This is a policy folder, not a folder to lobby for the deconstruction of mechanics which seem to actually work in a desirable fashion.
Graverobbing is allowed by policy. In my opinion it shouldn't be, but it is. The nuts and bolts of the system one must deal with to attempt it, however, is not a policy matter.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 08/30/2005 09:50 AM CDT
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 08/30/2005 11:23 AM CDT
I'm anti-GR but pro-GR.
I think GR should be in DR just like any kind of robbing. It's a sad statement when we are too attached to an item in game to risk losing it. Although i'll admit i have items I'd be sore to lose, I still think it's kind of sad that we DR players often treat lines of text as tangible objects.
I'm anti-Grave Robbing the way the system and policy are currently set up.
I was really interested in a thread on these boards about a year (or maybe two) ago. The idea was how to allow grave robbing while giving more venues for actually pursue the GRer in a role play environment. And how to prevent mechanics abusers who treat GR as a way to either harass a player or to treat a line of text as a tangible object.
I think there may be no way to do that at this point in the game. I hear of people who use DR to make ends meet (here's an idea: quit playing DR and get a real job. Yes, I know. Radical concept)...but they actually sell plats and items to edge out some kind of living. (I wonder what they put on their IRS forms... "Sold 6 invisibility cloaks for $100 each"?)
Sorry if I'm jumping all over in my discussion here, I've had a bumpy night. Anyhow...
The way G. played out the grave robbing situation sounded like fun. It's fun to chase down GRers...the poor slob he robbed lost out on some truly interesting playing time. G. would've played along, I'm sure.
I guess the timer idea is needed, though. As much as I would have fun interacting with someone like G., I'd had to deal with a mechanics abusing dippity doo who's going to steal my 6 bolt repeater to pay the pizza delivery boy that week.
On the other hand, the timer sucks 'cause if the dippity doo steals it and I go chase after him instead of staying at my grave site, the item disappears to the janitor if he logs out. And I can't send somebody else to chase the dip 'cause policy won't let anyone champion for me and I wouldn't want my friends to get locked out just over a line of text.
Yeah, GR policy is screwy. Only things I can think of is to have no timer whatsoever, allow everyone automatic consent on someone who is a grave robbers, tag them with the GR title as soon as they rob the grave, maybe give us ghosts (like familiars) who watch our gravesite for us while we chase, depart to temple, or whatnot....
And do something about people selling items and plats for real cash.
I think GR should be in DR just like any kind of robbing. It's a sad statement when we are too attached to an item in game to risk losing it. Although i'll admit i have items I'd be sore to lose, I still think it's kind of sad that we DR players often treat lines of text as tangible objects.
I'm anti-Grave Robbing the way the system and policy are currently set up.
I was really interested in a thread on these boards about a year (or maybe two) ago. The idea was how to allow grave robbing while giving more venues for actually pursue the GRer in a role play environment. And how to prevent mechanics abusers who treat GR as a way to either harass a player or to treat a line of text as a tangible object.
I think there may be no way to do that at this point in the game. I hear of people who use DR to make ends meet (here's an idea: quit playing DR and get a real job. Yes, I know. Radical concept)...but they actually sell plats and items to edge out some kind of living. (I wonder what they put on their IRS forms... "Sold 6 invisibility cloaks for $100 each"?)
Sorry if I'm jumping all over in my discussion here, I've had a bumpy night. Anyhow...
The way G. played out the grave robbing situation sounded like fun. It's fun to chase down GRers...the poor slob he robbed lost out on some truly interesting playing time. G. would've played along, I'm sure.
I guess the timer idea is needed, though. As much as I would have fun interacting with someone like G., I'd had to deal with a mechanics abusing dippity doo who's going to steal my 6 bolt repeater to pay the pizza delivery boy that week.
On the other hand, the timer sucks 'cause if the dippity doo steals it and I go chase after him instead of staying at my grave site, the item disappears to the janitor if he logs out. And I can't send somebody else to chase the dip 'cause policy won't let anyone champion for me and I wouldn't want my friends to get locked out just over a line of text.
Yeah, GR policy is screwy. Only things I can think of is to have no timer whatsoever, allow everyone automatic consent on someone who is a grave robbers, tag them with the GR title as soon as they rob the grave, maybe give us ghosts (like familiars) who watch our gravesite for us while we chase, depart to temple, or whatnot....
And do something about people selling items and plats for real cash.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 08/30/2005 11:36 AM CDT
<<On the other hand, the timer sucks 'cause if the dippity doo steals it and I go chase after him instead of staying at my grave site, the item disappears to the janitor if he logs out.>>
Actually, it disappears back to the place it was dropped, whether you're there or not. IIRC.
Marksman Ahmir Nam'al
"Is glas iad na cnoic i bhfad uainn."
-Distant hills look green.
Actually, it disappears back to the place it was dropped, whether you're there or not. IIRC.
Marksman Ahmir Nam'al
"Is glas iad na cnoic i bhfad uainn."
-Distant hills look green.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 08/30/2005 12:55 PM CDT
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 08/30/2005 01:17 PM CDT
<<<<Actually, it disappears back to the place it was dropped, whether you're there or not. IIRC.>>
Which is why the janitor gets it if I'm not there. Well, it might still be there when i get there or someone else might get it instead. Sorry if I'm being long-winded lately.>>
Which is why you have someone that you have 'consented' stand there, if they can, & wait for the item to reappear, if it does.
Yes, the GR policy is not that great but my preference is that we didnt have it allowed at all. The policy have having it fall under different time spans everytime is good, this way (lets us G as a example) G doesnt know if he has to stay 5 mins, 1 hr, or 5 hrs to beat the timer giving me the time to try to get the item back from him. If I dont care about the item then he has to spend the time looking over his shoulder wondering if I am going to come after him, worrying & waiting, hehheh.
Its not a great policy but better than what used to be, no policy but even better is not allowing it at all.
Obviously you were supposed to jab a pen into your monitor.
~~Marksman Ahmir Nam'al
Which is why the janitor gets it if I'm not there. Well, it might still be there when i get there or someone else might get it instead. Sorry if I'm being long-winded lately.>>
Which is why you have someone that you have 'consented' stand there, if they can, & wait for the item to reappear, if it does.
Yes, the GR policy is not that great but my preference is that we didnt have it allowed at all. The policy have having it fall under different time spans everytime is good, this way (lets us G as a example) G doesnt know if he has to stay 5 mins, 1 hr, or 5 hrs to beat the timer giving me the time to try to get the item back from him. If I dont care about the item then he has to spend the time looking over his shoulder wondering if I am going to come after him, worrying & waiting, hehheh.
Its not a great policy but better than what used to be, no policy but even better is not allowing it at all.
Obviously you were supposed to jab a pen into your monitor.
~~Marksman Ahmir Nam'al
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 08/30/2005 02:48 PM CDT
<<If I dont care about the item then he has to spend the time looking over his shoulder wondering if I am going to come after him, worrying & waiting, hehheh.>>
Awww. I like him worrying and waiting. It's kind of cute.
