General Weapons Question on 09/09/2011 09:28 PM CDT
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I was reassessing my weapon choices and wanted to ask the following questions:

1. Which weapons are the most effective at attacking an opponent using a shield, or an opponent relying on weapon parry or evasion?
2. Which weapons are the least effective against an opponent defending with shield or parry or evasion?

For example, light crossbow is not effective against a shield wielding opponent but is very effective against evasion. From my experience, a heavy edged weapon is significantly better than a light crossbow at defeating a shield wielding opponent.

I appreciate any help.

Player of Aervyn
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Re: General Weapons Question on 09/10/2011 01:36 AM CDT
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Note: all answers are assuming you want a serious primary weapons (no slings, they're a joke) and you might have some interest in PvP. Melee is basically moot unless you both agree to it beforehand (currently) so I will only choose ranged weapons.

>>1. Which weapons are the most effective at attacking an opponent using a shield, or an opponent relying on weapon parry or evasion?

Shield would be a bow, because of the aim bonus and the ability to teleport-retreat instantly, and I would also recommend you hide, too. An opponent relying on parry, I find a thrown weapon to be best. It hurts but it's still instant.

>>2. Which weapons are the least effective against an opponent defending with shield or parry or evasion?

Shield? Thrown, because of the lack of aim bonus. Good shield skill versus your thrown skill can wreck your plans quick. Defending with parry? Haha, it's open season.
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Re: General Weapons Question on 09/10/2011 05:28 AM CDT
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<<1. Which weapons are the most effective at attacking an opponent using a shield, or an opponent relying on weapon parry or evasion?

Brawling is currently the best way to defeat shield use.

Parry depends, the heavier (force of impact) the weapon you're using, the more you gain when they parry.

Evasion is a perfect defense, with no one type of weapon more effective against it than another.

<<2. Which weapons are the least effective against an opponent defending with shield or parry or evasion?

No real big loser against shields; everything loses.

Using a heavy weapon to parry with probably isn't a good idea either because of their general lack of balance.

Evasion is evasion, no winners or losers.
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Re: General Weapons Question on 09/10/2011 07:09 AM CDT
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against shield, currently, if you're a thief, backstab. which can be done with LE or ME.

Explore the Final Frontier - the unknown calls
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Re: General Weapons Question on 09/10/2011 12:17 PM CDT
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The best attack against parry is a crossbow bolt or arrow to the face.

Best attack against anything is prefaced with a Halt.

Where's Madigan?!?!

I'm so noble it hurts.
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Re: General Weapons Question on 09/12/2011 12:38 PM CDT
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<<Brawling is currently the best way to defeat shield use.

Why is this BTW? And, to what extent?

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Re: General Weapons Question on 09/12/2011 01:19 PM CDT
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<<Why is this BTW? And, to what extent?

Probably because Brawling calls and creates challenges against different stats than melee weapons. Just a theory. As to the extent, it's all subjective observation, so your guess is probably as good as anyone's.
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Re: General Weapons Question on 09/12/2011 04:43 PM CDT
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<<Brawling is currently the best way to defeat shield use.

Why is this BTW? And, to what extent?

The difference is quite significant in my experience. I was there when it was being tested once with a high circle paladin. The opponent couldn't hit them at all with their highest weapon skills but when they dropped to brawling they were hitting really hard.

I always assumed it was purposefully done that way on the basis that a brawler must be too close for the opponent to get a shield in the right place but i'm not sure on the why.
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Re: General Weapons Question on 09/13/2011 02:38 AM CDT
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I've also noticed brawling seems to be particularly effective against shield and parry, of all the melee weapons.
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