July Meeting on 07/29/2012 09:01 AM CDT
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> l
[The Shanty, Living Area]
Though somewhat muffled, the indistinct sounds of patrons coming and going and the work being done in the kitchen are still prevalent in the small living space used by the facility's maintainers. The room is decorated in soft shades of yellow and blue, and a couch of matching striped fabric sits before a carved oval window that looks out to the sea beyond the dock.
You also see an image of a prone dragon, a grumpy Shadow Servant, a simple wooden chair, a question list, some narrow stairs and a large striped couch.
Also here: Squanto, Shadow Mage Itherial, Legendary Moon Mage Kaijana, Shopping Enthusiast Jazarene who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Regenerator Nexty, GameMaster Zadraes who is sitting, Holy Questor Lorylai, Munesong who is sitting, Guard Sergeant Cristalyn who is sitting, Elusive Cayra, Berserker Reznov, Warrior Mage Yamcer, GameMaster Wilidore, Warrior Poet Naea, Outlaw Walcar, Druid Melx, Shroka, Lost Altras, Tradesman Sortny, Wordsmith Kasto, Wolf Friend Azurinna who is sitting, Flower Collector Jaalin who is sitting, Journeyman Trader Petrius who is sitting, Visionist Miskton, Idora, Ithsarhh and War Pup Gabryelle who is sitting.
Obvious exits: none.
Zadraes says, "Aight! Let's get this show going."
Zadraes says, "It is one of "those" meetings."
Wilidore snuffs out his rustic cigarillo.
Lorylai observes Zadraes with fascination.
Reznov nods at Zadraes, obviously agreeing with his views.
* Zadraes is hushing everyone. *
Zadraes says, "Jhustis is lurking somewhere, I think. And we've got some observers from afar as well. Expect chaos."
Zadraes gazes upward.
Zadraes says, "Pre-scripted bit incoming."
Zadraes says, "We'll start with the news at hand. As some of you are aware, we've had another outbreak of abuse of the portals that lead to Fang Cove. For those who don't follow the forums, let me cover some background so everyone is on the same page. This will take a bit, apologies in advance."
Zadraes says, "Our benefits used to be located in the Seacaves. The area wasn't "live" in so far as there wasn't permanent access to it like Shard or Ratha. It was a subpocket in the game that was only accessible via the meeting portals. The portals were generally closed unless there was a meeting or other event actively happening in the Seacaves."
Zadraes says, "Obviously, this was problematic when people wanted to jump over and collect LTBs "right then". So we modified the network so that the portal in Crossing would always be open. If you really wanted to collect an LTB, and the other portals were closed, you could go to Crossing to get to the Seacaves. This essentially finally placed the area in the game and gave 24/7 access."
Zadraes says, "Over time, we started leaving the other portals open after meetings instead of closing them. We wanted people to have easier access to LTBs, for things to be convenient. Unfortunately, some folks discovered other uses for the portal network. They made it easy to bypass normal travel mechanics to hand off coins, items, services and more."
Zadraes says, "That's the key statement, actually. "Normal travel mechanics." The portals were never meant to be that they were there to enable easy access to your Premium LTBs that were otherwise locked up in the Seacaves that had no other access available. NEWS 2 4 was established to lessen the abuse, and we have given warnings to violators of this."
Zadraes says, "We ease up on enforcing it at times to re-evaluate it and see if people are still wanting to abuse the portals, to keep access convenient. Unfortunately, we still have those who do, and as it became an issue recently, we're again standing by the (long) established policy -- the portals leading to Fang Cove will be closed a few hours to a few days after our meetings take place."
Sparkling gem-like particles float down around you, swirling together and rapidly forming into a shape that resolves itself into that of Jhustis.
Zadraes says, "We'll open them for special events like alterers or merchants, but otherwise, the use of TRUE "normal travel mechanics" will be the way to get to Fang Cove. Player ships can dock here. Moon Mages (Premium or not) can establish moongates here. The unlocked rings allow travel to and from here. The sea mammoth from Ratha allows travel to and from here."
Jhustis waves.
