bleed through with different weapons and armors being way to similar to each other.
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Re: Suggestion for fixing QS on 01/25/2010 09:27 AM CST
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IIRC Quarterstaves IRL were a rather deadly weapon. They had only melee reach, but were very fast despite its weight/length because you can attack from both ends because of the way QS style fighting grips the staff. The weapon has awesome balance and excels at parrying attacks. Having the new combat/QS reflect that would be nice.
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