Ocan's Bait and Tackle on 08/16/2013 07:16 AM CDT
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This is gonna be awesome! I did not expect we would be seeing this so soon.

Thank you Jhustis and Zadraes for getting this out, I know I'm going to be having a lot of fun keeping up with the competition for top sports fishermen/women and seeing how fast we can get this Fishmonger place built in the Cove.

Time to start carrying the tackle box and creel again!

What are you worried about, a pool of black shadows might jump up and bite you?
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle on 08/16/2013 09:38 AM CDT
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we built it last night, they have a few new poles, an air bubble want, some clamshells that hold hooks, lines, bait, some clothes, and creels.

a collapsable bamboo fishing pole for 902 copper Dokoras
a collapsable rattan fishing pole for 902 copper Dokoras
a collapsable mangrove fishing pole for 902 copper Dokoras
a collapsable tulvora fishing pole for 902 copper Dokoras

least a couple looked new

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle on 08/16/2013 12:53 PM CDT
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did the mammoths ditch thier fishing supplies intentionally? I could have sworn they were there last time I was on a mammoth.

[Aboard the Mammoth, Platform]
Thick, barnacle-encrusted ropes secure the platform to the mammoth's back. The wooden planks follow the curve of the beast's neck, allowing the driver an elevated vantage point as he does his best to lead the sea creature to and fro across the vast ocean. Birds' nests can be seen all around the platform and are woven intricately into the fur.
Obvious exits: down.
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle on 08/16/2013 01:14 PM CDT
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>did the mammoths ditch thier fishing supplies intentionally?

Whoops. Fishing supplies are back on the mammoth!

SGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
Premium Lead
Trader Guild Advocate
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle on 08/17/2013 09:11 AM CDT
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wish player construction on these things lasted more like a week instead of just one night
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle on 08/17/2013 11:55 AM CDT
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>>wish player construction on these things lasted more like a week instead of just one night

You'd then have people complaining that they just want the new thing open instead of a long build event.

Not to bash construction events, but it's not like you're missing anything edge-of-your-seat exciting. You generally just pick up an item from a stack and put it right back down with a RT.

The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle on 08/17/2013 02:09 PM CDT
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>wish player construction on these things lasted more like a week instead of just one night

We've done longer construction projects before. The Crossing headquarters, if I recall correctly, was a larger project that lasted overnight and well into the next day, at least. Folks get tired of the "event", because it DOES get very repetitive, but you don't want to walk away because you're afraid you may miss something cool when it finishes (sometimes the NPCs are around, or special messaging, etc). Others end up scripting it, which just causes problems all around, though it's harder to do these days with the changing supplies.

We like the idea of longer build events, but for something as simple as the hut in this release, and some of our other upcoming projects, shorter builds make more sense. Maybe Fang Cove will have a castle or something one day.

SGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
Premium Lead
Trader Guild Advocate
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle on 08/18/2013 10:05 AM CDT
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why are we not allowed to steal?

[Ocan's Bait and Tackle]
Large fishing nets of varying meshes drape the walls and ceiling of the small hut, each entangled with dried starfish, sea shells and an array of underwater finds. Crates, barrels, and racks line the perimeter while a bamboo counter displays additional items. At the back of the room, several buckets of iced fish rest beside a beaded curtain that leads to a private area of the shop, while Master Fisherman Ocan Zendall oversees the staff and daily operations.
You also see a crude fish-weighing scale hanging from the ceiling on a frayed jute rope and a make-shift blackboard hanging on a nearby wall.
Obvious exits: out.
> tap pole
You tap a collapsable bamboo fishing pole inside a salt-stained barrel.
> steal pole
You can't steal here.
> why
You roll your eyes heavenward and mumble, "Why me?!"

Waiting for results..................................................................................................................
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle on 08/18/2013 01:13 PM CDT
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>why are we not allowed to steal?

No justice. Can't break laws that aren't enforced.