Jhustis ducks her head.
Zadraes says, "Those are four currently existing travel mechanics that allow 24/7 (provided there's a moon for the mages) access to Fang Cove, NONE of which were available to the Seacaves in the past. I'm sorry if this inconveniences some of you, but we're better of now than we were in the past, and more options are certainly possible in the future."
Jhustis sticks her tongue out at Yamcer.
Zadraes says, "I'll reiterate that we ARE working to get easier access to unlocked rings in. That in itself should help those of you wanting to jump over to get an LTB. I'm sorry it's taken so long, but there are a number of projects going on and given that there are multiple other options available, it hasn't been a top priority."
Jhustis chuckles.
Zadraes says, "I'll be sticking around after the meeting to unlock rings for those who have them."
Zadraes ponders.
Zadraes says, "After I take care of the gift tent and another issue."
Zadraes says, "At any rate, more ring unlockings tonight for those who have them. So stick around if you do."
Zadraes exclaims, "Now! On to other, hopefully more fun stuff!"
Zadraes says, "This month's gift is a nice set of items submitted by Sortny. Direct all praise her way. I'll have the tent opened up after the meeting."
Zadraes asks Jhustis, "Right? After the meeting?"
Zadraes squints.
Zadraes grins.
Zadraes says, "Yes, after."
Zadraes nods.
Jhustis praises Sortney.
Zadraes says, "LTB alteration scrolls are moving at a decent pace -- looks like there are only 3 that Loriale hasn't peeked at yet currently. If you're one of those 3, I'll be nudging her to look at them soon."
The ground trembles and the sky suddenly arcs with lightning as fear shivers through your body like a winter storm raking at an autumn leaf. Before you a dark portal forms and out of it steps Jaedren who raises his arms, calming the ground and quieting the sky.
Zadraes points at a simple wooden chair.
Jaedren says, "I HAVE MADE IT."
Jaedren sits down on the wooden chair.
Jhustis gasps!
Jaedren falls backward onto the wooden chair and rolls around.
Jhustis snickers.
Zadraes says, "Speaking of LTBs -- how about that new LTB CLAIM system, eh? If you don't follow the forums or the in-game NEWS, be sure to check out the updated LTB verb. The new CLAIM options allows you to purchase a number of on-the-spot things to add a little more convenience. The current offering includes coins, favors, herbs, free ferry usage, free use of the NPC healers and access to a portal hub for easier movement around the game."
Zadraes hums to himself.
Jhustis says, "Very cool stuff, I might add."
Wilidore nods in agreement.
Wilidore takes a sip of his Tipple.
Wilidore wobbles in sheer delight as he sips the Tipple.
Jhustis glances at Wilidore.
The air around Jaedren shimmers briefly.
Wilidore ducks his head.
Zadraes says, "If you have ideas for more, please feel free to post them on the forums or drop us an email. DR-Zadraes@PLAY.NET is always open to new ideas."
Zadraes says, "Also on the LTB front -- the custom options."
Jhustis glances at Jaedren.
Zadraes says, "Expect to see a raffle or some other event in the near future with chances to try the new custom LTB mechanics. I want to do a trial run of them before making them available en masse."
Jhustis lets out a loud "Huzzah!"
Jaedren boos.
Jaedren says, "Sortny is just gonna win again."
Jaedren frowns.
Wilidore snickers.
Jhustis sighs.
Zadraes says, "The merchant has been approved, so keep your eyes on the calendar, Twitter, the forums, news, Facebook and any other place we can sneak a heads up into."
Zadraes ponders.
Zadraes says, "Building for Fang Cove is on track -- expect a chance to create a new hunting area "soon", at least. We also have a couple of shops, just waiting on the last bits to fall into place with those."
Zadraes says, "My mind is blanking on my other projects at the moment, I've been working on trader mechs recently."
Zadraes gazes upward.
Jhustis juggles some bits.
Jaedren shakes his fist!
Jhustis laughs!
Jaedren says, "Except for Bards and Clerics. THey're still crazy OP."
