Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/16/2013 03:46 PM CST
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This has to be bad for the system.

You also see a medium bronze bar, a small steel bar, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a sky giant, a sky giant, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a fiery fissure, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a dense unnatural fog, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a steel hhr'ata, a steel hhr'ata, a rusty iron greatsword, a white sailcloth odaj, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a rusty iron greatsword, a sky giant, a sky giant, a sky giant, a rusty iron greatsword, a sky giant, a sky giant, a sky giant, a sky giant, a massive copper nugget, a

Can this be fixed so that those greatswords go into the junk pile please? It has GOT to be an issue for the system.
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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/16/2013 06:26 PM CST
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Or you know, you could just bypass the issue and not generate them.

> loot help
The LOOT verb can be used to search a creature for its items. The syntax for this verb is LOOT [CREATURE] [OPTION]. There are several options available to let you loot specific kinds of items:

Treasure - Loot only coins, gems, and items (like runestones and scrolls).
Boxes - Loot only for boxes, ignoring the rest.
Equipment - Loot only the equipment (armor, weapons, etc).
Goods - Combines the Treasure and Boxes option, excluding Equipment.
All - Loot everything on the creature (like the SEARCH verb).

If you do not specify an option, Goods will be used. If you find a box, you will not be able to find treasure, and vice versa. If you do not specify a creature, the last creature that you were attacking will be used.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/16/2013 06:31 PM CST
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While it's important to use the right loot, the swords should also be flagged to decay.

And how someone gets to sky giants without knowing about loot options is amazing.

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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/16/2013 10:39 PM CST
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DUMP JUNK also gets rid of those swords, even though the auto-janitor passes them up.

You've reached the uninformative help match I haven't written yet.
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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/17/2013 12:53 AM CST
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Are the greatswords working any differently than the weapons/armor you generate off another creature if you loot them the same way? Quickly glancing at the code it looks like they're set up the same way as hundreds of other armor/weapon spawns on creatures.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/17/2013 02:26 AM CST
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The giants also drop them when stunned, or sometimes when they are about to die. So they drop them even if you are using a loot option which doesn't leave them behind.

You've reached the uninformative help match I haven't written yet.
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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/17/2013 10:17 AM CST
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I LOOT TREASURE on sky giants when I hunt them so that I don't have to deal with boxes, and have this same issue. It's not a matter of using the proper LOOT command, for what it's worth. They stack up from killing the giants somehow before the looting occurs.

-Broichan Leshyahen

> hum tuneless
You hum a tuneless tune.
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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/17/2013 08:43 PM CST
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>>I LOOT TREASURE on sky giants when I hunt them so that I don't have to deal with boxes, and have this same issue. It's not a matter of using the proper LOOT command, for what it's worth. They stack up from killing the giants somehow before the looting occurs.

What he said above. For the rest of you who are "bash happy" try constructive oppinions as opposed to "you suck blah blah blah..." was not looking for those. I want the boxes, I want the treasure, I want teh maps, scrolls etc. Equipment should go to junk pile it does. Cept those swords and other occasional weapons. They drop the weapon upon death BEFORE looting that is likely the issue.
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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/17/2013 08:47 PM CST
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Speaking of resource drains here is another one.

a Dragon Priest assassin, a Dragon Priest assassin, a Dragon Priest assassin, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, a hilt, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, a gold anklet, some crossbow bolts, an ebony door, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, a colorless albredine ring, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, a hilt, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, a blue faille robe, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, some crossbow bolts, a Dragon Priest assassin, a Dragon Priest assassin, a Dragon Priest assassin, a Dragon Priest assassin that appears stunned, a Dragon Priest assassin, a Dragon Priest assassin and some junk.

They fire the bolts and these jut pile up for a LONG time piles upon piles.
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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/18/2013 01:05 PM CST
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Cinder beasts is another problem area. I keep destroying their arms and they drop weapons/shields, they never go into the junk pile.

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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/18/2013 03:18 PM CST
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Adan'f warriors do this too. If you destroy their arms, they drop their hammers and shields, which eventually fill the room.
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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/18/2013 03:22 PM CST
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Don't Adan'f weapons explode (non-dangerously) if you try to pick them up? It should be easy enough to clear them out.
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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/18/2013 03:29 PM CST
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Does "dump junk" work for the longswords?
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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/18/2013 03:29 PM CST
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>Don't Adan'f weapons explode (non-dangerously) if you try to pick them up? It should be easy enough to clear them out.