Well, however it's fixed, a fix would be nice. We can at least agree it's lacking something the way it is. Oh well, I think Solomon has posted in his last state of the union sort of posty thing that GRing is still being fiddled with or planned to be fiddled with.
Awww. I like him worrying and waiting. It's kind of cute.
Well, however it's fixed, a fix would be nice. We can at least agree it's lacking something the way it is. Oh well, I think Solomon has posted in his last state of the union sort of posty thing that GRing is still being fiddled with or planned to be fiddled with.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 08/30/2005 06:12 PM CDT
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/01/2005 02:23 AM CDT
Hey guys, I think this could be a good discussion, so feel free to continue it. However, I'd like to ask that we refrain from discussing personal scenarios and "what if"s and stick to the discussion of the policy itself. Thanks!
Please email all questions either to myself (, Senior Board Monitor Annwyl (, or Message Board Supervisor Cecco (
Please email all questions either to myself (, Senior Board Monitor Annwyl (, or Message Board Supervisor Cecco (
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/01/2005 10:50 AM CDT
I like the current timer being random. However, with consent as it stands, this poses MAJOR problems if you log out and the item poofs.
BMs, I'm sorry to go into "what-ifs" here, but I feel that this instance is justified, as it HAS happened to me before.
I'll use myself as an example here.
I stole a nice mistwood longbow from a VERY high level ranger when he died in Geni's. Now, I ran for about an hour and a half and got disconnected. I log back in to find that the item is no longer on me, the ranger is pissed, and the item has poofed back only to have been picked up by the janitor or someone else before he got there again.
What does this mean? Namely, he's pissed. Secondly? He has permanent consent on me, and seeing as how I can't return his bow, I'm in a bad spot. Now I don't mind this, I like the running and evading and all that jazz, but I'd like a bit of treasure to go with it for my hard work. I'd like to see some sort of policy in place to protect when you randomly get disconnected, or perhaps a mechanic that if you log back in withing 5 minutes, you'll still have the item on you. Any thoughts?
Tiv says, "She has fallen before. She knows she cannot stand against me in battle."
Tiv rules.
"This is the Moon Mage Guild, not the Pottery Guild"
Ok, Kssarh is cool too.
Am I hot? Some say it is so.
BMs, I'm sorry to go into "what-ifs" here, but I feel that this instance is justified, as it HAS happened to me before.
I'll use myself as an example here.
I stole a nice mistwood longbow from a VERY high level ranger when he died in Geni's. Now, I ran for about an hour and a half and got disconnected. I log back in to find that the item is no longer on me, the ranger is pissed, and the item has poofed back only to have been picked up by the janitor or someone else before he got there again.
What does this mean? Namely, he's pissed. Secondly? He has permanent consent on me, and seeing as how I can't return his bow, I'm in a bad spot. Now I don't mind this, I like the running and evading and all that jazz, but I'd like a bit of treasure to go with it for my hard work. I'd like to see some sort of policy in place to protect when you randomly get disconnected, or perhaps a mechanic that if you log back in withing 5 minutes, you'll still have the item on you. Any thoughts?
Tiv says, "She has fallen before. She knows she cannot stand against me in battle."
Tiv rules.
"This is the Moon Mage Guild, not the Pottery Guild"
Ok, Kssarh is cool too.
Am I hot? Some say it is so.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/01/2005 11:37 AM CDT
>Any thoughts?
Get a better connection. Reroll the chara.
Seriously though. The problems with graverobbing come down to a few very simple points ...
1) knowing who graverobbed you. There's something seriously messed up in the fact that no guild has any abilities to find and hunt down a graverobber, specifically. The system knows who an item belongs to and that its been graverobbed. You'd think that clerics, rangers, thieves and paladins, at the very least, should have ways to find and even track graverobbers.
2) no skill or even circle checks. A throwaway 5th circle chara shouldn't be able to just dig a 90th circle ranger's grave as easily as they would another novice. A really quick and sleazy fix for some of the worst violations, really, would be that a character can't grab anything from a grave of someone who could thump them while alive.
3) knowing if someone really is a graverobber. Damaris knows; characters, particularly clerics and paladins, should be able to perc the chara and know they are a graverobber. In which case bring back brand and the cleric should be able to brand the graverobber as such and brand them in such a way that everyone can see the mark. The brand would last until Damaris no longer has the character under His eye, i.e. the graverobbing mechanics limits are gone. Basically this would let characters see that this person really is a graverobber and that they're not on a witch hunt after the wrong person. (Oh, and that brand would mean consent to anyone, just like the whole Necro consent thing in town.)
And that's really it. We need ways to be able to find and hunt the right person. We also need to stop throwaways being used in graverobbing, since there are no consequences for them. Actually, if we had these tools, it could be an interesting and actually fun situation instead of just frustrating and annoying.
Get a better connection. Reroll the chara.
Seriously though. The problems with graverobbing come down to a few very simple points ...
1) knowing who graverobbed you. There's something seriously messed up in the fact that no guild has any abilities to find and hunt down a graverobber, specifically. The system knows who an item belongs to and that its been graverobbed. You'd think that clerics, rangers, thieves and paladins, at the very least, should have ways to find and even track graverobbers.
2) no skill or even circle checks. A throwaway 5th circle chara shouldn't be able to just dig a 90th circle ranger's grave as easily as they would another novice. A really quick and sleazy fix for some of the worst violations, really, would be that a character can't grab anything from a grave of someone who could thump them while alive.
3) knowing if someone really is a graverobber. Damaris knows; characters, particularly clerics and paladins, should be able to perc the chara and know they are a graverobber. In which case bring back brand and the cleric should be able to brand the graverobber as such and brand them in such a way that everyone can see the mark. The brand would last until Damaris no longer has the character under His eye, i.e. the graverobbing mechanics limits are gone. Basically this would let characters see that this person really is a graverobber and that they're not on a witch hunt after the wrong person. (Oh, and that brand would mean consent to anyone, just like the whole Necro consent thing in town.)
And that's really it. We need ways to be able to find and hunt the right person. We also need to stop throwaways being used in graverobbing, since there are no consequences for them. Actually, if we had these tools, it could be an interesting and actually fun situation instead of just frustrating and annoying.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/01/2005 11:56 AM CDT
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/01/2005 03:56 PM CDT
Egads, I like what Diomid said. The apocalypse can't be far behind...
Seriously, though, specific ways to limit/track/mark graverobbers would be fantastic.
Seems a lot of the time the trouble is when people logout/disco while the graverob effect is still active. Since the system's already tracking who the item belongs to, why not just let it poof back to the owner rather than to the gravesite? Only thing worse than a graverobber getting your weapon is for the janitor to get it, but this is quite often the case (either by connection issues or by the graverobber cowardly logging off).
"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."
Seriously, though, specific ways to limit/track/mark graverobbers would be fantastic.
