Black Leucros vs. Brocket Deer on 07/31/2010 10:41 AM CDT
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How do brocket deer compare to black leucros in the following, as far as the range they teach to:

1) Defenses
2) Weapons
3) Hiding
4) Skinning
5) Swarminess

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Re: Black Leucros vs. Brocket Deer on 07/31/2010 11:00 AM CDT
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Being that there is, ultimately, 3 tiers of brocket deer, they train much better in all respects.

The upper tier will teach to 300+. Luecros won't. AND the deer swarm more. The skins don't sell for as much, but...

"Never steal from someone carrying more weapons than you have lessons in evasion."

No Ranger Stands Alone
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Re: Black Leucros vs. Brocket Deer on 07/31/2010 12:41 PM CDT
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What Rantjur said. Brocket deer are superior in every way.
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Re: Black Leucros vs. Brocket Deer on 07/31/2010 08:38 PM CDT
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I started training in brocket deer and the gen is amazing, definitely another quality critter in the ladder.

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Re: Black Leucros vs. Brocket Deer on 07/31/2010 09:32 PM CDT
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About how much is needed in defense to start on the 1st tier of brocket deer?
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Re: Black Leucros vs. Brocket Deer on 07/31/2010 10:47 PM CDT
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<About how much is needed in defense to start on the 1st tier of brocket deer?

my Ranger got beat up with more than 2 (which is a near constant) with between 100-120 in defenses and multi. once I hit the 115 average for defenses and 125 for multi it got much easier as I was able to keep the constant to 3 on me and 1 dead. 4 would hurt me if I tried dancing with them. Around 135'ish defenses I could dance with 4 and not get pounded on.

1st tier teach to about 175'ish for defenses but slow down on weapons before then.

I moved to 2nd tier with 160's defenses and they teach to exactly 201 weapons and defenses to about 220'ish (but slowly after 200).

3rd tier is rough with 200's in defenses (direct from 2nd tier) but doable if you're not opposed to eating herbs or getting healed a bunch. They eased up a bit at around 220'ish and like it was said before they teach to the very low 300's.

The skins for first tier are similar to blood wolves for a full bundle. 2nd and 3rd tier deer skins sell for the exact same ammount as 1st tier.

Personally wish they'd say first tier give deer skins, 2nd tier give deer hides and maybe 3rd get antlers so that the selling price reflects the actual difficulty of skinning them.

1st tier deer you can successfully skin at 70+ with consistant at 80
2nd tier occasional skins at 110, consistant at 125
3rd occasional at 140 consistant at 150'ish

Those numbers are using a belt knife and 30 agility (plus capped sure footing) and no arranging.


PS Stay out of Deer! it's getting crowded. :(
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Re: Black Leucros vs. Brocket Deer on 08/01/2010 06:50 AM CDT
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it really depends on your guild and stats. with more reflex and utilizing shield stance, i was able to handle 4 of them a bit lower than that for the first tier. I started hunting there with my necro right after they got put in, and they were a wonderful place to learn thngs away from the crowds and the cities. On second thought..... they're absolutely horrible. stay away! <g>

Necromancy provides the only source of reliable and potent life extension on Elanthia.

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Re: Black Leucros vs. Brocket Deer on 08/01/2010 11:56 PM CDT
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Thanks for the info. Looking for a spot for my friend to train his cleric.
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Re: Black Leucros vs. Brocket Deer on 08/02/2010 09:12 PM CDT
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I did not particularly care for brocket deer. There are not enough rooms, and the cougars are a waste and were driving me crazy.

I didn't even stay long enough to see how the second tier would teach. I'm deep in the deadfall now and learning fantastic, so all is well.

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