By the Numbers on 01/01/2010 04:06 PM CST
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A few calculations...

* There are 1295 houses in the game.
* 1006 of these houses are taken, leaving 285 to be claimed.
* The total percentage of claimed homes in the game is currently 77.68% (1006/1295).

* There are 622 houses in Zoluren.
* 540 of Zoluren's houses are taken, leaving 82 to be claimed.
* The total percentage of claimed homes in Zoluren is 86.82% (540/622).
* 48.03% of all homes in the game are located in Zoluren (622/1295).
* 53.67% of all claimed homes in the game are located in Zoluren (540/1006).
* 28.77% of all free homes in the game are located in Zoluren (82/285).

* There are 338 houses in Therengia.
* 264 of Therengia's houses are taken, leaving 74 to be claimed.
* The total percentage of claimed homes in Therengia is 78.11% (264/338).
* 26.10% of all homes in the game are located in Therengia (338/1295).
* 26.24% of all claimed homes in the game are located in Therengia (264/1006).
* 25.96% of all free homes in the game are located in Therengia (74/285).

* There are 156 houses in Ilithi.
* 111 of Ilithi's houses are taken, leaving 45 to be claimed.
* The total percentage of claimed homes in Ilithi is 71.15% (111/156).
* 12.04% of all homes in the game are located in Ilithi (156/1295).
* 11.03% of all claimed homes in the game are located in Ilithi (111/1006).
* 15.79% of all free homes in the game are located in Ilithi (45/285).

* There are 178 houses in Qi.
* 123 of Qi's houses are taken, leaving 55 to be claimed.
* The total percentage of claimed homes in Qi is 69.10% (123/178).
* 13.75% of all homes in the game are located in Qi (178/1295).
* 12.23% of all claimed homes in the game are located in Qi (123/1006).
* 19.30% of all free homes in the game are located in Qi (55/285).

* There are 68 houses in Forfedhdar.
* 30 of Forfedhdar's houses are taken, leaving 38 to be claimed.
* The total percentage of claimed homes in Forfedhdar is 44.12% (30/68).
* 5.03% of all homes in the game are located in Forfedhdar (68/1295).
* 3.00% of all claimed homes in the game are located in Forfedhdar (30/1006).
* 13.33% of all free homes in the game are located in Forfedhdar (38/285).

My numbers might be a little off, especially since I'm not a math whiz, but these should be a good approximation. I'm gonna chat with Zadraes to see if we can get the OLD numbers before I started since mine aren't exact.

-- GM Tiesse

"Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai. The keyboard cowboys." -- The Plague
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Re: By the Numbers on 01/01/2010 04:38 PM CST
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Thanks for the info, Tiesse. I found it to be very, very helpful.


* Prophet Hotoke Fuku-Nyorai snuck out of the shadow he was hiding in.
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Re: By the Numbers on 01/01/2010 04:42 PM CST
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I think it's very neat.

Thanks :)

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Re: By the Numbers on 01/01/2010 05:15 PM CST
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Do you have a break down by race? Some of those unclaimed homes might be racial.


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Re: By the Numbers on 01/01/2010 05:31 PM CST
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I think the individual breakdowns in each community include whether or not the housing is specialized. I didn't look at them all, but I know the Zoluren one specified.

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Re: By the Numbers on 01/01/2010 05:37 PM CST
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I just saw them thank you!


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Re: By the Numbers on 01/02/2010 10:40 AM CST
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Here's some more data crunching for you all to ponder. I don't know how skewed the data are since many of these neighborhoods have been restructured recently. Also, some of these categories had some overlap (e.g. Thief/Trader/VIP in Raven's Court); when this happened, I included that area in both categories. So some of these percentages might not add up to 100 within categories. I made two notes that explain a few of the interesting areas.

Totals 294 1067 1361 21.60176341 78.40
232 821 1053 22.0322887 77.97
All homes 294 1067 1361 21.60 78.40
Restricted homes 143 207 350 40.86 59.14
Nonrestricted Homes 172 881 1053 16.33 83.67
Racial Homes 54 53 107 50.47 49.53
All Dwarf Homes 18 7 25 72.00 28.00
All Elothean Homes 3 1 4 75.00 25.00
All Gor'Tog Homes 12 12 24 50.00 50.00
All Halfling Homes 10 22 32 31.25 68.75
All Human Homes 4 6 10 40.00 60.00 *
All S'Kra Mur Homes 7 5 12 58.33 41.67
all Elf Housing 0 0 0 N/A N/A
All Gnome Housing 0 0 0 N/A N/A
All Kaldar Housing 0 0 0 N/A N/A
All Prydaen Housing 0 0 0 N/A N/A
All Rakash Housing 0 0 0 N/A N/A
Profession Homes 86 182 268 32.09 67.91
Al Barbarian Homes 21 11 32 65.63 34.38 *
All Cleric Homes 7 18 25 28.00 72.00
All Empath Homes 10 45 55 18.18 81.82
All Moon Mage Homes 7 5 12 58.33 41.67
All Paladin Homes 7 11 18 38.89 61.11
All Ranger Homes 4 25 29 13.79 86.21
All Thief Homes 13 22 35 37.14 62.86 **
All Trader Homes 3 30 33 9.09 90.91
All War Mage Homes 21 15 36 58.33 41.67 **
Type of Home
All Door Homes 133 178 311 42.77 57.23
All Freestanding Homes 181 832 1013 17.87 82.13
All Knoll Homes 0 18 18 0.00 100.00 *
All Tree Homes 5 113 118 4.24 95.76
All Urban Homes 250 746 996 25.10 74.90
All Rural Homes 59 423 482 12.24 87.76
All Low Class Homes 58 201 259 22.39 77.61
All Middle Class Homes 198 695 893 22.17 77.83
All Upper Class Homes 232 821 1053 22.03 77.97

*(Note there is only one area for this housing type)

**(Note the majority of these homes in Crossing are full, but everywhere else is practically empty)


The gods are jerks. No, really.
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