Seems a lot of the time the trouble is when people logout/disco while the graverob effect is still active. Since the system's already tracking who the item belongs to, why not just let it poof back to the owner rather than to the gravesite? Only thing worse than a graverobber getting your weapon is for the janitor to get it, but this is quite often the case (either by connection issues or by the graverobber cowardly logging off).
"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 06:15 AM CDT
>Egads, I like what Diomid said. The apocalypse can't be far behind...
2 apocalypses. Theres good stuff in Dio's post.
>2) no skill or even circle checks. A throwaway 5th circle chara shouldn't be able to just dig a 90th circle ranger's grave as easily as they would another novice.
This is a very good point. It should be hard, but not impossible, otherwise its just doing away with GRing. Perhaps the RT/# of digs should scale with deaders concentration, or something. Also, give the GRer a bone in that his/her concentration affect the digging process.
>A really quick and sleazy fix for some of the worst violations, really, would be that a character can't grab anything from a grave of someone who could thump them while alive.
I disagree with this thought. Although it is usually a low level character, there are some well known higher level folks. I feel that limiting GRing to less than thump range effectively ends GRing, and thats a bit too over the top.
>3) knowing if someone really is a graverobber. Damaris knows; characters, particularly clerics and paladins, should be able to perc the chara and know they are a graverobber.
Good ideas. How about Rangers have the ability to catch a scent from the gravesite, and at differing levels of difficulty (based on scouting or something) catch the name, start to track, or whatever. Maybe Moon mages could perc the grave for similar type effects.
In order for this to be very valuable, or even usable, empty and open GRed graves would need to be flagged to stay open and not fade for a period of time, perhaps the same time as the item(s) cause spirit drain.
Bottom line, the SYSTEM should provide a fair way for the robbed to figure out who they are chasing for thier stuff. If thats by other character abilities (or thier own), then its an improvement.
I have no comment on the logout/disco problem, other than putting a very very very clear system message to the robbed that the item is back in thier grave. I had thought there was such a message already, but its been a while since any of my characters have been GRed.
2 apocalypses. Theres good stuff in Dio's post.
>2) no skill or even circle checks. A throwaway 5th circle chara shouldn't be able to just dig a 90th circle ranger's grave as easily as they would another novice.
This is a very good point. It should be hard, but not impossible, otherwise its just doing away with GRing. Perhaps the RT/# of digs should scale with deaders concentration, or something. Also, give the GRer a bone in that his/her concentration affect the digging process.
>A really quick and sleazy fix for some of the worst violations, really, would be that a character can't grab anything from a grave of someone who could thump them while alive.
I disagree with this thought. Although it is usually a low level character, there are some well known higher level folks. I feel that limiting GRing to less than thump range effectively ends GRing, and thats a bit too over the top.
>3) knowing if someone really is a graverobber. Damaris knows; characters, particularly clerics and paladins, should be able to perc the chara and know they are a graverobber.
Good ideas. How about Rangers have the ability to catch a scent from the gravesite, and at differing levels of difficulty (based on scouting or something) catch the name, start to track, or whatever. Maybe Moon mages could perc the grave for similar type effects.
In order for this to be very valuable, or even usable, empty and open GRed graves would need to be flagged to stay open and not fade for a period of time, perhaps the same time as the item(s) cause spirit drain.
Bottom line, the SYSTEM should provide a fair way for the robbed to figure out who they are chasing for thier stuff. If thats by other character abilities (or thier own), then its an improvement.
I have no comment on the logout/disco problem, other than putting a very very very clear system message to the robbed that the item is back in thier grave. I had thought there was such a message already, but its been a while since any of my characters have been GRed.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 06:51 AM CDT
>2) no skill or even circle checks. A throwaway 5th circle chara shouldn't be able to just dig a 90th circle ranger's grave as easily as they would another novice.
So because your a higher circle your grave is deeper? What's the logic behind this?
Strangeguard Prayermaster
You gesture at a sand sprite.
Its head soars through the air as its neck is entirely destroyed!
A sand sprite slowly falls to the ground, moaning in despair, shuddering in pain before taking her last breath.
So because your a higher circle your grave is deeper? What's the logic behind this?
Strangeguard Prayermaster
You gesture at a sand sprite.
Its head soars through the air as its neck is entirely destroyed!
A sand sprite slowly falls to the ground, moaning in despair, shuddering in pain before taking her last breath.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 07:34 AM CDT
>So because your a higher circle your grave is deeper? What's the logic behind this?
Same reason Queen Victoria's grave is harder to dig than Mr. Pauper Smith's. <shrug> Nah, its not 100% identical, but then the current grave system isn't all that sensible. More I just see no reason why not. Call it the mass of all those extra stats and fluff. Say characters get denser with age. There's nothing saying the grave of a higher circle character can't be harder to dig than a novice, either.
Same reason Queen Victoria's grave is harder to dig than Mr. Pauper Smith's. <shrug> Nah, its not 100% identical, but then the current grave system isn't all that sensible. More I just see no reason why not. Call it the mass of all those extra stats and fluff. Say characters get denser with age. There's nothing saying the grave of a higher circle character can't be harder to dig than a novice, either.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 07:38 AM CDT
>Although it is usually a low level character, there are some well known higher level folks.
They could graverob someone, as long as their victim wasn't more than 20 cicles over them. This way you'd have to use an older character to graverob another older character. Keep it in the family, as it were.
They could graverob someone, as long as their victim wasn't more than 20 cicles over them. This way you'd have to use an older character to graverob another older character. Keep it in the family, as it were.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 09:09 AM CDT
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 09:29 AM CDT
>It would virtually eliminate GRing, and thats not good.
What, just because then someone who wanted to GR a big ol 100th circle chara would have to run theirs up to at least 80th and risk something? That's why I say it would be a great idea. It would mean that players would have to risk at least a signifigant fraction of the time running up their character that their victim spent.
Risk vs. reward. This way someone wouldn't be able to risk nothing for a huge reward. They'd have to have at least some risk involved, particularly for characters who have some time on them and are more likely to have things of sentimental value.
Guess I just think that graverobbers should have something at risk, even if its the time in building up a character. If this stops all graverobbing in Prime, well then, waaah, too bad for the graverobbers not willing to risk anything in pursuit of their 'fun'.
From listening to the very rare GR who does it to play, they all say they pick victims in their range. Well, it wouldn't affect them at all, as it shouldn't. It would, however, cut off the snerts who go after the biggest loot they can with nothing to loose. The GR should have something to loose more than a couple hours of work in getting rid of the novice bug. They should have a risk and it be a big one. Then, yeah, it could be fun for everyone, quite honestly.
This isn't a make it all sweetness and light. Actually, you'll probably see more graverobbing with the mechanics I'm talknig about. Folks who like to play the game and create conflict and have fun. But, they'll be limited to preying on characters in their own age-bracket where there is some real risk and conflict and challenge.
It is one of the two fundamental flaws with the system.
1) tracking. No way to know, for sure, and track graverobbers.
2) risk vs. reward. Graverobbers have nothing signifigant at risk.
Fix those two issues and I think it could be an interesting system and a source of some rather enjoyable, player wise, conflicts.
