WTH on 08/31/2010 07:09 PM CDT
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Was wondering what is suggested with my skills/stats. Would like to stay out of Crossing area for ease of hunting spot openings.

Shield Usage: 156 53% very riveted (29/34) Heavy Plate: 157 76% analyzing (18/34)
Parry Ability: 134 33% mind lock (34/34) Multi Opponent: 140 76% mind lock (34/34)
Heavy Edged: 124 21% very riveted (29/34)

all other edges/brawling/TM in 70/80s

Strength : 25 Reflex : 25
Agility : 25 Charisma : 20
Discipline : 20 Wisdom : 20
Intelligence : 20 Stamina : 20

Paladin guild with this for spells

In the chapter entitled "Inspiration," you have notes on the Courage, Righteous Wrath [rw], and Sentinel's Resolve [sr] spells.

In the chapter entitled "Justice," you have notes on the Halt, Stun Foe [sf], Divine Armor [da], Holy Warrior [how], and Smite Horde [smh] spells.

In the chapter entitled "Analogous Patterns," you have notes on the Energy Bolt [bolt] and Ease Burden [ease] spells.

Thanks for any ideas.
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Re: WTH on 08/31/2010 07:18 PM CDT
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i'd say young deer, or medium deer, near lang would work well, usually plenty of spots open, and good spawn rates.
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Re: WTH on 08/31/2010 07:18 PM CDT
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Where you are seems to be working for you very well. But if you wish to travel outside of Zoluren, you might take a look at the Lang swamp trolls and peccs. I've heard one of the tiers of Brocket's deer praised highly for that range, but I've not tried them for myself so I can't say.

Down in Ilithi, you might find Undershard interesting, or perhaps Darkmist Moors. Toward Hib, look at maiden's tresses and bloodvines.

Good luck!


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: WTH on 08/31/2010 07:45 PM CDT
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I will again echo my usual mantra of brocket deer as has been suggested. The mid-level ones are the ones that have no adjective in their name other than 'red brocket deer.'

From what I can tell from hunting in there before and backtraining recently they follow about the same levels as the three tiers of leucros.
young deer = silver leucs
red deer = black leucs
elder deer = red leucs

Depending on guild and abilities, they make a nice direct transition from blood wolves or vines/creepers up to baby gryphons.

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Re: WTH on 08/31/2010 09:26 PM CDT
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Bloodvines in P5. Good spawn but great when its not just one person.

I will continue to get blunter on this topic until people get the message or my posts contain enough profanity to be removed. - Armifer
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Re: WTH on 08/31/2010 09:58 PM CDT
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Probably learn okay in the wood troll/marauder section of KerLeor. For that matter peccs and trolls in Lang are doable, but you would probably need to kill off the peccs quickly.
First tier snow gobs on Aesry, La'Tami on Aesry or Shard.
Shaggy (day) barghests.
River sprites, just south of Crossing.
Eidolen steeds of Shard.
I've only really played a tingle happy warmie for any length of time, so anything that parries might be harder than I think, but most of these should be doable.
People keep saying 'brocket deer' and stop. Then, surprise surprise, the place is constantly filled.
Plenty of options for you.
Of these I like la'tami, brocket deer, and bloodvines the most. Can't skin bloodvines. Snow gobs and river sprites for boxes.
Eidolen steeds are weird and kick your butt when you think you're fine.
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Re: WTH on 08/31/2010 10:36 PM CDT
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Just wanted to say: bloodvines are indeed good. I spent the majority of my time in this range in bloodvines because deer didn't exist yet. But when I got out of vines my skinning was lagging about 80-100 ranks from my weapons, and I'm still working to make up that gap.

Long story short: I like bloodvines, but the above is why I don't generally suggest them.

Also, I've never run into a problem with deer being full, though I will say I don't doubt it happens, that area needs to be expanded a bit.

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Re: WTH on 09/01/2010 07:17 AM CDT
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Ya same here i never have a problem with deer being full, at most i mite see 1 or 2 others in young to medium
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Re: WTH on 09/01/2010 07:20 AM CDT
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It depends on the time of day. Last night the third tier was full at 8:00 central time. No one in the lowest tier and two in the second tier. I just went and worked survivals for a bit. At 10:00 central time, there was 2 people in the third tier and no one in the other two.


That qualification proves that if you wear a suit made out of bloody steaks and do a mocking jig in front of a pack of dogs while singing "U Can't Touch This" that they'll bite you. DR-RAESH
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Re: WTH on 09/09/2010 11:41 AM CDT
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True, I guess I've just found that the handful of times I've been up to hunt the elder deer in the past I've had to wait for a spot. And usually I've 'waited' by backtraining lower skills in the two lower tiers that aren't packed with hunters. And the OP would want to stick to those tiers anyways, so perhaps I was a bit heavy-handed.
But my main point was there are a variety of options at that skill level.