Zadraes says, "On the event front -- Pirates have taken an interest in Fang Cove over in Platinum. Expect the area to be temporarily dangerous here in the near future, too."
Jhustis wiggles her eyebrows.
Zadraes is checking for more.
Jaedren says, "For the record, I do not kill players."
Jaedren says, "I find it too easy."
Zadraes says, "Ok, a slight tease..."
Jaedren says, "I prefer messing with your heads, instead."
Jhustis says, "Quite literally."
Zadraes says, "Some additional housing is in the works for Dirge, but expect it to be a shadey situation. Rumors may hold more valid info than you'd think."
Zadraes says, "I think that's all I have right now. FC projects are what I'm focused on when I have free time I'm trying to get a string of them lined up for release close to each other."
Zadraes says, "Q&A! Please keep it limited to Premium questions. I can't tell you anything about horses or boats."
Zadraes just opened the question list.
Petrius adds his name to the question list.
Pormethius adds his name to the question list.
Kaijana adds her name to the question list.
Valkri adds her name to the question list.
Wilidore takes a sip of his Tipple.
Wilidore cackles as his gaze stretches across some imaginary scene. His face crinkles, a triumphant laugh escapes as his hand sweeps across in front of him.
Zadraes asks, "While folks are joining -- is anyone logging the meeting by chance? Mind posting it afterwards?"
Azurinna adds her name to the question list.
Targon adds his name to the question list.
Kasto adds his name to the question list.
Zadraes makes a note.
Petrius is next.
Jaedren makes one, too.
Zadraes makes a better one.
Petrius says, "Thanks for letting me ask a question. Firstly I realise that Thralls and Maguses have been around corssing for the last few weeks but is this going to end. I find trying to do caravans with these things swarming around me extremely off putting and it doesn't help matters being a visually impaired mudder having to listen to tons of information only to discover I have maguses nearly swamping me and my caravan. I hope that some day these things will go and we can get back to some form of normality. I don't want to windge but it feels like I am paying39 bucks as you guys in the states call it and not being able to do many caravans which I enjoy because of thralls."
Jhustis makes another one...even BETTER!
Petrius says, "I have a second question but i'll ask it later."
Zadraes says, "That's part of an ongoing event, and I'm afraid I'm not involved so don't have much to share."
Jaedren asks, "You feel the trade routes should be completely without peril?"
Zadraes says, "I can tell you that it is a temporary event, so yes, in time it will end."
Petrius says, "I agree there should maybe be some peril from time to time but it seems continuous at the moment."
Walcar adds his name to the question list.
Wildling Nadale climbed down some narrow stairs.
Jaedren says, "A coupla weeks of random peril seems reasonable to me."
Zadraes says, "But beyond that, it's part of the environment. Contracts that pass through the dangerous areas are being bonused -- you're being compensated for successfully navigating the dangerous areas with increased profit."
Petrius nods.
Petrius says, "Ah that's a good point."
Jaedren says, "Hah. And he beat me to the good part."
Pormethius is next.
Zadraes points at Pormethius.
Pormethius bows.
Elusive Cayra climbed down some narrow stairs.
Pormethius asks, "Can you elaborate if Custom Titles will be apart of the new merchant release?"
Kaijana's cloak flutters softly in the breeze.
Zadraes says, "Yes. Titles, atmo items, verby items and signature verbs."
Pormethius asks, "Tattoos by chance?"
Zadraes says, "The four "custom" options will all be available via the visiting merchant."
Zadraes shakes his head.
Elusive Cayra's group climbed up some narrow stairs.
Pormethius nods politely.
Pormethius says, "Thanks for the releases. That's all I have."
Zadraes says, "Custom tattoos aren't on the list right now. Those are meant to be extremely rare. We do offer LTB tattoo shops -- so if you want to submit some ideas to add more to those, we're certainly open to the possibility. But for true custom ones, those will likely remain in the hands of live merchants."
Zadraes nods.
Petrius adds his name to the question list.
Kaijana is next.
Zadraes points at Kaijana.
Kaijana asks, "Are there any further plans to put a shard in fang cove for moon mages to travel to?"
Zadraes grins.