What, just because then someone who wanted to GR a big ol 100th circle chara would have to run theirs up to at least 80th and risk something? That's why I say it would be a great idea. It would mean that players would have to risk at least a signifigant fraction of the time running up their character that their victim spent.
Risk vs. reward. This way someone wouldn't be able to risk nothing for a huge reward. They'd have to have at least some risk involved, particularly for characters who have some time on them and are more likely to have things of sentimental value.
Guess I just think that graverobbers should have something at risk, even if its the time in building up a character. If this stops all graverobbing in Prime, well then, waaah, too bad for the graverobbers not willing to risk anything in pursuit of their 'fun'.
From listening to the very rare GR who does it to play, they all say they pick victims in their range. Well, it wouldn't affect them at all, as it shouldn't. It would, however, cut off the snerts who go after the biggest loot they can with nothing to loose. The GR should have something to loose more than a couple hours of work in getting rid of the novice bug. They should have a risk and it be a big one. Then, yeah, it could be fun for everyone, quite honestly.
This isn't a make it all sweetness and light. Actually, you'll probably see more graverobbing with the mechanics I'm talknig about. Folks who like to play the game and create conflict and have fun. But, they'll be limited to preying on characters in their own age-bracket where there is some real risk and conflict and challenge.
It is one of the two fundamental flaws with the system.
1) tracking. No way to know, for sure, and track graverobbers.
2) risk vs. reward. Graverobbers have nothing signifigant at risk.
Fix those two issues and I think it could be an interesting system and a source of some rather enjoyable, player wise, conflicts.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 09:45 AM CDT
>Guess I just think that graverobbers should have something at risk
Consent for the items return is risk enough. Especially if its from some 100th barb. The only real problem is that its too easy to hand off and/or wait out the timer by jumping a ferry, ship or whatever.
>1) tracking. No way to know, for sure, and track graverobbers.
I completely agree. This is the number 1 request to 'fix' GRing. System generated messages, or some indication of who to chase would be ideal. Even better is solid, provable, consent friendly ways for characters to prove who took what.
Consent for the items return is risk enough. Especially if its from some 100th barb. The only real problem is that its too easy to hand off and/or wait out the timer by jumping a ferry, ship or whatever.
>1) tracking. No way to know, for sure, and track graverobbers.
I completely agree. This is the number 1 request to 'fix' GRing. System generated messages, or some indication of who to chase would be ideal. Even better is solid, provable, consent friendly ways for characters to prove who took what.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 10:08 AM CDT
>The only real problem is that its too easy to hand off
Well, if it follows the same tracking mechanism as the current GR mechanics. <eg>
> and/or wait out the timer by jumping a ferry, ship or whatever.
That has always been an issue, but if its still held by the GR, well, most boats aren't that short a time and if you had a way for say a cleric or paladin to percieve someone, well, there's your consent on the other side of the water and may the hunt go on.
Part of this, also, and why I want the hunting ability to be seriously upgraded, is for those cases where someone has a weapon or grave goods and is tagged as a graverobber through no fault of their own and they're standing right there with the person they 'stole' from. I.e. consent or whatever got messed up through multiple deaths or what have you.
This way the victim of the theft also can choose to just ignore it, too. They'd better, too if it's their wife or husband. <g>
>Even better is solid, provable, consent friendly ways for characters to prove who took what.
Hey, I think it would be a total blast to have say clerics be able to brand a graverobber, in a way everyone could see. If you tie it to the current graverobbing mechanics including going off when the person no longer is holding the item(s), then there's no problem with false accusation and wrongful pursuit. Posses are fun and if even this one part is put into place, it would solve more than a few problems.
Well, if it follows the same tracking mechanism as the current GR mechanics. <eg>
> and/or wait out the timer by jumping a ferry, ship or whatever.
That has always been an issue, but if its still held by the GR, well, most boats aren't that short a time and if you had a way for say a cleric or paladin to percieve someone, well, there's your consent on the other side of the water and may the hunt go on.
Part of this, also, and why I want the hunting ability to be seriously upgraded, is for those cases where someone has a weapon or grave goods and is tagged as a graverobber through no fault of their own and they're standing right there with the person they 'stole' from. I.e. consent or whatever got messed up through multiple deaths or what have you.
This way the victim of the theft also can choose to just ignore it, too. They'd better, too if it's their wife or husband. <g>
>Even better is solid, provable, consent friendly ways for characters to prove who took what.
Hey, I think it would be a total blast to have say clerics be able to brand a graverobber, in a way everyone could see. If you tie it to the current graverobbing mechanics including going off when the person no longer is holding the item(s), then there's no problem with false accusation and wrongful pursuit. Posses are fun and if even this one part is put into place, it would solve more than a few problems.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 11:25 AM CDT
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 11:49 AM CDT
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 01:17 PM CDT
<<These grave sites are just death locations where your body fell, these are not the final resting place massive secure cripts of someone. I have to agree with Strangeguard's player that I can't see the logic of this debate.
That's exactly what I was thinking. The graves in question are not full-blown graves with headstones and caskets-- it's a shallow hole, covered with dirt. The idea that somehow the dirt over a higher level character's remains/possessions would be harder to dig than that on a n00b's grave is just silly. I know a lot of people don't like graverobbing, but seriously, the reasoning for this is flimsy at best.
If you have something someone might consider worth graverobbing (or if you know you are the sort of person who might be an obvious target), make sure you get a paladin to ward you, or get raised. Or have someone guard your grave. There's no reason for mystically super-hard graves of dewm, when we already have anti-graverobbing mechanics in place. (And if you hunt in far-away areas, where there aren't many paladins or clerics around, at odd times of the night, it is highly unlikely throwaway novices will be around to swarm gleefully over your grave.)
That's exactly what I was thinking. The graves in question are not full-blown graves with headstones and caskets-- it's a shallow hole, covered with dirt. The idea that somehow the dirt over a higher level character's remains/possessions would be harder to dig than that on a n00b's grave is just silly. I know a lot of people don't like graverobbing, but seriously, the reasoning for this is flimsy at best.
If you have something someone might consider worth graverobbing (or if you know you are the sort of person who might be an obvious target), make sure you get a paladin to ward you, or get raised. Or have someone guard your grave. There's no reason for mystically super-hard graves of dewm, when we already have anti-graverobbing mechanics in place. (And if you hunt in far-away areas, where there aren't many paladins or clerics around, at odd times of the night, it is highly unlikely throwaway novices will be around to swarm gleefully over your grave.)
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 01:26 PM CDT
>That's exactly what I was thinking. The graves in question are not full-blown graves with headstones and caskets-- it's a shallow hole, covered with dirt. The idea that somehow the dirt over a higher level character's remains/possessions would be harder to dig than that on a n00b's grave is just silly. I know a lot of people don't like graverobbing, but seriously, the reasoning for this is flimsy at best.
Sometimes things that make no sense are done to game playability reasons (i.e. disarm mark). The request for some sort of skill/circle check is to ensure the graverobber also is risking something when they graverob.
