Not understanding this whole name thing on 05/09/2007 02:02 PM CDT
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Ok, so I have a last name and read the previous posts discussing this "Phase 2" business and "reserving your name" and such. Can someone give me a primer on what exactly is going on? I am aware only that at some point, people stopped being able to get last names, and at some point, this ability will return. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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Re: Not understanding this whole name thing on 05/09/2007 02:13 PM CDT
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basically Phase 1, they allowed us to reserve our name so that no one else can take it in the future. Phase 2 is when people will be able to adopt others onto their reserved name, Phase 3 is where they will release the last names out to anyone who wants to choose one, and all new characters

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Re: Not understanding this whole name thing on 05/09/2007 02:15 PM CDT
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>>Can someone give me a primer on what exactly is going on?

Currently there is a system in place for those characters who already have last names can Register them (for a fee) which will prevent anyone else from Choosing it, when that part of the system is live.

The next step will be to allow people to CHOOSE a surname, CLEAR their current surname, and ADOPT other people, allowing them to use your surname. A name that is Registered cannot be Chosen, but it can be bestowed on you if the name-owner Adopts you.

Names can be Chosen without being Registered. That is, if you choose the last name Smith, and someone else walks up and chooses the last name Smith a day later, that'll be allowed. It doesn't necessarily make you family.

Names can be Registered by someone other than the name's original owner. If you have had the surname Smith for the past eleventeen years and did not choose to register it, as soon as Choosing last names gets open you may have other people Choose to be a Smith. They may then choose to Register their name, preventing anyone else from Choosing it from that point on. This will not affect the folks who already have the name. It will prevent those folks from Adopting new Smiths, though, as the Registered person has control on that.

The Registered character may allow another Smith to Adopt new Smiths into the family. This is a revokable privelege, if they don't like your choice of siblings/children/crazy uncles.

Clear as mud? To reiterate, only the first paragraph up there is live at the moment.

Killing you softly with his song,
- Stormsinger Shavay

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Re: Not understanding this whole name thing on 05/09/2007 03:27 PM CDT
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>>and all new characters

I am pretty sure new characters will never again have the ability to start with a last name, if that is what you meant. I could have missed a post contradicting this, I suppose.
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Re: Not understanding this whole name thing on 05/09/2007 03:32 PM CDT
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hmm, I was under the impression that the character manager would go back to having last names and it would just correct you if you picked one you couldn't have... I missed a good chunk of the discussion on this release though so I might have missed something

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Re: Not understanding this whole name thing on 05/09/2007 03:38 PM CDT
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Pretty positive that it was stated the CM would not have a last name choice reintroduced. The Genealogy Office was going to be the only way to get one. Only 2 phases. Phase 1 live in Prime as mentioned earlier.

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Re: Not understanding this whole name thing on 05/09/2007 03:44 PM CDT
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There's no phase 3, Souv. Acquiring a new surname, an unregistered surname, or sharing your own last name with anyone is all lumped together in Phase 2. Per the original announcement, at least.

And, no, the CM is hallowed ground where GMs go to meditate and ponder how best to develop other systems. No real development ever happens TO the CM, given its supreme importance.

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Re: Not understanding this whole name thing on 05/09/2007 07:54 PM CDT
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Ok then, next question, where do I go to register my last name?

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Re: Not understanding this whole name thing on 05/09/2007 08:11 PM CDT
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what town are you near?
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Re: Not understanding this whole name thing on 05/09/2007 11:38 PM CDT
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I live in Theren most of the time so anywhere around there...

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Re: Not understanding this whole name thing on 05/10/2007 10:51 AM CDT
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It'll be near the therengia collections office then. Maybe around where you get permits to head to Muspari?
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Re: Not understanding this whole name thing on 05/12/2007 03:12 AM CDT
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FYI for anyone that wants to know, its in Ibec Hall in Therenborough, and its between 7.2 plat and 8 plat. The clerk was a little snooty with me, nice touch!

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