Blue-green Pivuh on 12/16/2012 12:17 PM CST
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Anyone hunted these? Elanthipedia just says 220 to ??? and lists a special attack. I was wondering ranks in defense and offense that make then an option? Spawn rate? and any info on the special attack (what negates?).

-The Forsaken Rakash
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Re: Blue-green Pivuh on 12/18/2012 11:21 AM CST
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Noone got any info?

-The Forsaken Rakash
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Re: Blue-green Pivuh on 12/18/2012 02:41 PM CST
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>>Noone got any info?

I did try them out for a day or so, but don't remember much, except the mechanic to move around rooms there is rather odd (you have to swing around on vines I believe). And pivuhs are scaled flying pigs. ;)

I think I left because I couldn't HUNT and/or the spawn wasn't great. I probably used frostweyr bears or red leucros instead.

-- Player of Eyuve
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Re: Blue-green Pivuh on 12/19/2012 01:54 PM CST
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>Anyone hunted these? Elanthipedia just says 220 to ??? and lists a special attack. I was wondering ranks in defense and offense that make then an option? Spawn rate? and any info on the special attack (what negates?).

They aren't really a viable option to hunt. If you want to "kill" a few of them for novelty go right ahead.
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Re: Blue-green Pivuh on 12/19/2012 02:28 PM CST
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Yea bummer, so it looks like its red luecros or frostweyr bears then...

-The Forsaken Rakash
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Re: Blue-green Pivuh on 12/19/2012 04:06 PM CST
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>> Yea bummer, so it looks like its red luecros or frostweyr bears then...

Unfortunately bears probably aren't an option. They have a special attack that hurts pretty bad. I think it was adjusted but I'm not entirely sure it even teaches, so you will probably learn a lot better on red leucros.
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Re: Blue-green Pivuh on 12/20/2012 12:36 AM CST
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The frostweyr bear special attack has been turned off for quite some time. They are very viable critters, in my opinion. Rather easier than pivuhs, more of a 125-180 critter. Although for skinning they teach pretty high (300+). Give it a shot. The area is big, and not many hunt there, so the spawn isn't constant but definitely good enough for training well.

The pivuh spawn is actually pretty decent. Again, not well populated so there are dry spells. 350-400 defenses move very slowly (430 evasion not at all), but can learn my 270ish weapons decently. 365 skinning moves fairly well as a survival tert.
Unfortunately I can't comment on the special attack much. Don't parry?

I think one thing from which pivuh may suffer, and similarly to the nearby frost angiswaerd (and really any special attack critter), is that once you can safely evade the special attack you can't learn really well from them. Yet underneath that threshold, special attacks will decimate you. 3.0 might change this.

I discounted them the first time I tried them, but I've been farming these for skins for Outfitting work orders lately. They're not bad.
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Re: Blue-green Pivuh on 12/20/2012 02:20 PM CST
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>The frostweyr bear special attack has been turned off for quite some time. They are very viable critters, in my opinion. Rather easier than pivuhs, more of a 125-180 critter.

Thats a bit to low really looking for something to move me from(250 evasion) 220ish defense and 190ish weapons to the baby/fledge gryphs in Illithi/Forfedhar area. skinnable isn't a must though I have it narrowed to Geni or Red Leucros. Unless someone has another option?

-The Forsaken Rakash
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Re: Blue-green Pivuh on 12/20/2012 03:08 PM CST
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>> Thats a bit to low really looking for something to move me from(250 evasion) 220ish defense and 190ish weapons to the baby/fledge gryphs in Illithi/Forfedhar area. skinnable isn't a must though I have it narrowed to Geni or Red Leucros. Unless someone has another option?

Hmm.. the path I took was red leucros --> warcats / raiders ---> bristleback

I'm a big fan of the red leucros. That being said... Small peccs would work pretty well but they are on Mriss. Elder dear. Nipoh Oshu on Aesry (need decent armor to protect against the steam.)
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Re: Blue-green Pivuh on 12/20/2012 07:23 PM CST
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Give the bears a shot, my experience with them comes from an underhunting/backtraining standpoint so it's hard to be very helpful. You may be able to milk them, however.

If you don't mind being on an island, caracals are awesome.
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Re: Blue-green Pivuh on 12/27/2012 11:14 PM CST
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Late to the party, but my Necromancer worked pivuh until he could handle baby gryphons. Being survival prime means stealths keep you out of the fight a lot.

Barb needs hunting advice; elder brockets teach defenses pretty well, but not weapons. Anything in that combat range that might teach offenses a bit better?

Weapons are between 160-200, Parry, shield, evasion and armors are ~240. Skinnable is preferred, and I don't box pop.
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Re: Blue-green Pivuh on 12/28/2012 05:15 AM CST
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If you can hit baby gryphons, then I'd suggest moving on up since your defenses are in the starting range for them.
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Re: Blue-green Pivuh on 12/28/2012 08:03 AM CST
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<<elder brockets teach defenses pretty well, but not weapons. Anything in that combat range that might teach offenses a bit better?>>

my barbarian went to peccary island on m'riss inbetween elder deer and baby gryphs <not bristle backs>. acemara or something like that. i can't remember the exact spelling.

<<The real thing DR needs is to get out there to the kids who actually read books.>>
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Re: Blue-green Pivuh on 03/30/2013 09:47 PM CDT
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OSHU! elanthia's best kept secret! Seriously these will take you from 130-450ish in your skills. and really dont believe the bit about needing great armor. I stand in them in leather for upto a day at a time. (in the fallen)
these things spawn awesomely especially if you have two people in the same room/area.

start with the nw rooms from the curtain (safespot) when you cap those. move to the ne rooms. then when you cap those head to tier 3 which is the rooms directly north from the safe spot. i will advise you to have 40ish stam before trying oshu as that's a major factor in hunting them and shrugging off their attacks.
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Re: Blue-green Pivuh on 04/09/2013 04:49 PM CDT
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I hated Oshu for some reason. The combination of dark rooms and that steam attack just make them seem way more trouble than they're worth.
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Re: Blue-green Pivuh on 04/09/2013 10:59 PM CDT
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I've hunted pivuh quite a bit. They are relatively swarmy and easier to skin gryphons but the area they are in doesn't enable you to use hunt which is a definite disadvantage. Their special attack is kind of overpowered but not devastatingly so.
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Re: Blue-green Pivuh on 04/15/2013 09:03 AM CDT
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Oshu are wonderful, unless of course you like training survival skills, like skinning or locks.
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