'Slimy Yet Satisfying' - Miko Mido
Supreme Bunny Overlord Zairius
Sometimes things that make no sense are done to game playability reasons (i.e. disarm mark). The request for some sort of skill/circle check is to ensure the graverobber also is risking something when they graverob.
'Slimy Yet Satisfying' - Miko Mido
Supreme Bunny Overlord Zairius
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 01:46 PM CDT
<<Sometimes things that make no sense are done to game playability reasons (i.e. disarm mark). The request for some sort of skill/circle check is to ensure the graverobber also is risking something when they graverob.
Graverobbers already risk something when they graverob. I've seen plenty of cases of graverobbing, in which the victim figured out who did it (either because someone was hidden in the room and saw who did it or because they came back in the middle of the graverobbery), and went after the graverobber. Add to that the mob reaction so typical in these cases (as well as the existing anti-GR mechanics I mentioned in my previous post) and it makes it a bit hard to take seriously this lobbying for increased risk under the guise of game playability. Let's be honest-- nobody who wants to see the skill/circle check enacted is looking to increase the risk of graverobbing. They're looking to make it pretty near impossible.
Graverobbers already risk something when they graverob. I've seen plenty of cases of graverobbing, in which the victim figured out who did it (either because someone was hidden in the room and saw who did it or because they came back in the middle of the graverobbery), and went after the graverobber. Add to that the mob reaction so typical in these cases (as well as the existing anti-GR mechanics I mentioned in my previous post) and it makes it a bit hard to take seriously this lobbying for increased risk under the guise of game playability. Let's be honest-- nobody who wants to see the skill/circle check enacted is looking to increase the risk of graverobbing. They're looking to make it pretty near impossible.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 01:51 PM CDT
"It would virtually eliminate GRing, and thats not good."
I am baffled by how a 20 circle limitation would virtually eliminate grave robbing. Is that because only wee little throw away characters grave rob? Because that is the issue we are addressing.
Others have also addressed the risk vs reward issue- but this is what I would like to see also. My character is 49 circle- that means someone who grave robbed me would have to be at least 29th circle. What is the problem with that? It would mean that the person who wanted to grave rob me would have had to put some effort into his character and hopefully by that point it wouldn't just be a throwaway.
RE: the IC rational- sorry graves aren't really IC at all. First of all, there weren't any graves originally- just poof one day there were graves when we died. Secondly there is no IC explanation of why all of our possession are suddenly 'buried' in a grave when we depart. We also have no problem with the OOC mechanism of thump. Combine the two and I see no issue with doing the same with graves.
And finally- please stop the mantra "well if you really care about your possessions you will always wait for a glyph or a resurrection". IF that addressed every situation then all GR would be eliminated. Many whiney opportunists would lose their joie de vie. The discussion here is supposed to be how to make GR more fair and fun for both sides. The person who is GR should have a reasonable chance of discovering who GR them, and there should be some reasonable protections from throwaway characters.
All of Dio's original suggestions were a good start.
I am baffled by how a 20 circle limitation would virtually eliminate grave robbing. Is that because only wee little throw away characters grave rob? Because that is the issue we are addressing.
Others have also addressed the risk vs reward issue- but this is what I would like to see also. My character is 49 circle- that means someone who grave robbed me would have to be at least 29th circle. What is the problem with that? It would mean that the person who wanted to grave rob me would have had to put some effort into his character and hopefully by that point it wouldn't just be a throwaway.
RE: the IC rational- sorry graves aren't really IC at all. First of all, there weren't any graves originally- just poof one day there were graves when we died. Secondly there is no IC explanation of why all of our possession are suddenly 'buried' in a grave when we depart. We also have no problem with the OOC mechanism of thump. Combine the two and I see no issue with doing the same with graves.
And finally- please stop the mantra "well if you really care about your possessions you will always wait for a glyph or a resurrection". IF that addressed every situation then all GR would be eliminated. Many whiney opportunists would lose their joie de vie. The discussion here is supposed to be how to make GR more fair and fun for both sides. The person who is GR should have a reasonable chance of discovering who GR them, and there should be some reasonable protections from throwaway characters.
All of Dio's original suggestions were a good start.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 01:53 PM CDT
>Graverobbers already risk something when they graverob.
What? the 20th circle they made in a few weeks?
>Let's be honest-- nobody who wants to see the skill/circle check enacted is looking to increase the risk of graverobbing.
Nope I want people to have to use their 'main' characters to graverob and not some low level alt.
'Slimy Yet Satisfying' - Miko Mido
Supreme Bunny Overlord Zairius
What? the 20th circle they made in a few weeks?
>Let's be honest-- nobody who wants to see the skill/circle check enacted is looking to increase the risk of graverobbing.
Nope I want people to have to use their 'main' characters to graverob and not some low level alt.
'Slimy Yet Satisfying' - Miko Mido
Supreme Bunny Overlord Zairius
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 01:53 PM CDT
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 02:23 PM CDT
"Let's be honest-- nobody who wants to see the skill/circle check enacted is looking to increase the risk of graverobbing. They're looking to make it pretty near impossible."
a) I wouldn't cry if GR went away. b) I think if there is going to be GR the victim should be able to easily identify who GR them, otherwise there is no challenge whatever.
Let's be honest- anybody who doesn't want a skill/circle check enacted just wants to be able to GR without any risk. My statement is about as balanced as yours.
a) I wouldn't cry if GR went away. b) I think if there is going to be GR the victim should be able to easily identify who GR them, otherwise there is no challenge whatever.
Let's be honest- anybody who doesn't want a skill/circle check enacted just wants to be able to GR without any risk. My statement is about as balanced as yours.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 03:50 PM CDT
I don't grave rob, never have grave robbed, and never will grave rob. That being said I still think it's rediculous to have a skill check on digging a grave. Someone made the comment that illogical things are in place for playabilty. This makes no sense. The only time you are forced to depart is after you have been dead for hours. There is normally plenty of time for a cleric/paladin/friend to find you and watch your stuff.
On a side note the example that was made "Sometimes things that make no sense are done to game playability reasons (i.e. disarm mark)." I'd like some clarification on how placing a design on a box to show you what type of trap it is makes no sense.
Strangeguard Prayermaster
You gesture at a sand sprite.
Its head soars through the air as its neck is entirely destroyed!
A sand sprite slowly falls to the ground, moaning in despair, shuddering in pain before taking her last breath.
On a side note the example that was made "Sometimes things that make no sense are done to game playability reasons (i.e. disarm mark)." I'd like some clarification on how placing a design on a box to show you what type of trap it is makes no sense.
Strangeguard Prayermaster
You gesture at a sand sprite.
Its head soars through the air as its neck is entirely destroyed!
A sand sprite slowly falls to the ground, moaning in despair, shuddering in pain before taking her last breath.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 03:56 PM CDT
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 03:59 PM CDT
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 04:08 PM CDT
Those are not departed graves J'lo. This argument is mentally tiring, I just can't wrap my mind around how, because your a higher circle, your grave would be harder to dig out, or impossible even.
