Rossmans Gryphons, sharing on 03/15/2010 01:01 AM CDT
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After having spent some time in mer'kresh super celps, which is only 1 room bigger then gryphons, and generally full like gryphons, I see how well sharing can and does work. I would love to see it embraced in rossmans gryphons as it has been in super celps, its a very similar situation. Spawn only increases even more, there is no shortage of critters if you share, fixing your scripts isnt all that hard (but I can sympathize with WMs and such in that case).

If you see me (Jerid) in gryphons, dont hesitate to join me in "my" room, I have always been open to sharing and am happy to encourage it even more now. Please others do the same.
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Re: Rossmans Gryphons, sharing on 03/15/2010 04:28 AM CDT
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A fine example to set.
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Re: Rossmans Gryphons, sharing on 03/15/2010 06:03 AM CDT
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>>A fine example to set.<<

And one that not all characters/players subscribe to. Hunting solo, or hunting in a group is very much an individual thing. Some like it, others do not, regardless of how easy it might be to fix a script.



You flat out, absolutely, 100% have no idea what you're talking about.

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Re: Rossmans Gryphons, sharing on 03/15/2010 06:31 AM CDT
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<< And one that not all characters/players subscribe to. Hunting solo, or hunting in a group is very much an individual thing. Some like it, others do not, regardless of how easy it might be to fix a script. >>

There is a difference, even if subtle, between sharing a hunting spot and group hunting.
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Re: Rossmans Gryphons, sharing on 03/15/2010 08:37 PM CDT
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If your able how bout turning off the scripts and play free hand with certain macros,i know its a crazy concept but its a little more.....something
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Re: Rossmans Gryphons, sharing on 03/15/2010 10:53 PM CDT
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Been several months since I was working around in gryphons but from my experience almost everyone was willing to share a room.

I'd always ask if the place was full and I was never turned down.


Moving carefully, you slip your hand into Ragran's pockets and carefully grab a platinum.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
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Re: Rossmans Gryphons, sharing on 03/15/2010 10:54 PM CDT
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I like sharing rooms while hunting.

But I also never pick up loot or anything, so stuff like that isn't really an issue for me.

Rev. Reene

>poke eyes
You can't poke the Eyes of the Thirteen.
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Re: Rossmans Gryphons, sharing on 03/15/2010 10:56 PM CDT
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>>There is a difference, even if subtle, between sharing a hunting spot and group hunting.<<

I'm aware what most people consider to be the difference between the two. I share hunting rooms with very few people that I've known for quite a long time. Most of the time, I'm opposed to shared or group hunting.



You flat out, absolutely, 100% have no idea what you're talking about.

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Re: Rossmans Gryphons, sharing on 03/15/2010 11:12 PM CDT
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What Hide said. If someone I'm friendly with or have been friends with for a long time I'd share, otherwise yeah MY CRITTERS YOU DON'T TOUCH!
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Re: Rossmans Gryphons, sharing on 03/15/2010 11:27 PM CDT
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I share my rooms with anyone. Always glad for the company while hunting.

Player of Drevid

Cylons... why debugging matters.
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Re: Rossmans Gryphons, sharing on 03/15/2010 11:39 PM CDT
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Well you're also nicer than I am, Drevid. Which is surprising for someone your age. :P
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Re: Rossmans Gryphons, sharing on 03/15/2010 11:59 PM CDT
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Sharing in the Rossman's Gryphons that I use really isn't a problem. Spawn is always good enough.

There's not really a hard reason to not let someone hunt with you from a OCD EXP POV in Rossman's Gryphons.

Certain other places sharing becomes impossible because spawn is ... less than optimal.

If people are playing "by hand," then loot issues can be sorted out easily.

If people have scripts that aren't poo, then loot issues can be addressed via script options/toggles/etc.

I did see the OP run through Gryphons today. I think it was "full" at the time. Could have joined us. I don't loot anything other than a few select items.

Formerly Known As Nitish

>Alisyn edges away from you.
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Re: Rossmans Gryphons, sharing on 03/16/2010 01:42 PM CDT
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I'm always happy to have others join me as well wherever I'm hunting.

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