Moon Mage on 11/20/2012 03:54 PM CST
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I'm a 40th circle Moon Mage trying to quit focusing on circling and instead start building up combat skills.

Light Chain: 110
Shield: 92
Parry: 104
Multi: 105
ME: 93
HE: 79
Evasion: 112

I've been working through sprites, and, although they will lock shield and HE, it is SLOOOOOW going on the others. I am eying moving up to leucros or snowbeasts, but perhaps looking at sows as an intermediate step to either of those two. I have a preference towards the snowbeasts as I'd like to heard back over and down towards Shard for a change of scenery, but I'm not opposed to suggestions. Any thoughts?
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Re: Moon Mage on 11/20/2012 03:59 PM CST
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You need about 110 in parry or shield for snowbeast (maybe a touch more), coupled with your evasion, that should be enough..(by the time you get it up there. I think 110-115 is the magic "average" you need for snowbeasts to be safe.

I always gone to Blood wolves to get me there...don't know about sows, haven't had a newbie since they've come out, or if I have, I didn't try em/know about em.
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Re: Moon Mage on 11/20/2012 04:01 PM CST
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Thanks for the reply - do Blood Wolves lock out at about 110 or so?
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Re: Moon Mage on 11/20/2012 04:11 PM CST
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>do Blood Wolves lock out at about 110

You can do blood wolves for the last little bit of defense. I'd also consider vines and creepers. But honestly, you'd probably be OK in silver leucs if you are careful and don't get 4 on you and kill the 3rd one quickly. Same with snowies, if your reflex is up there.

Just give it a try. You won't get one-shot. Just know the way to the auto-path if you need it.
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Re: Moon Mage on 11/20/2012 04:19 PM CST
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Thanks, think I will. My reflex is at 20... probably not what is considered high.
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Re: Moon Mage on 11/20/2012 04:19 PM CST
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Heh, your post brings back memories. I did exactly the same thing with about the same ranks when my char was circle 40 and I realized what a poor job I was doing at training him. I went from sprites to blood wolves very briefly, then crocs, vipers, leucros, small peccaries, red leucros and then into the gryphons (mixed in with stabbing bipeds for boxes along the way).
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Re: Moon Mage on 11/20/2012 04:32 PM CST
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Dont forget Seers Sense is a huge evasion boost. Its been the deciding factor when moving to a harder area.
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Re: Moon Mage on 11/20/2012 06:03 PM CST
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Hey Im with ya on the bad focus on combats. But you arent bad at all for snowbeasts. I was down there in that range almost exactly. Dont let more than two on you at a time though. I would start getting hits when a third advanced on me.

~Tezirite Renzar Lorrani

"Power is merely a stepping stone to more power."
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Re: Moon Mage on 11/20/2012 11:46 PM CST
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Tried out sows and can handle two with ease only getting bruised occasionally. Three seem to land more hits, so I use my higher magic skills to off the stray third that comes in the room. Locked everything up pretty well at my current skill set.
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Re: Moon Mage on 11/21/2012 03:21 PM CST
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One other thought... what about River Caiman? They seem like they might fit this category as well.
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