Non-violence on 10/16/2012 09:53 PM CDT
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Ok, so I got graverobbed. I kill the person, he brings on an HLC alt to chain point me so he has a shot at killing me (thief). I report, HLC get's told it's mech abuse...killing GR continues.

I graverob him back, offer a trade...he brings the HLC back and points me again for some fun. Chain killing ensues with bought toons.

Now policy states that people can provide any non-violent means of help.

Pointing is violent. It's an act that literally debuffs you. In this case, debuffed me to the extent that he could chain kill me. It's like throwing a vertigo on a person for someone else.

Have a review on this please.
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Re: Non-violence on 10/16/2012 10:43 PM CDT
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>>Pointing is violent. It's an act that literally debuffs you.

I guess hiding is the greatest defense - so I guess it it is? Good point of discussion either way.

Forged Weapons:
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Re: Non-violence on 10/17/2012 07:12 AM CDT
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Why didn't you go to a non violence room, and set !drags? Why stand there and get slaughtered? After a point where it becomes obvious he doesn't care, it might be best to leave and let the GMs handle it rather than sit around and stew in it.

Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
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Re: Non-violence on 10/17/2012 08:59 AM CDT
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I figured do to the mechanics abuse before that he couldn't use his HLC, and I'm pretty safe in hiding from him. Was enjoying an event at the time. HLC pointed, I died, raised and rez killed.

He literally tracked and tried for about 12 hours. That much time in a safe room would bore me to tears and I don't mind the pvp. It was actually pretty fun during the invasion. He was after me and I was trying to keep harbingers off of people. Added some spice to the mix.

Not too worried about it, just needs to be reviewed. Dude is a dedicated griefer. Going to hand the item I graverobbed off of him back and just go back to a 1 on 1. Least then he can't use bought toons overtly. Ruining my K/D ratio!
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Re: Non-violence on 10/17/2012 09:14 AM CDT
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I've always hated Big Brother fights, which is why most of my PvP experience is limited to dueling. Anything other than that always seems to devolve into who has the biggest brother and it's pretty ridiculous IMO. Most people can't just stand to lose, nod and be on their way -- Always have to have the last laugh.

You hear the voice of Jaedren exclaim, "Look! I'm Leilond!"
You notice Jaedren come out of hiding.
Jaedren shimmers out of sight.
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Re: Non-violence on 10/17/2012 09:49 AM CDT
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Just because the OP might have had other options doesn't make it any less of an abuse by the person bringing in their HLC to interfere in the conflict. IMO chain pointing someone out so another character can attack them is no different than any other disabler or debuff spell and should operate under the same PVP policy, so unless the HLC had consent or the OP was set to open, it's definitely something the HLC should not be allowed to do. Saying that pointing is non-violent would be like an Empath sleeping someone so that another person could kill them. Think of it this way... if I pin you to the ground so another person can punch you in the face, I'm still guilty of assault even if I didn't throw a punch.
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Re: Non-violence on 10/17/2012 09:55 AM CDT
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Easy there. It's obvious the issues at hand, so I was simply suggesting an alternative thing to do. Wasn't disputing the mech abuse.

Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
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Re: Non-violence on 10/17/2012 12:27 PM CDT
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Not to belabor this to the point where it needs to go into the conflicts folder...but what's the policy when a person refuses to take the item you graverobbed back?

Treat it as a gift?

People will find you just as tedious and boring to talk to at 1000 ranks as they did at 100.
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Re: Non-violence on 10/17/2012 12:34 PM CDT
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>>Not to belabor this to the point where it needs to go into the conflicts folder...but what's the policy when a person refuses to take the item you graverobbed back?

I'd hazard a guess that, if the person refuses to take the item back, the conflict is over. I have strong doubts that they'll have perma consent on someone by refusing to take the item back.

When in doubt,
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Re: Non-violence on 10/17/2012 12:53 PM CDT
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its funny that when coming to this thread, the first post i see available is from the same person in 2008..good ol original redeth

<< a question about consent.
Someone grave robs you and dumps your crap all over rossman's and bits of it get gobbled by the janitor.
Good to go till I get some kind of monetary settlement?