Strangeguard Prayermaster
You gesture at a sand sprite.
Its head soars through the air as its neck is entirely destroyed!
A sand sprite slowly falls to the ground, moaning in despair, shuddering in pain before taking her last breath.
Strangeguard Prayermaster
You gesture at a sand sprite.
Its head soars through the air as its neck is entirely destroyed!
A sand sprite slowly falls to the ground, moaning in despair, shuddering in pain before taking her last breath.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 04:26 PM CDT
"The only time you are forced to depart is after you have been dead for hours. There is normally plenty of time for a cleric/paladin/friend to find you and watch your stuff."
Strangeguard- saying that people are rarely forced to depart is backwards- to my way of thinking. Remember- the depart mechanism is the original and primary way for characters to get back to playing after dieing. Players can choose to wait for a glyph or a resurrection- but as we clerics argue often- no one should expect a resurrection or a glyph.
Waiting for someone to find you in reality means most often using OOC method- i.e. IM- to request help. Sure its great if friends know where you are and are willing and able to come assist you. But as a cleric who plays at odd hours and in strange places, I rarely bother to see if someone is going to come get me. I of course can and have used IM's to ask for help. I just don't like to.
I take my chances that I might get grave robbed. What I don't want to be grave robbed by is some 5th circle throwaway rolled up the day before who is just the way for some idiot to annoy other players without risking his primary character. Graves are OOC already- adding another mechanism to them won't hurt those who play serious characters.
If someone steals my stuff and is a regular character that I can have a chance to chase down- I can accept that risk just as he does.
Strangeguard- saying that people are rarely forced to depart is backwards- to my way of thinking. Remember- the depart mechanism is the original and primary way for characters to get back to playing after dieing. Players can choose to wait for a glyph or a resurrection- but as we clerics argue often- no one should expect a resurrection or a glyph.
Waiting for someone to find you in reality means most often using OOC method- i.e. IM- to request help. Sure its great if friends know where you are and are willing and able to come assist you. But as a cleric who plays at odd hours and in strange places, I rarely bother to see if someone is going to come get me. I of course can and have used IM's to ask for help. I just don't like to.
I take my chances that I might get grave robbed. What I don't want to be grave robbed by is some 5th circle throwaway rolled up the day before who is just the way for some idiot to annoy other players without risking his primary character. Graves are OOC already- adding another mechanism to them won't hurt those who play serious characters.
If someone steals my stuff and is a regular character that I can have a chance to chase down- I can accept that risk just as he does.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/02/2005 04:32 PM CDT
>On a side note the example that was made "Sometimes things that make no sense are done to game playability reasons (i.e. disarm mark)." I'd like some clarification on how placing a design on a box to show you what type of trap it is makes no sense.
Realistically trying to find the id of the trap should possibly sent the trap off as opposed to doodling a picture on the box. For playability the id step is safe while mark can detonate the box.
'Slimy Yet Satisfying' - Miko Mido
Supreme Bunny Overlord Zairius
Realistically trying to find the id of the trap should possibly sent the trap off as opposed to doodling a picture on the box. For playability the id step is safe while mark can detonate the box.
'Slimy Yet Satisfying' - Miko Mido
Supreme Bunny Overlord Zairius
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/03/2005 09:25 AM CDT
<<Secondly there is no IC explanation of why all of our possession are suddenly 'buried' in a grave when we depart.>>
well, there was an ic event when it first happened. and clerics had to look around for the soul, much like they do now when they raise - but spirits at that time <the dead characters> could move all over the place so it was a very cool event, and they could only be detected by clerics.
it occured on an ooc holiday, halloween - but it still was pretty cool.
"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/06/2005 11:21 AM CDT
The "20th circle rule" isn't going to work. Right now I run two characters. A commoner who is my necromancer to be, and my graverobber. Some of you guys might say, "omg, the graverobber is a throwaway!!!1"
That's not how it works. I know other people who do it this way, but it's quite simple. I enjoy two different aspects of the game. The RPed graverobber, and the workaholic training character. I used to have both in one, my graverobber, but what I've found is that I CANNOT train him in public anymore. While this is exactly what I was looking for, it limits my circling ability. While my stealth skills have mood up quite well along with climbing and swimming, my core skills such as combats have gone right down the crapper. It is extraordinairely difficult to train skills for circling like this, and so I've given it up entirely. My character sits somewhere above 20th circle, and just trains what is necessary for him, which is how I basically envisioned it should be anyways. Introducing a circle req would completely ruin the graverobbing in the game. You cannot train combats when there is some 90th circle crazy after you with moon mages locating you every 5 minutes. It just doesn't work, therefore, as a fully RPed graverobber, the system would screw you. To a person who feels the need to harass and annoy, it wouldn't be so bad, because you can always log off to your main or because your character is high enough you can laugh at the other guy.
I DO like the idea of being able to track graverobbers down. The idea of having a cleric perceive a grave (I don't like Moonies perceiving graves, sry, but clerics need something to do, and this would promote guilds working together, ie. cleric perceives, has moonie locate, etc.) so you know who did it would be great. Heck, I'd even like to see a skill for making it difficult for the clerics to perceive, a skill check of some sort, maybe PP vs escaping? I know escaping is terrible now, but maybe there'll be some way to train it better in the future. The idea of having a ranger looking through it I like as well. The problem I have currently with rangers is that they basically can automatically teleport to you by having there companion find you then track the companion. I would be FULLY endorsing a system of tracking graverobbers IF we had ways to A. Lay traps. B. Throw you off C. They got rid of the automatic teleport. I think the whole idea of this brings up a great new opportunity for the career system. Imagine a career of being a bounty hunter for graverobbers? Only bounty hunters would have full time consent on GRers, and then the ideas of brand would be cool. Heck, they could even implement it with the newly designed traps skills that's supposed to be released or whatever for rangers. Imagine being able to track a graverobber down and toss a bola around his legs and drag him back to town. I think it would be immensely cool, especially with the thief disguise projects being worked on. What we have here is an amazing opportunity, and I really think we should embrace it instead of trying to pigeonhole graverobbing into a system that's just "broken" and the only fix being to remove it or make it impossible.
Whew, tangent there.
Again, I say, get rid of the poofing of items without say a 5 minute delay, just in case the guy got disconnected and is coming back.
Flavius, just wondering, where you hunt how often do level 5 characters freshly rolled up just hang out waiting for you to die and depart? Do they just sit in the hunting area going, "Yeah... I feel lucky." Doesn't happen. In all sincerity, most graverobbing of serious items occurs inside the clerics guild. It's the snatch and grab and then run for the hills method. I've tried waiting in hunting areas for people to die so I can grab their stuff. Here's what happens.
A. I die.
B. They notice me walking around, when they come back to life they notice I was the only person in there, their stuff is missing, and they track me down and ask to search me. Doesn't work.
C. As soon as they die, a cleric or paladin or moon mage comes around to foil my plans.
D. The most likely one... THEY DON'T DIE. It's nearly impossible to pull off unless you're a moon mage locating every person who dies just so you can run in and HOPE they don't get any help.