Kaijana says, "Also, who can I talk to about premie gift ideas? grin."
Zadraes says, "Travel is an ongoing discussion. We have talked about a shard for the cove, but I don't have anything particular to share right now. No promises."
Jaedren says, "Oh, it doesn't need a shard. Feh."
Zadraes says, "Feel free to drop me an email with gift suggestions. DR-Zadraes@PLAY.NET. I won't promise to respond, but if we use it, you'll be given the acknowledgement."
Jaedren says, "Rings, Boats, Mammoth..."
Kaijana nods.
Jaedren exclaims, "Oh, and LTB CLAIM!"
Jaedren exclaims, "Hoorah!"
Jhustis gasps!
Jhustis chuckles.
Zadraes says to Jaedren, "I actually need to add a portal for the cove to that."
Zadraes gazes upward.
Jaedren says, "Oh."
Jhustis appears to completely block out the world about her.
Itherial adds his name to the question list.
Valkri is next.
Zadraes points at Valkri.
Valkri says, "Do you think once we get some more shops and stuff here that we can get a permanent gift wrapping elf like the ones around during Cris Mass, or a gift wrapping shop? Would be neat and make people jealous of us."
Jhustis says, "I like that."
Zadraes says, "That is definitely doable."
Zadraes nods to Valkri.
Jhustis says, "I meant the jealous part."
Valkri says, "Jealous is good."
Jhustis nods to Valkri.
Zadraes grins.
Valkri says, "Gift wrapping is better."
Jhustis says, "Concur."
Valkri says, "Big bows and ribbons please."
Valkri says, "Thank you."
Azurinna is next.
Zadraes points at Azurinna.
Azurinna says, "First of all, I want to say I am sorry, Being young and foolish, I am pretty sure I am one of those who missused the portals by disarming in them.. Now I will not use them that way.. My Brain thought it was a good idea at the time, obviously I need to start reading the forums.. And.."
Azurinna says, "Blush."
Azurinna blushes a bright red color.
Azurinna says, "And Second, Most importantily.. How will the locking of portals effect the use of the hunting areas."
Jaedren says, "RIngs, Boats, Mammoth..."
Azurinna says, "Smile."
Jhustis chuckles.
Azurinna says, "Ack, crooked smiles."
Jaedren says, "Chazowo is lonely. You should all spend time with him."
Zadraes nods in agreement.
Jhustis says, "He likes cashews too."
Wilidore exclaims, "Chazowo!"
Jhustis nods.
Jhustis exclaims, "Chazwow!"
Azurinna says, "Okay, so we can still get there to hunt."
Jaedren nods to Azurinna.
Zadraes says, "I'm sure there are some who will stop visiting because the convenience is lost, but they were never intended to be used for that. Fang Cove is a city, a place you should come to STAY when the training levels are right or if you find the RP in the community to your tastes."
Jaedren says, "Yep, you can take the mammoth from Ratha on over."
Azurinna exclaims, "Thank you!"
Jhustis chortles softly at some secret joke.
Jaedren says, "OR sail direct if you have access to a ship."
Jaedren says, "I wish I had a ship."
Jaedren says, "I'd totally charge for trips there all the time."
Zadraes says, "But there ARE still ways of getting here, as Jaedren mentioned. The rings, the mammoth, ships and moon mages currently."
Jhustis exclaims, "I'll build you a ship!"
Jhustis nods to Jaedren.
Zadraes says to Azurinna, "In the short term, I imagine it to be less used, yes. In the long term, as we establish more features like crafting halls, pawn shops, etc...there'll be more of interest for folks to come here."
Jhustis nods emphatically.
Azurinna exclaims, "I am glad!"
Zadraes says, "The not-fun of building a city from the ground is that it takes time to get everything established."
Zadraes grins.
Targon is next.
Zadraes points at Targon.
Targon says, "You actually just answerd my question."
Targon says, "I was going to ask if there were any plans for premium crafting halls."
Yamcer adds his name to the question list.
Jaedren exclaims, "We should have made the island like Lost. Where they're all time-travelly and stuff!"