This guy plays policy like no one I've ever encountered before and has assisted to the GMs numerous times about me. He seems set on wanting to come attack me whenever he wants, even going so much as to saying the item I graverobbed isn't worth much he just wants the consent, to now demanding 3k plat for it. Anyways in one of the times he assisted I went over some things with the GMs about some of the things he was doing as well so all of you can stop crying about mech abuse and all of that nonsense because I already confirmed it with a GM so here you go

<<It is not considered a violation of policy for a player to provide non-violent intervention and assistance to the victim of a crime (such as GRAVEROBBERY). This will include the use of magic or skills to search for, delay, and detain the criminal in order to facilitate the victim exacting revenge and/or obtaining his/her belongings where warranted.>>

you're welcome. And until the day pointing at you causes you direct physical harm then I'm pretty sure it'll remain non-violent
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Re: Non-violence on 10/17/2012 01:27 PM CDT
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Why is anyone getting graverobbed in today's DR?

I mean I can remember at time when I used to worry about getting GR but with the tools we have today- why?
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Re: Non-violence on 10/17/2012 01:42 PM CDT
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You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
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Re: Non-violence on 10/17/2012 01:42 PM CDT
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>>violent attack

>>mechanics abuse

What the hell am I reading??
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Re: Non-violence on 10/17/2012 01:51 PM CDT
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<<Why is anyone getting graverobbed in today's DR?

I mean I can remember at time when I used to worry about getting GR but with the tools we have today- why?>>

I've asked myself this a number of times. Theres a crapload of different tools to use and I'm beginning to think this guy does it on purpose to milk consent and play policy, and extort people. Especially after seeing his post in here from 2008. The first time I killed him he departed and left a grave and I didn't take anything from it (could have had a nice hitman's backpack). Then when I first graverobbed him he started talking about how the bow wasn't worth much etc etc he even said a price and apparently today he wants 3x the amount he said then and he want's to return my item because he doesn't like someone playing on the same field as him. Actually I caught him today telling someone IG that alts that I have, have been helping me kill him and this and that, when they've never encountered him at all. Asked him about that and of course no answer. He talks about using alts but doesn't mention how many times a day for over a month he uses his MM to locate me, and his WM to buff him up so when he attacks me he doesn't get CLed. Dudes just a hypocrite and eventually the GMs are gonna see that from all of his assists.

Like literally I've never seen someone report/assist about me this much and then come here calling me a bully and this and that. He's killed (and camped) my char that graverobbed him countless times and assisted yesterday when he died twice.
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Re: Non-violence on 10/17/2012 02:27 PM CDT
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This should probably move to conflicts. Start a thread up there and I'll respond. As far as the non-violence is concerned...according to your rules an Empath sleeping someone is the same as pointing. It's a bit more grey than that I think.

Thus the question.

People will find you just as tedious and boring to talk to at 1000 ranks as they did at 100.
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Re: Non-violence on 10/17/2012 02:39 PM CDT
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Speaking of empath sleeping someone. Yeah I already had this conversation with a GM thanks to one of your assists and disabling a graverobber still counts as nonviolent
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Re: Non-violence on 10/17/2012 02:41 PM CDT
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>>Yeah I already had this conversation with a GM thanks to one of your assists and disabling a graverobber still counts as nonviolent

I'd be rather surprised over this.

Disabling someone in the middle of a conflict is a violent act. It's been pretty clear cut in the past. What counts as disabling can cover a wide range, but I think everyone knows what they're doing when they do it.

When in doubt,
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Re: Non-violence on 10/17/2012 03:07 PM CDT
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In the act of any conflict, sure. But someone being a graverobber sets new rules, and he was a graverobber. Like I said I've had this conversation before and this guy has reported more times than he's changed his underwear in the last month so I even double checked before because I knew he'd try to report about it. He did, and that didn't work, so now thats why he's here.
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