As far as skinning near bloodvines, that also kept me away from P5 initially. When it was first released I was just barely able to hit the bats with my shortbow, and they only come out at night - so skinning was sparse (though the OP has holy magic and 80's TM so it would be easier). However, now there are young cave trolls nearby, in the abandoned mines, to practice skinning on. The spawn isn't always the greatest down there, but its doable.

Anyways, its more a matter of what province you prefer to hang out in.
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Re: WTH on 09/10/2010 11:47 PM CDT
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Oh, and I completely forgot about frostweyr bears. They have a special attack that can be killer with yours attributes, I think 25's in Stam/Disc should be safe. But they are 120's ish in defenses and swarm pretty well.
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Re: WTH on 09/11/2010 03:08 PM CDT
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>>Oh, and I completely forgot about frostweyr bears. They have a special attack that can be killer with yours attributes, I think 25's in Stam/Disc should be safe. But they are 120's ish in defenses and swarm pretty well.

Their special ability can hit you even with 60 Disc, 60 Reflex, 40 Stamina, just FYI. I think it's purely a skill call, and it's at the extreme end of their range, at that (possibly as high as 250).

Makes them a fairly poor hunting choice on the whole.
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Re: WTH on 09/11/2010 05:24 PM CDT
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Figured someone would chime in on that special ability, I guess ethereal shield must help a lot, but even at 25-30 stats (in everything) and about 160s defenses I would hunt there for hours collecting pelts.

I would dodge most of the special attacks, and the occasional one that got through would hit for a nasty 20% vit loss...but it mostly just kept me on my toes.

I think when P5 was released the special attack was OP and got tweaked down at some point. But I dunno, I found them under-rated and not as scary as everyone told me.
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Re: WTH on 09/11/2010 09:24 PM CDT
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I know with upper 100's a friend of mine got destoried in there by their attack, the vital drain isn't that bad its the one that knocks you out of the room that kept getting him.
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Re: WTH on 09/11/2010 10:57 PM CDT
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huh, guess I've just been lucky.
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Re: WTH on 09/11/2010 11:45 PM CDT
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>>huh, guess I've just been lucky.

Avoid Zinaca or you'll disappear forever.

I will continue to get blunter on this topic until people get the message or my posts contain enough profanity to be removed. - Armifer
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Another dumb WTH thread on 03/25/2011 05:18 AM CDT
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So I just came back from a three or four month hiatus(I seem to always be on a hiatus!) and have no idea where to hunt after my current location. I'm a Barbarian, and am currently in Togballs catching up my defenses and brawling/2HB/LT to my main weapons, which currently crawl in there. I should be ready to move on in a day or two and don't know where to go from here. I couldn't care less about boxes(I rarely even loot them anyway, although I know I should; just a waste of space to me), but the mob must be skinnable. I was thinking of Vipers by the Crossing, but I tried them before I took a break a few months ago and had a problem with being hit with the poison.

Strength : 40 Reflex : 27
Agility : 30 Charisma : 11
Discipline : 16 Wisdom : 15
Intelligence : 14 Stamina : 25

(I know my stats are messed up; I didn't know any better while first training this guy like ten years ago)

Shield Usage: 148 13%
Heavy Chain: 158 66%
Parry Ability: 155 32%
Multi Opponent: 160 52%
Heavy Edged: 163 15%
Twohanded Edged: 158 52%
Evasion: 149 71%
Perception: 143 20%
Skinning: 139 87%
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Re: Another dumb WTH thread on 03/25/2011 03:27 PM CDT
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<<So I just came back from a three or four month hiatus(I seem to always be on a hiatus!) and have no idea where to hunt after my current location.>>

I enjoyed hunting beyond the Gate of Souls near the Greater Fist. You'll have atik'ets, firecats and westanuryns to hunt. (the latter 2 are skinnable) I also like the fact that you have bipeds and quadrupeds in the same area. There are tougher variants of all three in the Temple of Ushnish. Its fairly nearby to vipers and black leucros as well.


If you prefer more private hunting around Throne:

Learn escaping while you hunt - (although the webbing makes it tougher to train melee weapons you can lock defenses in a heartbeat here)


I've never hunted deer but from all reports they're training gold


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Re: Another dumb WTH thread on 03/25/2011 07:33 PM CDT
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Thanks a lot. I think I'll try the Angiswaerd Hatchlings up in Throne City. I can lock my defenses and main weapons in there and drop down to crocs and river caiman and boars to work on my lower weapons.
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