Jaedren says, "(Yeah, I don't really know what happened on Lost, don't bother correcting me. I won't listen.)."
Zadraes says to Jaedren, "Not an island."
Zadraes fixes Jaedren with a calm, clear stare.
Jaedren shakes his fist at Zadraes!
Zadraes says to you, "But yes, definitely plans for crafting stuff here in Fang Cove."
Jhustis chuckles.
Sortny adds her name to the question list.
Zadraes nods.
Jaedren says, "Ilithi people sure are picky about what you call their islands."
Jaedren edges away from Zadraes.
Zadraes says, "We're barely Ilithi. Maybe I should have called this place P6."
Zadraes gazes upward.
Kasto is next.
Jaedren says, "Heh."
Jhustis fixes Zadraes with a cold, reptilian stare.
Zadraes points at Kasto.
Jhustis chuckles.
Kasto says, "If you look at me I'm sure you can tell I kinda dig the whole sailor/pirate thing."
Kasto asks, "I've been trying to find out as much as I can about them and who all associate with them. And I'm curious are these pirates that are coming here more of the Red Sash, or perhaps some other group? Is there an storyline planned for these attacks or just random raids at the moment?"
Kasto raises an eyebrow.
Jaedren says, "Red Sash eat yo face."
Zadraes says, "As it happens, we have a couple of pirate pros nearby."
Kasto asks, "Any chance for a pirate bow amongst those suckers that are going to die soon?"
Zadraes casually observes the area.
Jhustis shrills a low whistle.
Wilidore chuckles.
Jaedren says, "No."
Zadraes says, "For the near term, they're prbably just going to be raiding. Over time, yes, I'd like to see a story established."
Jaedren says, "Should be no 'Pirate Bows'."
Jaedren says, "They shouldn't have been released the first time around."
Jhustis hums to herself.
Zadraes grins.
Kasto nods.
Kasto exclaims, "Cool, thanks!"
Kaijana adds her name to the question list.
Zadraes says, "FC is going to have "a bad guy". It may take a very long time for that to surface, but there have been long-term plans for this since I started designing it years ago."
Jhustis lets out a loud "Huzzah!"
Zadraes says, "Pirates will play a part at times, but...for now, raiding is what they're up to."
Kasto says, "Sounds fun. Looking forward to it."
Walcar is next.
<3 bad guys!
Walcar darkly asks, "I have a two part question... the first part has nothing to do with the second part.. For those of us Ship Owners/Pilots will there be a chance to be able to summon to Fang Cove if we are already here or have it as a destination? Part two... well part one of two... is there a chance of having a Voucher Only Premium merchant available anytime soon?"
Jaedren says, "But, IIRC, it'll be Red Sash on the actual folks hitting. I don't think we've got plans for another random group of pirates magically popping up without reason or challenge from the guys that run the seas."
Zadraes asks Walcar, "How do you mean by summon? Like using the ring to have it auto-pilot to come to you?"
Walcar darkly says, "Captains ring, allowing it to sail to where you are."
Walcar darkly says, "Otherwise we'd have to be onboard to do it."
Zadraes says, "At the moment, there's no work in that area. Adding an auto-route that you could have the pilots sail to is something I would like to see, but I simply haven't had the time to dig into the specifics of getting it setup."
Jaedren says, "I tried."
Jaedren says, "My head hurt so I stopped."
Zadraes says, "It would take an established auto-route before we could have the ring able to summon it. It's something I want to see, but nothing in the works as of yet."
Walcar darkly says, "Sadly, alright."
Zadraes says, "I can put out a request for a voucher merchant to visit."
Zadraes nods to Walcar.
Jaedren says, "Darkly, sadly. All you need is deeply and you're a Savage Garden song."
Jaedren nods to Walcar.
Kaijana's cloak flutters softly in the breeze.
Jaedren says to Zadraes, "I crack ME up, man. I'm dyin here."
Zadraes says to Jaedren, "I miss them."
Walcar darkly says, "Thank you."
Zadraes gazes upward.
Petrius is next.
Zadraes points at Petrius.
