What's the possibility on 09/08/2003 03:39 PM CDT
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Of a new up-to-date bestiary coming out any time soon? I mean, the godlings (DM's) have the info and it would seriously help up-and-coming adventured keep what few favors they have...

I realize the beasts change from time to time, and with that change comes (usually) a more difficult level ... it's just odd to me that with today?s technology an interactive database containing the creatures' stats translated into "Levels" can't be created to simultaneously update when a change to the main system is made. Even if a few people have to hand-load it into the database... I mean, how often are all beats in the realms tweaked simultaneously?

Just curious? It may be a huge job in the beginning but if done right the overall long-term maintenance would be minimal,

~The only good Swamp Troll is one that makes you breakfast in the morning. Other than that, it's a dead Swamp Troll~

~ Kaeson Avient'iel - bemused, confused, abused - Ranger at large ~
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Re: What's the possibility on 09/09/2003 01:38 PM CDT
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Highly unlikely. We've been complaing for A) GM responce and B) update to the levels there for a good long time. Have gotten neither. Instead, they just keep adding new creatures. Genius I tell you, bloody hell genius.


Shifting, Simu's way of giving us plastic surgery; and the costs are equally accurate!
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Re: What's the possibility on 09/09/2003 08:54 PM CDT
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Perhaps we're not asking LOUD ENOUGH!!! ::smirk::

Ah well... start at a guild-specific godling and see if we can start a spark... who knows, eh?

~The only good Swamp Troll is one that makes you breakfast in the morning. Other than that, it's a dead Swamp Troll~

~ Kaeson Avient'iel - bemused, confused, abused - Ranger at large ~
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Re: What's the possibility on 11/27/2003 02:41 PM CST
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>> What's the possibility of a new up-to-date bestiary coming out any time soon? I mean, the godlings (GM's) have the info and it would seriously help up-and-coming adventurers keep what few favors they have... ~ Kaeson Avient'iel <<

Well, it's been about threre months, and I don't see any answers... is the Bestiary just a relic? Will it ever be updated? - Dredded DeCaen
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Re: What's the possibility on 11/27/2003 03:02 PM CST
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Right now the Bestiary is just a museum piece- a relic as you aptly name it. GM Damissak was going to update it, but that idea went flying out the window. So I'm not really sure who will try it now.

Since the GMs are more or less busy, perhaps one of us Lesser Beings could attempt the task of catagorizing the critters? Not me: I don't really have the brain power for that. But there are a lot of you out there who are really great at organizing information and testing things inside out!


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: What's the possibility on 11/27/2003 03:51 PM CST
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IF i ever spent time figuring out how to set it up on my website I would, but I'm too busy playing to work on it ;-)

For now though, this is how I'd have them catergorized.

Crittername Skinnable? Approx level* Stabbable?Undead?Magical/special attacks?Locations

*Approx level would be:

1 teaches 1-49 ranks
2 50-99
3 100-149
4 150-199
5 200-249
6 250-299
7 300-349
8 350-399
9 400-449
10 450+

Some would be lower or higher within their categories, but still would fit. So, 3 critters for example would be:

shiprat yes 1 no no no shipyard-C/saltyard-R
viper yes 3,4nonopoison-spit wilderness n of kaerna
deathspiritno4,5yesYesnodunshade-r,under MMguild-C,Thru mist n of Leth deriel,4th tier ratha

~Weak of arm,crazy roar;
terrible aim,awful health;
broken fingers,no real stealth;
leave em dead,stabbed some more;
lost your coins,on the floor;
greetings!now you're out the door~
leave em dead,stabbed some more;
lost your coins,on the floor;
greetings!now you're out the door~
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Re: What's the possibility on 12/19/2003 04:24 PM CST
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Gonif, what's the adress of your website? (i know no critters, just curious)

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Re: What's the possibility on 12/19/2003 04:46 PM CST
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Gonif has a web site? Interesting thats news to me...

I hear there is a hidden one. Go figure...


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Re: What's the possibility on 12/19/2003 09:37 PM CST
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i don't have critter guide on it. just a homepage i was fiddling around with from AOL. nothing much, don't really have the time to work on it.


~Clinging to an inaccurate belief about roleplaying and DR will only lead to disappointment, I'm afraid ~ GM Vendarin
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