Mountain Giants on 05/20/2014 09:11 PM CDT
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Anyone know the teaching range on mountain giants west of Shard? I thought they started at 350-400, so should teach well past 500, but I can't get TM above 1/34 no matter what TM spells I use. Tried all 3 TM cyclic spells, and several multi-shot single-target TM spells, and nothing would get me above 1/34.

I know teaching caps changed with 3.1, just figured I'd still learn TM here at 509, since other skills at 480-490 move just fine.

-Master Ndin
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Re: Mountain Giants on 05/21/2014 08:04 AM CDT
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They got super slow on TM in the mid 400s, 500 is likely a no go in 3.1

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Re: Mountain Giants on 05/22/2014 05:27 PM CDT
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3.1 rolled in and the things above 500s are very painful to move.
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Re: Mountain Giants on 05/23/2014 10:01 AM CDT
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With TM in low 400s I moved onto stompers. They seem to have a bit more bite than giants and a good step up. I was able to learn evasion and some other skills that were higher, while still moving weapons in the 300s.

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Re: Mountain Giants on 05/24/2014 08:14 PM CDT
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Well, I'm staying in giants for a little while because my mom is not quite ready for stompers yet. I've done stompers before without too much hassle. I was just surprised because my other combats in the 480-490 range move perfectly fine. Debilitation and TM don't get above 2/34, no matter what methods I try.

Defend: 491 42% (18/34) +0.01
Parry: 482 48% (25/34) +0.02
Evade: 487 91% (24/34) +0.01
Debilit: 482 13% (1/34) +0.00

The worst part is, my defending/parry/evasion is that high after only being in here 7-10 minutes. It's not like I'm milking them and having to dance for an hour to get my other skills in the 480-490 range moving. They start flying instantly. TM doesn't get above 2/34 ever, no matter what spells/mana I use. Debilitation doesn't get above 2/34 either. Prepping multiple spells at 15 mana, charging 45 in an armband, and casting. Did this 9 times in a row back-to-back, and didn't even hit 2/34 debilitation.

Doesn't make sense that 487 and 491 move fine, but 482 doesn't. Stats issue maybe?

-Master Ndin
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Re: Mountain Giants on 05/24/2014 08:20 PM CDT
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Also, I understand skillsets make pools vary to a degree, but my secondary skill pools aren't too big to lock at a rapid pace. Are primary pools really that much larger, that I can't even get to 3/34 with constant casting?

-Master Ndin
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Re: Mountain Giants on 05/24/2014 10:34 PM CDT
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>Not all mobs have similar offense and defense. Looks like giants have more offense than defense.

IIRC they stay at pole and missile and lob boulders a lot. Or even melee and lob boulders, which doesn't train as well as when they're swinging fists...
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Re: Mountain Giants on 05/24/2014 10:39 PM CDT
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sometimes tingling the boulders helps...but....that was awhile ago (year) I played with them.
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Re: Mountain Giants on 05/24/2014 11:18 PM CDT
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We have pretty similar Debilitation (470) though I have magic tert pools. My typical hunting debil is casting COTW at min prep (15) plus 5 in cambrinth once per creature. Cast at giants and gained 0-1 mindstates per cast. Pushing to min prep plus 40 didn't seem to help.

The same cast (15 + 5) in stompers gained me 1-2 mindstates per cast.

Seems like moving up might be best, or just not worrying about debil until you are ready to. Good luck with it.

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Re: Mountain Giants on 05/25/2014 10:53 AM CDT
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>> The worst part is, my defending/parry/evasion is that high after only being in here 7-10 minutes. It's not like I'm milking them and having to dance for an hour to get my other skills in the 480-490 range moving. They start flying instantly.

I've been hunting giants as well so I can get my non-evasion defenses higher for [hopefully] adan'f dancers.

At 520 evasion mountain giants don't move my evasion at all. So you can look forward to it not moving at all very soon!

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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