Petrius asks, "Will it be possible to have blacksmithing forges attached to our homes so we can do work at home? Also are boats still for sail and what is the process in getting one?"
Zadraes exclaims, "Hi! You look familiar!"
Petrius says, "Hi."
Zadraes grins.
Jaedren shakes Petrius's hand.
Jaedren says, "My name is Jaedren."
Petrius gives Jaedren an enthusiastic handshake.
Zadraes says, "Boats aren't for sell anymore. I don't have any information on that, sorry."
Jaedren says, "I pretend to work and they let me hang around."
Petrius says, "I be petrius."
Jhustis chuckles.
Jhustis laughs!
Petrius giggles.
Zadraes says, "As for forges with homes, probably not with the existing home system. If we ever manage to get them rewritten, all sorts of things could be possible."
Petrius nods.
Jaedren exclaims, "And she said she's rewriting homes the other day!"
Jaedren points at Jhustis.
Zadraes says, "The existing system is very, very basic and there's just no way to easily expand anything with it that hasn't already been done. I've tried, twice."
Jaedren beams at Jhustis!
Zadraes grins.
Petrius says, "I look forward to seeing forging buildings here in fang cove."
Jhustis sighs.
Jhustis chuckles.
Petrius nods.
Jhustis looks at Zadraes and begins to weep softly.
Petrius says, "I know you mentioned rings at the start will they be available to get hold of at some point."
Zadraes says, "Yes, definitely."
Jhustis says to Jaedren, "Only because you're taking horses."
Jhustis pats Jaedren on the back.
Petrius asks, "Thanks ah and boats are they still available?"
Zadraes shakes his head at Petrius.
Petrius nods.
Zadraes says, "Boats aren't available anymore, no."
Petrius says, "Ah ok thanks for answering my questions."
Jaedren says, "No boats. Barana is still trying to catch Gwennie."
Petrius chuckles.
Jhustis chuckles.
Jaedren exclaims, "Oh!"
Pormethius adds his name to the question list.
Zadraes gazes at Jaedren.
Zadraes is hungry.
Zadraes sniffles.
Itherial is next.
Zadraes points at Itherial.
Itherial says, "On the subject of rings. If we leave premium, they drop to the ground when we log on. No matter where in the inventory we have them. Could you perhaps make them so we just can not wear them? It is very inconvenient to have to get a new one just because you were off premium for a short period."
Zadraes says, "I never liked that mechanic."
With a bright flash of light and a crack like thunder, Pormethius's shield splits apart into countless shards of stone that quickly dissolve into nothing.
With a bright flash of light and a crack like thunder, a small granite shield splits apart into countless shards of stone that quickly dissolve into nothing.
Jaedren says, "Concur."
Zadraes says, "Yes, it's something I want to look at and handle differently when I have time."
Zadraes nods to Itherial.
Itherial says, "Ok, that is all. Thank you."
Itherial bows.
Yamcer is next.
Zadraes points at Yamcer.
Yamcer asks, "Hey, how are you doing?"
Jhustis fixes Yamcer with a cold, reptilian stare.
Jaedren says, "If you drop premium, the ring should launch itself from your finger right into your eye."
Yamcer says, "I was wondering if there are any plans to get guild representatives out here to fang cove."
Jhustis laughs!
Wilidore snickers.
Jhustis glances at Kasto.
Jhustis squints at Kasto.
Zadraes says, "Likely not. I'm not too involved in the various guild lores, but my understanding is that thus far, most of them have held to 1 per province."
Zadraes says, "I won't say it's impossible, but it's quite a long ways off before we would even start considering that."
Yamcer says, "Well not really, there are represenitives in most major cities I recall."
Jaedren says, "Make the bad guy a guild rep. Except he lops your head off instead of promoting you."
Jaedren nods to Zadraes.
Jhustis chuckles.
Yamcer snickers.
Zadraes says, "I've jokingly referred to my plans for FC as being P6. If we ever reach a point where we're that large, we'll think about it. Right now, though, the area just doesn't need that sort of representation."
Yamcer ponders.
Jhustis ponders.
