Why is there no estate holder's vault with a few slots to allow transfer between characters? on 01/29/2017 09:30 PM CST
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Why is it that the estate holders don't have a few slots in a vault or on a shelf somewhere that will allow trade between characters? I spent nearly all do getting all the gear together for my little bard i had created. armor, weapons and cool stuff to make playing him fun. Enjoyed putting plats and time into and was looking forward to playing him. I move my main to a secluded spot and him to the same spot. literally, drop 100 plat starter coins and the bag of gear for him. log in with the bard in the same room and all my stuff is gone. just the coins left.... literally one out and the other in and it was gone..... stuff like that could and should be avoided by having a vault or shared bank slot type small vault..... BEYOND FRUSTRATING.
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Re: Why is there no estate holder's vault with a few slots to allow transfer between characters? on 01/29/2017 10:27 PM CST
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1) I agree that there should be a shared vault space. I love the bags of holding that sometimes come out at auctions, and I think it would be really awesome if there was a smaller version that functioned just in premium vaults. https://elanthipedia.play.net/Item:Muddied_backpack

2) Never ever ever ever ever ever ever drop something so another character can pick it up. Rooms [very often] flush themselves if no one is in a zone, so finding a secluded spot to do this solidified it happening. If you have to do this, and if you have no one you trust who can transfer the items, AFAIK any in-room container/shelf/etc that can have the item fit on it is massively better and more secure, because those surfaces are meant to hold (and keep) items on/under/etc them.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Why is there no estate holder's vault with a few slots to allow transfer between characters? on 01/29/2017 10:45 PM CST
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I figured with one character logging out and the other logging into the same room it should be safe. after waiting over an hour for an assist about it, and still not having that answered <because no one is around i guess> I have gotten to where i don't enjoy my main anymore and was wanting to play something else. hoping to find something fun.... just ain't happening tonight. Thanks for the advice, I am sure it will help if I decide to try again,
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Re: Why is there no estate holder's vault with a few slots to allow transfer between characters? on 01/29/2017 11:09 PM CST
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Another option is to roll up a F2P character and hand off the gear to them, then log in your bard and have the F2P mule hand it off to the bard.
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Re: Why is there no estate holder's vault with a few slots to allow transfer between characters? on 01/30/2017 06:03 AM CST
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When you log out, if there is no one left in that 'segment', the game will simply unload it. Whenever someone enters it again the game loads it. Whenever this 'unload' happens the game does not snapshot anything. It just purges that data entirely, then when it's needed again loads the 'base' file from memory.

That's a vast oversimplification of an already simplistic explanation a GM gave me once.

But it means dropping things and then logging out, for split seconds, gives you a really good chance of the game deleting your items. What is generally better is to put the backpack on a rack (like the Paladin guild) and log in your new character to pick it up.

The ideal is to have someone to simply hand off your items and coin.

You can check the 'lost and found' box at the vaults-desk, but unless it was bonded I don't think anything will show up there. Assisting won't likely do you any good either because I don't think they can record that.
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Re: Why is there no estate holder's vault with a few slots to allow transfer between characters? on 01/30/2017 08:42 AM CST
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You can put things on furniture if you have a home also. All characters on account can access and take things, I forget if I had to add them or was automatic.

You slap Voldag hard in the face with your hand, making a nice crisp smack!! That's going to leave a mark!
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Re: Why is there no estate holder's vault with a few slots to allow transfer between characters? on 01/30/2017 02:43 PM CST
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>>You can put things on furniture if you have a home also.

This is really the best method for a Premium subscriber to use (barring multiple accounts). With some of the high capacity furniture items that have been made available (and the ability to expand the capacity of others), player owned homes come very close to qualifying as shared vault spaces, in my personal opinion. To be extra safe, remember to HOME SAVE after placing things as you want them in a home, before logging in any other characters. Also, any character can HOME SAVE in any other character's home (on the same account) as long as they're standing in the home in question at the time.

Please note I'm not saying that some sort of shared vault space perk wouldn't be a good thing, just that a very similar functionality already exists.

GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- Premium Guru.
"Visit beautiful Qi'Reshalia, where the government really is run by the lizard people!"
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Re: Why is there no estate holder's vault with a few slots to allow transfer between characters? on 01/31/2017 08:50 AM CST
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> With some of the high capacity furniture items that have been made available

The only downside of doing it this way is you can't put a filled container on anything. It has to be piece by piece.

You also cannot put a tied bundle on any furniture,but you can put tied gem pouches. Is there anyway this could change Nohn?

You slap Voldag hard in the face with your hand, making a nice crisp smack!! That's going to leave a mark!
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Re: Why is there no estate holder's vault with a few slots to allow transfer between characters? on 01/31/2017 03:47 PM CST
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>>You also cannot put a tied bundle on any furniture,but you can put tied gem pouches. Is there anyway this could change Nohn?

I know why they're not allowed, but it'll take a little digging to see if there's a reasonable way to change the tied bundle mechanics. Adding it to my list of things to look into.

GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- Premium Guru.
"Visit beautiful Qi'Reshalia, where the government really is run by the lizard people!"
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Re: Why is there no estate holder's vault with a few slots to allow transfer between characters? on 01/31/2017 06:31 PM CST
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Just an FYI about planning on using homes as shared vault space.

It's important that you be careful when storing items on furniture in your home. If the item changes while it's in/on/under/behind the furniture item, it can cause a mismatch between what is actually there and what the home expects there to be. At the very least it will require a GM to reset your home, and at worst "very bad things (TM)."

Two of the more notorious examples include flowers (they wilt over time if not preserved) and boxes where players end up accidentally popping the box on the furniture instead of the one in their hand (upon popping, the box generates its loot).

Just a friendly warning to watch out for this.


DragonRealms Senior Board Moderator
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Re: Why is there no estate holder's vault with a few slots to allow transfer between characters? on 02/01/2017 07:41 AM CST
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any chance of building a war chest or foot locker for a home that will hold x amount of items like a mini vault? something that would hold 15 or 20 items would be great
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Re: Why is there no estate holder's vault with a few slots to allow transfer between characters? on 02/01/2017 09:56 AM CST
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>>any chance of building a war chest or foot locker for a home that will hold x amount of items like a mini vault? something that would hold 15 or 20 items would be great

That's how furniture generally works as-is, with a few exceptions (mainly no containers with things in them).

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Why is there no estate holder's vault with a few slots to allow transfer between characters? on 02/02/2017 09:03 AM CST
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The furniture coupon:
Every piece of furniture fully designed through these coupons will hold 75 items in various combinations of ON, IN, UNDER and BEHIND.

I have one for each spot in my home personally. It's awesome. I play in Plat and have a Fang Cove cottage, so its accessible from basically everywhere.

You slap Voldag hard in the face with your hand, making a nice crisp smack!! That's going to leave a mark!
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Re: Why is there no estate holder's vault with a few slots to allow transfer between characters? on 02/02/2017 11:27 AM CST
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>>Two of the more notorious examples include flowers (they wilt over time if not preserved) and boxes where players end up accidentally popping the box on the furniture instead of the one in their hand (upon popping, the box generates its loot).

Also magic items. Anything that has an action on TAP (e.g. balance restoring boots), an INVOKE (e.g. trying to INVOKE STAFF and there's one on a rack), or other verbs.

>>any chance of building a war chest or foot locker for a home that will hold x amount of items like a mini vault? something that would hold 15 or 20 items would be great

How about a <style> <color> <material> <furniture> with <embellishment> that 75 items? As mentioned that's what the new SimuCoin furniture coupons allow. You can't get a war chest, but you could get a simple black dragonwood chest with rusted hinges. Have a look at the options here:

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Re: Why is there no estate holder's vault with a few slots to allow transfer between characters? on 02/02/2017 02:29 PM CST
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>You can't get a war chest

You might be able to with the right alterer. Would depend on if they accepted "War" adjective.

Not sure if furniture is able to be altered with LTBs now. Would be cool if it could, not like there enough to spend them on anyway.

You slap Voldag hard in the face with your hand, making a nice crisp smack!! That's going to leave a mark!
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