Armor Combo's! on 12/23/2009 01:39 AM CST
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Was hoping someone might be able to help me get a good Leather/LC combo for a barb? I'm 33 and have been using HC. I'm an old character that started back before arm worn shield so I didn't work them and plan on backtraining shield and some weapons. Also decided to add armor. Planning on generally changing primary armor to one of the two or both. Any ideas folks?

Also here: GameMaster Tiesse who is awesome.
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 12/23/2009 01:43 AM CST
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If you're going stealthy, it's a balance on which you want.. personally I'd go leathers with LC hands/head. If stealth doesn't matter, vice versa.

>>I'm constantly amazed by the things that people do in game that would get them punched in the face in RL, but then they try to claim that they didn't do anything that would warrent a PvP situation.<<
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 12/23/2009 02:28 AM CST
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I get the entire half LC/half Leather. I meant more like what would be the best single items.

Also - it seems a bit small to use only head and hands and keep them learning at the same rate....

Also here: GameMaster Tiesse who is awesome.
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 12/23/2009 04:15 AM CST
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If you hunt at the upper end of your abilities, it won't be a problem, especially if there's a nice swarm. From what I've seen, and by all means someone who knows more specs correct if necessary, training shield also works great for training armor as opposed to parry or evasion.

If you're looking to do a broader mix, then I'd stick with the chain torso and leather extremities. elanthipedia has your patterns for leatherworking and your chain options. As it currently stands, it's a bit more up to you on what to roll with in regards to what items where. For low-level hunting comparatively, you'll want a more even mix of full body coverage.

>>I'm constantly amazed by the things that people do in game that would get them punched in the face in RL, but then they try to claim that they didn't do anything that would warrent a PvP situation.<<
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 12/23/2009 06:12 AM CST
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When I rolled a barb I used a tanned leather coat (dark scale, reinforced pattern), Visored chain helm (true HC, from haven), and forged gloves and greaves (LC). With a croc buckler the set-up was pretty beastly. Granted my highest combat was about 80 when the plat preview ended, so I make no claims on long term viability of this set up as a barb. My ranger still uses a tanned coat and swaps head/leg parts in order to train all armors. Hope that helps.

~Hunter Hanryu
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 01/23/2010 06:04 PM CST
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My barb wears either forged LC shirt/greave combo or LC forged hauberk with tanned cowl and gloves for normal hunting. Backtrainng I swap it to tanned leathers with neutral balaclava and mail gloves. Benn usng this combo through 80+ circs. 425 LC and 200 leathers since I don't backtrain as much as I should
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 01/24/2010 03:30 PM CST
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Heavy Chain: 772 19% nearly locked (33/34)
Leather Armor: 765 85% nearly locked (33/34)
Light Chain: 772 34% nearly locked (33/34)

Tanned leather cowl and gloves, LC forged chain shirt, HC forged chain greaves.



You flat out, absolutely, 100% have no idea what you're talking about.

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Re: Armor Combo's! on 03/02/2010 12:47 PM CST
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What is a good set up for a paladin to train HP/LP/HC/LC
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 03/02/2010 12:56 PM CST
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To forwarn you, you are going to get a ton of different answers.

I'd use either HP or LP for your head piece, since they cover the eyes and it's hard to find good HC or LC that cover the eyes.

Personally, I use a HP helm, LP breastplate, LP vambraces, LC gloves and HP greaves. Thinking of trading out the LP vambraces for LC to help boost LC learning.

I know people also will swap out their greaves or both their greaves and gloves when one locks. For instance, start with LC greaves/gloves and swap out when they lock or get to whatever learning rate you are comfortable.

-Guardian Lord Alaxndr Durnovaria, Advocate of Therengia

"A knight is sworn to valor
His heart knows only virtue
His blade defends the helpless
His words speak only truth
His wrath undoes the wicked."
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 03/02/2010 01:09 PM CST
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If its just the 4 metals its much easy to deal with.