Jaedren says, "Besides, most guilds would just laugh at the backwoods folk for staying on teh island instead of coming home."
Zadraes says, "Omg, so not an island."
Jhustis asks, "And?"
Zadraes asks, "Are you channeling Uzmam?"
Zadraes gazes at Jaedren.
Jhustis laughs!
Jaedren whistles a merry tune.
Wilidore snickers.
Jaedren says, "Well, to be fair, that one was actually an accident."
Zadraes says to Yamcer, "No near term plans, sorry. In the future, anything is possible, but that's a long, long ways off right now."
Yamcer nods.
Jhustis chuckles at Kasto.
Sortny is next.
Zadraes points at Sortny.
Sortny asks, "Will there ever be an overland trip to Fang Cove?"
Sortny says, "So we do nae have to use the rings or mammoth or ship."
Jhustis chuckles at Kasto.
Sortny says, "Trip=route."
Zadraes says, "Not impossible, but very, very unlikely. And definitely not anytime soon. There's a lot of ugly between established areas (Shard/Darkling Wood/etc) and where Fang Cove is."
Petrius adds his name to the question list.
Zadraes says, "It's never going to make sense for a ranger, for example, to jump on a trail in Shard and end up here."
Jaedren says, "We should totally let them try, though."
Sortny says, "Nae so for a caravan though."
Sortny giggles.
Jaedren says, "You set along your journey..."
Zadraes says, "If development between those areas and here are established, so that there are waypoints in between, then it becomes easier to justify, but it's just WAY too big of a jump right now."
Sortny nods.
Sortny says, "Right."
Jhustis chuckles.
Jhustis exclaims, "I like it! Let's do it!"
Zadraes says to Jaedren, "I hate those steeds, and the trolls. That mud is just brutal for a baby trader in there."
Sortny says, "I did nae mean that there would nae be other areas between fang cove and Ilithi proper."
Jhustis chuckles.
Zadraes nods to Sortny.
Sortny says, "Just a main road that might be dangerous."
Zadraes says, "There would need to be more P3 work established between the points before we could seriously consider a realistic overland route to Fang Cove."
Sortny says, "Surprise bandits."
Zadraes nods to Sortny.
Sortny nods.
Jaedren says, "I miss the NTR bandits."
Jaedren sighs.
Sortny pats Jaedren on the back.
Jhustis says, "Ancient."
Jhustis chuckles.
Zadraes says, "The size of that road would be tremendous. If you get a chance sometime, check out Elanthipedia's maps and the info on Fang Cove. Take a look at everything there is between the known spots and FC. It really is a beast of an area."
Jaedren exclaims to Petrius, "See, you USED to get ambushed on teh trade route all the time!"
Jhustis nods.
Kaijana's cloak flutters softly in the breeze.
Sortny says, "I just do nae see how fang cove and ratha would be so close...I could see Hara'Jaal..."
Sortny nods to Jaedren.
Sortny says, "True."
Sortny says, "I remember when Reavers cast lightening bolt."
Sortny says, "Insta fry."
Jhustis chuckles.
Zadraes grins.
Sortny says, "That's all I had."
Sortny nods to Zadraes.
Zadraes nods.
Kaijana is next.
Zadraes points at Kaijana.
Zadraes just closed the question list.
Kaijana asks, "Is there any chance that we might be able to bring non-premie members onto the island if we escort them?"
Kaijana says, "Err, not an island."
Wilidore chuckles.
Jaedren says, "Hahaha."
Zadraes says to Jaedren, "Make me an earthquake system. We're severing this thing from the land. We're going P4 and will be an island."
Zadraes leans on Kaijana.
Jhustis exclaims, "P6!!!"
Jhustis gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Zadraes says, "So...I've mentioned this before, but it's been a while."
Zadraes says, "At one point, I had started working up a way to let someone be "Premium for a day". The idea was that you would spend some LTBs on an item and then use it on someone. That someone would then be treated as Premium for a period of time. They'd have access to the hunting areas, shops and all the other perks of being Premium for the duration."