I've been thinking that it might be interesting if the Cove had some unique styles of justice; like how Crossing has the stocks, there could be fine-alternatives:

Pelted with spoiled food/fish, lingering smell for a while
Taken up to fang's peak and shoved off
Put on a little raft and pushed out to sea for a while, only to wreck it in the Wolf's Maw and wash up on shore
Taken up to fang's peak and have to climb down naked (insects everywhere) to get to your stuff
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/20/2013 01:33 AM CDT
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>why are we not allowed to steal?
>>No justice. Can't break laws that aren't enforced.


>I've been thinking that it might be interesting if the Cove had some unique styles of justice; ...

Justice is something that needs to be handled in Fang Cove. It's a larger project than I can get into right now, but I'm hoping to make it something special.

What other 'neat' punishments would you all be interested in experiencing?

SGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
Premium Lead
Trader Guild Advocate
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/20/2013 12:29 PM CDT
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For stealing, if caught/convicted, one hand is cut off. If they do it again within specified period of time(within a in game week), two hands are cut off.

For murder, if caught/convicted, hung until dead, or put in front of a firing squad. (crossbows/bows)

For necromancy, if caught/convicted, burned alive.


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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/20/2013 12:45 PM CDT
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In addition to the previously mentioned ideas, which were pretty neat. I particularly liked the one of being thrown off the peak.

Tar and feathering - typically reserved for murder, forbidden practices charges, or excessive fine charges ( i.e. if your debt for the province reaches above x amount then you COULD, but not necessarily, be tarred and feathered for thievery.

Thumb screws/Lashings/Hand removals|crushing - typically reserved for thievery/aiding and abetting, disturbing the peace type offenses.

Banishment - reserved for any and all charges, time of banishment based on crime, but not to exceed a set period of time(a week or a month for instance). Just to get the point across, but not excessively harsh for a game.*
Any estate holder teleport rings do not work for this period and you cannot leave the Mammoth docks for the banishment period.

Old Cleric-style Branding - bring it back just for the lulz ;)

Perhaps more than one punishment could be levied for repeat offenses within a short period of time.

*A week or a month not being excessively harsh based on my banishment from the Riverhaven Thieves guild for nearly 2 years. 1 month is light in comparisson. YMMV, adjust as necessary to fit what you think of as not excessively harsh.

Blackguard Danoryiel

"Sogan udazama umbunor fau arrazoi inishatu seiremisai. (Only the fallen have nothing to despair)"
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/20/2013 01:00 PM CDT
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>What other 'neat' punishments would you all be interested in experiencing?

for neat:
Tied up, left to stew in our own juices for awhile, roasting in the heat of the sun and then severely beaten. ~ala~ How Jack has Wilfred punished.

The estate holder coucil seems to be made up of pretty urbane merchants. With Fang Cove being settled by merchant sailors I'd expect punishment to be a mixture of admiralty law and heavy fines. Something out of JTK's copy of Maritime Law in the Age of Sail.
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/20/2013 01:33 PM CDT
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Hard labor might be interesting, though take more work mechanically. For a small settlement still being carved out of the wilderness, there's probably plenty that they could get people to do. Maybe tie something into the task system, or using the mechanics of one of those building construction projects. Maybe get given a below store bought quality pickaxe and sent to go break rocks. If the prisoner doesn't complete their task in X amount of time, then perhaps a fine is assessed instead.

- Miskton
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/20/2013 01:35 PM CDT
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I like the idea of being stripped and tossed from the Peak for a forbidden practices charge, having the villagers bury my evil items somewhere/performing some cleansing ritual on them (salt/hollow ground whatever) , and then having to go find/collect said items. Some maniacal laughter at their futile rituals as I dig up said items would be marvelous.

"Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up a god superior to themselves. Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child." -Heinlein
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/20/2013 01:39 PM CDT
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>Hard labor might be interesting, though take more work mechanically. For a small settlement still being carved out of the wilderness, there's probably plenty that they could get people to do. Maybe tie something into the task system, or using the mechanics of one of those building construction projects. Maybe get given a below store bought quality pickaxe and sent to go break rocks. If the prisoner doesn't complete their task in X amount of time, then perhaps a fine is assessed instead.

That's a pretty awesome idea. I like that.