What I personally do is:

HP Head

LP Hands/Arms (Hands alone doesn't seem to offer much exp, and Arms seem to offer less than legs exp)

HC Legs

LC body

I don't know if its just superstition by this point or still the case, but every time I train multi armor it still feels like the body coverage and its hindrance are factored in when calculating exp gained. That is why in general I try to have the more hindering piece on the lower converage/utilized area. Legs seem to offer second most exp after body, possibly due to the idea of stepping around to evade attacks. Hands seem to offer barely any exp, but arms do, so I stack the two areas up.
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 03/02/2010 01:13 PM CST
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>>I don't know if its just superstition by this point or still the case, but every time I train multi armor it still feels like the body coverage and its hindrance are factored in when calculating exp gained.

Not sure about hindrance but it was explicitly said that body coverage plays a large part in experience gain.
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 03/02/2010 01:33 PM CST
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Hinderance has no bearing on armor exp. If it did, you'd have a harder time training in leather than plate, and you'd never learn cloth at all.
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 03/02/2010 01:53 PM CST
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Okay, then with regards to body coverage, I find my setup offering roughly the same amount of exp to the 4 armors, with legs and body coming out ahead.

My other reason for having HP on the head is to kill those nasty stuns from eye-hits, which SEEMS to happen more often while mixing armors, possibly due to hindrance penalty.
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 03/02/2010 06:10 PM CST
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LP head/hands. Swap out the other types using hauberks, field plate, and firecats or garg leathers.

< You fire an ironwood quadrello at a baby forest gryphon. A baby forest gryphon fails to dodge. The quadrello lands a devastating hit that mashes the gryphon's right eye to pulp with a direct smash to the face, knocking it completely senseless.
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 03/02/2010 09:23 PM CST
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Forged HP great helm, greaves gauntlets, HC full shirt is an extremely underrated armor setup for a Paladin. Make it a 3 armor setup by swapping in an LC full shirt. Make it a 4 armor setup by trading HP gauntlets for LP gauntlets and swap just the HC/LC shirts and HP/LPgreaves to keep things moving.

LP is a terrible armor except as greaves and gauntlets. Chain is a terrific body armor.
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 03/03/2010 05:19 AM CST
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I took all metal armors over 500 when I had my paladin with:

LP armet helm
HP gauntlets
LC full chain shirt
HC greaves

All items were forged. The armors didn't train evenly at all times, but it worked.

To train your armors evenly, I've found only 2 and 3 armor setups do it well.

HP Halfplate
LP everything else


LC full chain shirt
HC everything else



You flat out, absolutely, 100% have no idea what you're talking about.

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Re: Armor Combo's! on 03/03/2010 04:26 PM CST
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Yes, just as the other guy said, you will get alot of different answers. Oh I see you asked for hp/lp hc/lc, so this post may not be relevant.

I wear a half plate to hopefully protect against body crits, HC helm and gloves, but gloves don't matter. The rest I swap greaves.

some scale greaves, some hammered bronze greaves, some chain greaves, some bone greaves and some leather greaves.

some forest green quilted pants with white piping down the legs

I think I may have the most total armor in game, this works for me, but may not work for other people.

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Re: Armor Combo's! on 03/03/2010 04:55 PM CST
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I personally avoided having the crappy bone greaves because I also trained stealth and in an extended hunt where I would normally remove the heavy armor and start my ambush script, the bone greaves would've left me with too much leg wounds penalizing stealth for me to be successful.
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 03/03/2010 05:08 PM CST
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Oh, forgot to mention, once I get the armor moving to where I want it, I leave combat to swap the greaves and spell up. Its a pain to be swapping greaves and get stunned by elder armadillos web and then have the script mess up.
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 03/03/2010 06:38 PM CST
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>Oh, forgot to mention, once I get the armor moving to where I want it, I leave combat to swap the greaves and spell up. Its a pain to be swapping greaves and get stunned by elder armadillos web and then have the script mess up.

You really don't need to leave combat for that. I can help you with that sometime if you want.
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Re: Armor Combo's! on 03/03/2010 07:17 PM CST
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Once I get bored backtraining weapons ill look you up, should be "soon".
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