Whaling on 03/19/2013 09:54 PM CDT
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From the Lore folder:
>Craved crafting tools: Bone needles and scrapers, bone- ... actually that's all I can think of. Stone chisels?
For some reason, this sentence made me think:

WTB 'Whale' boss critters. Whale bones for making rapiers, and armor, and fat for alchemy and well all sorts of whatever it is you get off of whales. I know everyone who owns a boat wants to do this. I know everyone else wants to, as well. I fondly remember when the passage to the islands was first opened up and using the pitch and the harpoon thingy and wishing my elf had more than 20 strength so I didn't have 50 second roundtimes while the danged pirate boat was on its way and...well anyway...Would love to go whaling.

I'm pretty sure it's been suggested before, so consider this a 'bump'.
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