You gesture at an Adan'f blood warrior.
A jolt of psychic energy discharges from your pattern and grounds into an Adan'f blood warrior's mind.
An Adan'f blood warrior drops its oval shield and srhhtel hammer to clutch its head.

Roundtime: 2 sec.

> get hammer

You pick up a srhhtel hammer.

> drop hammer

You drop a srhhtel hammer.

> get shield

You pick up a battered oval shield.

> drop shield

You drop a battered oval shield.
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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/18/2013 03:32 PM CST
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Huh, not sure why I thought they did.
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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/19/2013 10:28 PM CST
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They do, in fact, explode, just not always:

< You thrust a tyrium thrusting blade at an Adan'f blood warrior. An Adan'f blood warrior barely fails to parry with a srhhtel hammer.
The blade lands an extremely heavy hit (17/30) that flays open the warrior's left arm from shoulder to wrist.
An Adan'f blood warrior falls to the ground with a crash and screams, "Adan'f inja ssskramur!" before its death rattle echoes through the forest.
The blood warrior's visored helm shatters with a crack!
The blood warrior's plate armor shatters!
The blood warrior's shield splits with a sharp crack!
The forces within the warrior's hammer cause the weapon to explode in a spray of red mist!
[You're incredibly balanced]
[Roundtime 3 sec.]

On an unrelated note, does this actually do anything at all for their weapons?

The blood warrior bares its teeth and hisses in mindless rage as it glares at you!

* An Adan'f blood warrior swings a srhhtel hammer at you. You block solidly with a storm-bull buckler.

an Adan'f blood warrior kneels beside an Adan'f shadow mage and stabs its srhhtel hammer into the dead body!
It begins chanting in a strange tongue:

"Adan'f lusss! Adan'f lusss!
Adan'f lusss nehhwar'r!
Adan'f inja ssskramur!"

The warrior pulls its weapon from the body and reverently wipes off the blood as it stands up. The weapon appears more deadly than before.

I appraised before/after and i don't see a bit of difference but thought i'd ask.

Damian, a voice from the distant and long-forgotten past.
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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/20/2013 02:05 AM CST
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Yes, it does (Though so close to nothing it might as well not be doing anything!).

I also fixed a token while I was there.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/21/2013 02:06 AM CST
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If you're going all fixy on these item droppers, another one that does similar stuff is graverobbers in Ain Ghazal. No matter how you loot them, they always drop all of their gear. The backpacks make sense, as they have a tendency to pick things up and put them in their backpacks - including stuff the player would rather they didn't lose. The daggers and armor though are unnecessary. :)

If the backpacks could only drop if they have something non-junk in them, that'd be even better.
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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/21/2013 07:29 AM CST
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Disable the grab, turn normal looting back on.

The grab is obnoxious and ruins hunting there with ranged. And it adds nothing. Could just as well be flavor messaging. They're great otherwise, but mostly useless as is.

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Re: Rsource Drain Issue fix pls on 02/21/2013 09:24 PM CST
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>>Yes, it does (Though so close to nothing it might as well not be doing anything!).

out of curiosity, does this ability stack? if i were to keep one alive long enough to do this repeatedly with more than one mage/warrior body? maybe to the point where i can see a difference? heh

Damian, a voice from the distant and long-forgotten past.
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Fire Maiden balance issue on 04/30/2013 07:04 PM CDT
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Fire maidens/fire sprites are (or rather should be) backtraining for me, as they don't train my defenses anymore. However despite not training defenses I can't guard against the fire maidens' fire shard spell, which hits like a mack truck. Even when I pull out my primary weapon (which they don't train either) to kill them ASAP if I get three or four maidens spawn in a row, or if two or three maidens spawn at the same time, I'm dead. This would mean that people who actually are at level with the fire maidens have no chance of hunting there without getting terribly wounded or killed immediately.