Jhustis asks Jaedren, "Get on that, would you?"
Jhustis chuckles.
Zadraes says, "There are just a LOT of systems out there that have to be reviewed to make sure that they would play nicely with something like that. Beyond the initial work I did way back when, it hasn't had much attention given to it."
Zadraes says, "In a less drastic way, like the mechanics where you can lead others into hunting areas and such, there are no plans for that in Fang Cove."
Zadraes says, "In fact, we have a mechanic in place that will actively seek out non-Premium players that somehow get in and escort them out of the restricted areas."
Kaijana asks, "That just seems overly harsh for an entire zone. I shouldn't to pay to bring a minion along with me. Who else can I treat like dirt when I am here?"
Jhustis raises an eyebrow.
Zadraes says, "Fang Cove is meant to be a Premium area with limited non-Premium access. We were crippled before Fang Cove in doing events because excluding basics just didn't make sense. We had to invade our own areas which were surrounded byr egular players, and the only justification ICly we could give was "The council doesn't trust you, so just stand there and watch our people be slaughtered, please."
Jhustis nods.
Zadraes says, "Fang Cove changes that. Turns it completely on its head. This place is for you guys, and we want to know that if we're doing events and work here, it's FOR you guys."
Zadraes says, "Being able to just lead non-Premium players in probably won't happen. But being able to spend some LTBs (or something) to get a temporary pass of some sort may happen."
Jhustis waves her Premium For a Day passport.
Zadraes says to Kaijana, "We'll see what the future holds, but right now, it's not high on a list for Fang Cove in particular."
Pormethius is next.
Zadraes points at Pormethius.
Pormethius asks, "I recalled after joining the list that you mentioned there was no information on mounts for LTBs so please disregard. Oh...somebody wants to know about Shraks and GUppies being played in Fang Cove?"
Pormethius asks, "Maybe he meant Sharks?"
Zadraes says, "Mounts as LTBs will happen, we ran a contest for ideas and they're being worked on. I just don't have an ETA on them."
Wilidore nods at Pormethius, obviously agreeing with his views.
Pormethius bows to Zadraes.
Jhustis says, "I prefer Shraks...new creature."
Zadraes says, "It has been a long time since I thought about Sharks and Guppies. I'll have to take a peek, but I have a feeling they won't play well with Fang Cove's teleportation restriction stuff. I don't know if it'd be an easy fix or not."
Wilidore chuckles at Jhustis.
Pormethius says, "Make them hard."
Pormethius nods to Jhustis.
Jhustis says, "They look like Jaedren."
Pormethius lets out a hearty cheer for Jhustis!
Jhustis chuckles.
Pormethius nods to Zadraes.
Pormethius says, "Thanks again."
Petrius is next.
Zadraes points at Petrius.
Zadraes says, "We meet again."
Zadraes grins.
Petrius says, "Is it possible to travel back from Ratha to the cove on that Mammoth thing? It would be a lot better rather than waiting for the Skirr which takes an age."
Petrius says, "Indeed we do."
Zadraes says, "The mammoth runs between Fang Cove and Ratha only."
Zadraes says, "The Skirr is Crossing and Ratha."
Petrius nods.
Petrius asks, "Ah so there is no plans to have the Mammoth allow you to travel back to fang cove?"
Zadraes says, "The mammoth is a two way ferry. You can take it from Ratha to here and back."
Jhustis nods.
Petrius says, "Ah that's interesting I was told it was just there and not back but thanks."
Zadraes says, "Nope -- it goes both ways."
Zadraes says, "Alrighty. I think that's it for this meeting."
Zadraes says, "I'll get the gift tent setup and opened shortly. I need to catch up with someone about something quickly, and then I'll be back HERE to unlock any Estate Holder rings you have."
Wilidore takes a sip of his Tipple.
Zadraes says, "Thanks for coming folks, and we'll see you next month."
* Zadraes is allowing everyone to speak now. *

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
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Re: July Meeting on 08/01/2012 04:33 PM CDT
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Thank you for posting, it's appreciated. :)

SGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
Premium Lead
Trader Guild Advocate
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