Bottom line, it's just not worth the effort.
The idea that GRing is riskless is absurd. The problem does come in when someone goes, omg, I'll GR and then give it to my other character! It's OOC, it's against Mechanics, and GMs will destroy you for it if they find out. If it happens, report it. I've had my stuff sacked after I've been caught GRing and died, ironic isn't it? I get GRed after GRing someone? lol, it happens. People have NO sympathy for graverobbers, and they shouldn't, so they just rifle through our stuff and take what they want as well. I've been at 0 favors and dead before, it's scary, don't tell me there's no risk involved.
I wouldn't mind the idea of a title on a Graverobber at all times. Heck, I'd relish the idea. Gotta build notoriety somehow.
I don't like the idea of EVERYONE having consent. Makes it overly hard. If you want everyone to have consent on me, let me hit no locate rooms or actually ride ferries and barges. The way it currently is, if everyone had consent, you'd be beyond done for, with NO chance for escape. Plus, if everyone has consent on me, I should have consent on them, the idea that people could witch hunt me and I couldn't strike back (not that it would do a ton of good against a large group of people) until they casted or advanced me is near sickening. As it is I've been having to lead people into Wir Dinegos when they try and get me in large groups. I don't report, but it's annoying when people who aren't involved and aren't Paladins try to play hero.
For once, I support Dio in a few ideas, but like I said, we've gotta make sure it's fair for the people who are actually RPing a graverobber. Heck, if it was made even, we might actually have more graverobbers who actually RP it well. With crap rules and contentions all we end up with are people who just want to grab with a throwaway and switch it to another character. If it's made more viable for the normal character, I think everyone would have more fun with the system.
Tiv says, "She has fallen before. She knows she cannot stand against me in battle."
Tiv rules.
"This is the Moon Mage Guild, not the Pottery Guild"
Ok, Kssarh is cool too.
Am I hot? Some say it is so.
That's not how it works. I know other people who do it this way, but it's quite simple. I enjoy two different aspects of the game. The RPed graverobber, and the workaholic training character. I used to have both in one, my graverobber, but what I've found is that I CANNOT train him in public anymore. While this is exactly what I was looking for, it limits my circling ability. While my stealth skills have mood up quite well along with climbing and swimming, my core skills such as combats have gone right down the crapper. It is extraordinairely difficult to train skills for circling like this, and so I've given it up entirely. My character sits somewhere above 20th circle, and just trains what is necessary for him, which is how I basically envisioned it should be anyways. Introducing a circle req would completely ruin the graverobbing in the game. You cannot train combats when there is some 90th circle crazy after you with moon mages locating you every 5 minutes. It just doesn't work, therefore, as a fully RPed graverobber, the system would screw you. To a person who feels the need to harass and annoy, it wouldn't be so bad, because you can always log off to your main or because your character is high enough you can laugh at the other guy.
I DO like the idea of being able to track graverobbers down. The idea of having a cleric perceive a grave (I don't like Moonies perceiving graves, sry, but clerics need something to do, and this would promote guilds working together, ie. cleric perceives, has moonie locate, etc.) so you know who did it would be great. Heck, I'd even like to see a skill for making it difficult for the clerics to perceive, a skill check of some sort, maybe PP vs escaping? I know escaping is terrible now, but maybe there'll be some way to train it better in the future. The idea of having a ranger looking through it I like as well. The problem I have currently with rangers is that they basically can automatically teleport to you by having there companion find you then track the companion. I would be FULLY endorsing a system of tracking graverobbers IF we had ways to A. Lay traps. B. Throw you off C. They got rid of the automatic teleport. I think the whole idea of this brings up a great new opportunity for the career system. Imagine a career of being a bounty hunter for graverobbers? Only bounty hunters would have full time consent on GRers, and then the ideas of brand would be cool. Heck, they could even implement it with the newly designed traps skills that's supposed to be released or whatever for rangers. Imagine being able to track a graverobber down and toss a bola around his legs and drag him back to town. I think it would be immensely cool, especially with the thief disguise projects being worked on. What we have here is an amazing opportunity, and I really think we should embrace it instead of trying to pigeonhole graverobbing into a system that's just "broken" and the only fix being to remove it or make it impossible.
Whew, tangent there.
Again, I say, get rid of the poofing of items without say a 5 minute delay, just in case the guy got disconnected and is coming back.
Flavius, just wondering, where you hunt how often do level 5 characters freshly rolled up just hang out waiting for you to die and depart? Do they just sit in the hunting area going, "Yeah... I feel lucky." Doesn't happen. In all sincerity, most graverobbing of serious items occurs inside the clerics guild. It's the snatch and grab and then run for the hills method. I've tried waiting in hunting areas for people to die so I can grab their stuff. Here's what happens.
A. I die.
B. They notice me walking around, when they come back to life they notice I was the only person in there, their stuff is missing, and they track me down and ask to search me. Doesn't work.
C. As soon as they die, a cleric or paladin or moon mage comes around to foil my plans.
D. The most likely one... THEY DON'T DIE. It's nearly impossible to pull off unless you're a moon mage locating every person who dies just so you can run in and HOPE they don't get any help.
Bottom line, it's just not worth the effort.
The idea that GRing is riskless is absurd. The problem does come in when someone goes, omg, I'll GR and then give it to my other character! It's OOC, it's against Mechanics, and GMs will destroy you for it if they find out. If it happens, report it. I've had my stuff sacked after I've been caught GRing and died, ironic isn't it? I get GRed after GRing someone? lol, it happens. People have NO sympathy for graverobbers, and they shouldn't, so they just rifle through our stuff and take what they want as well. I've been at 0 favors and dead before, it's scary, don't tell me there's no risk involved.
I wouldn't mind the idea of a title on a Graverobber at all times. Heck, I'd relish the idea. Gotta build notoriety somehow.
I don't like the idea of EVERYONE having consent. Makes it overly hard. If you want everyone to have consent on me, let me hit no locate rooms or actually ride ferries and barges. The way it currently is, if everyone had consent, you'd be beyond done for, with NO chance for escape. Plus, if everyone has consent on me, I should have consent on them, the idea that people could witch hunt me and I couldn't strike back (not that it would do a ton of good against a large group of people) until they casted or advanced me is near sickening. As it is I've been having to lead people into Wir Dinegos when they try and get me in large groups. I don't report, but it's annoying when people who aren't involved and aren't Paladins try to play hero.
For once, I support Dio in a few ideas, but like I said, we've gotta make sure it's fair for the people who are actually RPing a graverobber. Heck, if it was made even, we might actually have more graverobbers who actually RP it well. With crap rules and contentions all we end up with are people who just want to grab with a throwaway and switch it to another character. If it's made more viable for the normal character, I think everyone would have more fun with the system.
Tiv says, "She has fallen before. She knows she cannot stand against me in battle."
Tiv rules.
"This is the Moon Mage Guild, not the Pottery Guild"
Ok, Kssarh is cool too.