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Re: Fire Maiden balance issue on 04/30/2013 07:09 PM CDT
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Pretty much all critters with tm are deadly right now. Im not sure if it get better at higher levels, but lower levels are beastly. Goblin shamans are rough as well.
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Re: Fire Maiden balance issue on 04/30/2013 08:43 PM CDT
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If you have the skill to cast the analagous patterns spell Lay Ward that does wonders to protect against spellcasting critters. Pay close attention to when you need to refresh it though because critter TM will own you when it drops.
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Re: Fire Maiden balance issue on 05/01/2013 03:25 AM CDT
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If the maiden use the same fire shard spell as goblin shaman , with both Lay Ward and Manifest Force up, only Manifest force gives any feedback that it has effected the shards.
If Lay ward is doing anything against the shards I have been unable to tell.
Even with both up holding a shield in shield stance, one cast can take up to 1/3 of health with half the shards being deflected
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Re: Fire Maiden balance issue on 05/01/2013 01:48 PM CDT
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I'd say 99% of special critter attacks are broken right now. There has been hundreds of posts on it and its on a list somewhere. A very low priority somewhere.
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Re: Fire Maiden balance issue on 05/01/2013 06:10 PM CDT
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>If the maiden use the same fire shard spell as goblin shaman, with both Lay Ward and Manifest Force up, only Manifest force gives any feedback that it has effected the shards.If Lay ward is doing anything against the shards I have been unable to tell.

A goblin shaman gestures at you.
You feel a wash of heat as a spell shatters against your ward.

A fire maiden gestures at you.
You feel a wash of heat as a spell shatters against your ward.

You sense the Lay Ward spell upon you, which will last less than a roisan.

Lay Ward protects against them both.
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Re: Fire Maiden balance issue on 05/01/2013 10:21 PM CDT
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Over in Plat, I have a char who can hunt black leucroes now- but takes a severe battering from fire maidens' fireshards, when the said maidens are several steps down the critter ladder. This is with stance shield and indeed over 200 ranks of shield, and 179 of evasion.

If anyone needs to observe, I can log the character in and run into the area.

Player of...

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Fire Maiden balance issue on 05/02/2013 01:15 AM CDT
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>only Manifest force gives any feedback that it has effected the shards.If Lay ward is doing anything against the shards I have been unable to tell.

Are you not seeing the messaging for the spell breaking through your ward?
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Re: Fire Maiden balance issue on 05/02/2013 06:00 PM CDT
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Ok, I found it once I went back and looked at my logs and search for "your ward".
I was focusing on the second part because my health was dropping and the screen was scrolling, I was not reading the part "You feel a chill....."
Unfortunately, ever shaman cast breached my ward

A goblin shaman gestures at you.
You feel a chill as a spell breaches your ward!
Several shards of elemental flame fly at you!

The air around you solidifies into a slight yellow flicker and throws off shimmering light in the wake of the attack.
The fire shard glances off your shield.
The fire shard glances off your back, singeing it a little.
The air around you solidifies into a slight yellow flicker, buckling and losing much of its mass under the force of the attack.
The fire shard glances off your shield.
Your nose is singed a bit by the fire shard.
A fire shard misses you!
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Re: Fire Maiden balance issue on 05/02/2013 07:26 PM CDT
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Is Lay Ward all-or-nothing? I feel like there was an explanation of how the spell works, but I can't remember where.

Have you tried adjusting your spell stance for more potency?

Altogether, LW isn't a super impressive defense, but it makes the difference between an Adan'f landing Mind Blast on my WM or not. I haven't really paid attention to useful it is against TM since I have all the WM anti-tm tools.
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Re: Fire Maiden balance issue on 05/02/2013 07:51 PM CDT
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Did not try stances.
I was there to hunt eels and since shaman really to not teach my skills, I moved to eels in Crossing.
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Re: Fire Maiden balance issue on 06/23/2013 02:39 PM CDT
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Can you please post your stats, skills, armor and whatnot when you spot these issues? I have no way to really reproduce it on my end.

After some testing, I'm not seeing anything wrong. At the point when they begin hitting me with TM spells, I'd be taking more damage standing at melee getting beat on. With goblin shaman, I'm seeing my armor absorb most of the blows even when stanced to 0 and on my back...

Not saying something isn't amiss, but I'm having trouble reproducing it.

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
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