DP Assassin's Perception on 02/11/2013 02:04 PM CST
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Their perception ranks are way off scale and I doubt anyone doesn't know it.

Its not just "different creatures have different ranks" kinda thing, their perception is just completely off the charts and its super annoying especially considering there isn't anything at a similar tier that drops boxes, so there isn't anything else to hunt.

I've gained hundreds of ranks of stealth since I've been hunting there and its still a nightmare. I have no wounds, insignificant stealth hindrance, maximum confidence, and all my stealth khris up and I still get pointed out so much that if I'm training backstab my attacks have to happen between the 2 second hiding RT and before a single one of them searches once.

Really not fun, much less fun after about 1000 hours of already doing it, and dreadful knowing you've got about 2000 hours more incoming.

I know no one is probably going to do anything about it, but I felt like complaining anyway, feels good to rant a bit.
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Re: DP Assassin's Perception on 02/12/2013 09:23 AM CST
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Yeah I went over there to try them out and was surprised how easily they were able to point me out, certainly seemed like something was a bit off.
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Re: DP Assassin's Perception on 02/12/2013 08:40 PM CST
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Well they are one of the higher tier critters, and they are assassins. I would say if you are comparing them to intercessors since they are a bit above assassins it might be that they were designed to be that way since they are a stealthy type of creature that you would expect to be overly perceptive.
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Re: DP Assassin's Perception on 02/12/2013 10:05 PM CST
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Intercessors are stealth critters as well.

Your body tightens as you draw your arms together in a sinuous, flowing motion, mimicking the form you were trained to adopt for this roar of warning.
Kodius fled to the west in terror!
Roundtime: 2 sec.
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Re: DP Assassin's Perception on 02/12/2013 10:09 PM CST
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Yeah, Assassins have always had cranked perception, even more than Intercessors. With 1000 Stealth I still need to nerf their perception and amp up my own Stealth skill in order to hide reliably on them.

~ Leilond
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Re: DP Assassin's Perception on 05/31/2013 10:46 AM CDT
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>>Its not just "different creatures have different ranks" kinda thing, their perception is just completely off the charts

Heh finally someone else says something :)

>>Yeah, Assassins have always had cranked perception,

No, before 3.0 I hid on them just fine with 300 ranks less of stealth.

Forged Weapons:
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Re: DP Assassin's Perception on 05/31/2013 02:58 PM CDT
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Yeah there certainly is something different here. They got way more perceptive, I used to be able to hide on them without needing a stealth buff. Now I throw on a capped OBF, no wounds, and more skill and still get caught a decent amount of times.
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Re: DP Assassin's Perception on 07/23/2014 08:42 AM CDT
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Just going to nudge this up as there currently isn't a viable box dropping alternative between resuscitants and assassins that I'm aware of.
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Re: DP Assassin's Perception on 07/24/2014 10:56 AM CDT
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Since no one is ever gonna fix this in our lifetime (even though someone did build a creature that falls in-between with drops boxes), VCHEN; farm Head-Splitters, disarm quick and pick em blind.

At least until Thralls and Magi are released 24/7.
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Re: DP Assassin's Perception on 07/25/2014 07:32 AM CDT
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>>At least until Thralls and Magi are released 24/7.

I was very excited to play with those on test, alas at the rate I'm progressing I'll be past them prior to release.

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