Like wurms, but not? on 06/03/2012 10:08 PM CDT
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I'm tired of dealing with the gen in wurms, it's impossible to train there when I get 1 critter every 15 minutes because apparently everyone else there isn't killing stuff.

Is there anything in the same general range (post eels) as wurms, that teaches well, swarms, and is skinnable? Basically just capped eels and my plan was to do wurms. Normally I go to sprites, but I don't want to give up the skinning.

Let's save us all some time: I'm a troll who rarely has anything helpful. There.
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Re: Like wurms, but not? on 06/03/2012 10:27 PM CDT
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You should be fine in blood wolves.

- Buuwl
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Re: Like wurms, but not? on 06/03/2012 11:45 PM CDT
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I think I went down to bone wolves when beisswurms were acting up. Although, you can get a similar problem that they only really spawn if your the only one in the area. I think bone wolves also have pelts, and you can get a lot of skinning experience from scraping too.

If not that, caimen are in that general range; skinnable, nice spawn, not many people go there because it's so far away. And there are two areas that appear to have unlinked spawn, so if someone's in one, you can use the other one without noticing a difference.
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