Cougar area on 05/31/2015 09:01 PM CDT
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So the Beiswurm area was full. I ran to the Cougar area out the west gate thinking to mix it up like its 1998. That area is awful the spawn was literally non existent. I saw one cougar in 10 minutes. Can someone look into that area and tweak it so its viable. Used to be a great area!

I sat in the middle/former best spawn room of the square area.

Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
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Re: Cougar area on 05/31/2015 11:13 PM CDT
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It at least used to be deliberately this way (from pre-DR3) because young traders bringing a caravan through to wolf clan could get killed VERY easy otherwise.

It seems to take a few min (5-10) before anything will spawn for your presence, after which things will spawn at a fairly regular clip (not amazing spawn if you're able to chop them down fairly fast, which is likely if you're facing Beisswurms regularly). Besides Beisswurms I could recommend wind hounds and reavers depending on your penchance though.
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