Am I hot? Some say it is so.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/06/2005 11:45 AM CDT
>The "20th circle rule" isn't going to work.
20 circle differential. A 20th circle chara could hit a 40th, but not a 41st. Just close up the gap some. What would be ideal is actual time in game, not circles, but there's no way to track that statistic or use it.
>but what I've found is that I CANNOT train him in public anymore.
Yup, too bad, so sad. I'm sure there will be a bunch of necros in this situation as well. That's the problem with playing a real bad guy. Eventually, just because of a lack of anything better to do, they'll become unplayable. Its the DR equivalent of true death.
>You cannot train combats when there is some 90th circle crazy after you with moon mages locating you every 5 minutes.
Actually that is an interesting point. What about making the consent mutual. No, someone couldn't graverob someone more than 20 circles over them but anyone more than 20 circles over the graverobber wouldn't have consent against them for being a graverobber. A royal pain to code, but the concept ...
I also don't know if people will be quite as bloodthirsty when you don't have so many snerts rolled up just to GR people for the point of harassment.
>Imagine being able to track a graverobber down and toss a bola around his legs and drag him back to town.
I'd love to see all kinds of non-killing attacks and also ways for characters to subdue other characters without killing them beyond thump. Even magic weapons made to subdue instead of kill would be a blast.
> It's OOC, it's against Mechanics, and GMs will destroy you for it if they find out.
Eh, then they just go to another CC they ripped off. Most graverobbers are jerks out to harass people. Part of why I put the 20 circle delta requirment in is because it would probably be incredibly easy to code because it already exists for thump. Its not a fix. Its a bandaid to at least patch the worst offense, the throwaway going after the phat loot to sell with no risk of any kind.
It is possible to RP graverobbing of a 5th circle chara with nothing more than the crud they get out of the chara manager. If the idea is the challenge and chase, it doesn't matter what you steal. Its the chase that's fun.
And personally, I don't know how many 90th circle mages would even bother if it were just one baby chara stealing a piece of Crossing junk from another baby chara. Yeah, there are some who are equally snerty who just look for a chance to kill, but a lot probably wouldn't even care.
>If it's made more viable for the normal character, I think everyone would have more fun with the system.
That's exactly my point as well. Right now its only 'fun' for the throways and snerts.
20 circle differential. A 20th circle chara could hit a 40th, but not a 41st. Just close up the gap some. What would be ideal is actual time in game, not circles, but there's no way to track that statistic or use it.
>but what I've found is that I CANNOT train him in public anymore.
Yup, too bad, so sad. I'm sure there will be a bunch of necros in this situation as well. That's the problem with playing a real bad guy. Eventually, just because of a lack of anything better to do, they'll become unplayable. Its the DR equivalent of true death.
>You cannot train combats when there is some 90th circle crazy after you with moon mages locating you every 5 minutes.
Actually that is an interesting point. What about making the consent mutual. No, someone couldn't graverob someone more than 20 circles over them but anyone more than 20 circles over the graverobber wouldn't have consent against them for being a graverobber. A royal pain to code, but the concept ...
I also don't know if people will be quite as bloodthirsty when you don't have so many snerts rolled up just to GR people for the point of harassment.
>Imagine being able to track a graverobber down and toss a bola around his legs and drag him back to town.
I'd love to see all kinds of non-killing attacks and also ways for characters to subdue other characters without killing them beyond thump. Even magic weapons made to subdue instead of kill would be a blast.
> It's OOC, it's against Mechanics, and GMs will destroy you for it if they find out.
Eh, then they just go to another CC they ripped off. Most graverobbers are jerks out to harass people. Part of why I put the 20 circle delta requirment in is because it would probably be incredibly easy to code because it already exists for thump. Its not a fix. Its a bandaid to at least patch the worst offense, the throwaway going after the phat loot to sell with no risk of any kind.
It is possible to RP graverobbing of a 5th circle chara with nothing more than the crud they get out of the chara manager. If the idea is the challenge and chase, it doesn't matter what you steal. Its the chase that's fun.
And personally, I don't know how many 90th circle mages would even bother if it were just one baby chara stealing a piece of Crossing junk from another baby chara. Yeah, there are some who are equally snerty who just look for a chance to kill, but a lot probably wouldn't even care.
>If it's made more viable for the normal character, I think everyone would have more fun with the system.
That's exactly my point as well. Right now its only 'fun' for the throways and snerts.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/06/2005 12:41 PM CDT
"My character sits somewhere above 20th circle, and just trains what is necessary for him, which is how I basically envisioned it should be anyways. Introducing a circle req would completely ruin the graverobbing in the game"
I think a more accurate description is that a circle requirement would ruin your characters graverobbing- because your character which is say 20th circle, couldn't GR anyone more than 40th circle. So lets say that represents 50% of the population of DR- this would ruin GR for your character?
See, I- and probably a fair amount of DR see GR as a necessary evil filling the DR ecological niche similar to how mosquitos fill a niche. As a cleric, I have observed plenty of GR in the clerics guild- and not once have I observed any RP involved. Not once. Basically its grab as much as the person can before someone notices and run. If the person can be chased down and located, most times he doesn't have the stuff anymore. I have seen GR die who would just taunt that if they were killed the person would never get their stuff back. Many of them walk the road when they depart because they could care less about the character.
I really don't care how hard it is for you to develope your GR character. I am willing to accept that you have a legitimate RP character who RP's a grave robber. I will even try to accept that you do this for the fun of the chase, rather than simply to annoy characters who have been stolen from. Your character represents such a small minority that my character has never experienced it. So I don't see any reason to facilitate your choices.
All of Dio's suggestions were decent and would improve the game.
I think a more accurate description is that a circle requirement would ruin your characters graverobbing- because your character which is say 20th circle, couldn't GR anyone more than 40th circle. So lets say that represents 50% of the population of DR- this would ruin GR for your character?
See, I- and probably a fair amount of DR see GR as a necessary evil filling the DR ecological niche similar to how mosquitos fill a niche. As a cleric, I have observed plenty of GR in the clerics guild- and not once have I observed any RP involved. Not once. Basically its grab as much as the person can before someone notices and run. If the person can be chased down and located, most times he doesn't have the stuff anymore. I have seen GR die who would just taunt that if they were killed the person would never get their stuff back. Many of them walk the road when they depart because they could care less about the character.
I really don't care how hard it is for you to develope your GR character. I am willing to accept that you have a legitimate RP character who RP's a grave robber. I will even try to accept that you do this for the fun of the chase, rather than simply to annoy characters who have been stolen from. Your character represents such a small minority that my character has never experienced it. So I don't see any reason to facilitate your choices.
All of Dio's suggestions were decent and would improve the game.
Re: Please fix Grave Robbing on 09/06/2005 12:44 PM CDT
Hey I should have known that some old timer would know how it happened- I as Flavius's driver can't remember it anymore- and I am pretty sure Flavius wasn't ingame during the event. Thanks for the reminder Schwartz- do you remember what the explanation for how/why the belongings go into the grave was?