* Zadraes was just swallowed out of existence by Elanthia.
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/20/2013 01:42 PM CDT
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>Hard labor might be interesting, though take more work mechanically. For a small settlement still being carved out of the wilderness, there's probably plenty that they could get people to do. Maybe tie something into the task system, or using the mechanics of one of those building construction projects. Maybe get given a below store bought quality pickaxe and sent to go break rocks. If the prisoner doesn't complete their task in X amount of time, then perhaps a fine is assessed instead.

>That's a pretty awesome idea. I like that.

Seconded, sounds cool.

Blackguard Danoryiel

"Sogan udazama umbunor fau arrazoi inishatu seiremisai. (Only the fallen have nothing to despair)"
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/20/2013 01:44 PM CDT
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whatever happened to the penal colony? Maybe bring that back

Waiting for results..................................................................................................................
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/20/2013 01:55 PM CDT
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Branding could be cool. But I'd like to see more body modification art in DR anyway.

I'm a badger, I be badgerin'
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/20/2013 05:40 PM CDT
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For stealing, if caught/convicted, one hand is cut off. If they do it again within specified period of time(within a in game week), two hands are cut off.

Isn't that how clan justice works?
also there's a place that'll beat you up, then later cut off your thumbs, which you could pick up if only you had thumbs

Fang Cove needs to be crankier and more savage, and random!
my votes:
tie you up, drag you across the rocky shore til you're bloody, load you up on a skiff, and weigh you down with some rocks near the sharks
tie you up and wait for high tide... with real pain in the ass time of day RT penalties!
bury you neck deep, and let the crabs have at you for a bit
banner you from the islands
offered to orc for sacrifice/food so they don't raid the village

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/20/2013 06:07 PM CDT
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>>Fang Cove needs to be crankier and more savage, and random!

All the ways of having people drawn and quartered sounds fun for a justice system, but I feel like it's such a shift from the mindset of Fang Cove itself.

Fang Cove comes off as a place with the majority of the population suffering from severe PTSD and a huge amount of survivor's guilt, let alone a long term of being totally isolated and trying to rebuild despite notable setbacks.

When I think of Fang Cove I don't think the latter seasons of LOST or an adult version of Lord of the Flies. I'd actually expect them to feel more disappointed than vengeful if a crime was committed. I feel Yrisa's initial response/warning to Necromancers seems to highlights things rather well. Admittedly, I don't know what happens when you ignore those warnings.

Maybe things will end up changing once the Estate Holder Society of Rich Jerkbags ends up properly gentrifying the area, but for now I have trouble imagining the locals with as much bloodlust as implied in these suggestions. I feel like they'd be more upset over these suggestions for ways to punish criminals than what the criminals themselves would be doing.

The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/21/2013 12:46 AM CDT
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I'm amused that you all are so creative when it comes to coming up with ways to be tortured.

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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/21/2013 04:54 AM CDT
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Would be interesting to see a system where you're just fined and exiled for a while. Magic prevents you from returning, etc., a la a basic subscriber.

-- Player of Eyuve
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/21/2013 09:51 AM CDT
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>>Would be interesting to see a system where you're just fined and exiled for a while.

Teleported to a random spot in the realms! Now that would be interesting.

Player of Diggan, Ranger & Halfing of Aesry
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/21/2013 12:30 PM CDT
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Or you could make them walk the plank over the sharks. After the convicted fellon is severely beaten and bleeding of course.


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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/21/2013 01:34 PM CDT
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Quite honestly, many of these ideas make me feel like we're restricting the area too much and makes having an unlawful character (e.g. one that trains stealing or is a necromancer) far less playable. While I salute the creativity and desire to have more extreme punishments in the game, in terms of game playability, fines hurt training stealing/pilfering where it hurts most, in the pocketbook. It's not the most exciting solution, but it's the most balanced.

Beyond that, I would hate to think that we would have harsher justice in an area designed for a group that is centered around convenience and extras. I'm not saying that Estate Holders should have it any easier, but it certainly shouldn't be more difficult.

Losing hands or death is a big reason I rarely go to any of the clans. It's bordering a petty reason, but it's my reason.

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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/21/2013 02:48 PM CDT
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Yeah, I'm not too big on the maiming and mauling.

The work idea seemed the best sort of thing in my opinion since materials would be pretty important to not only future buildings, but also repairs or upgrades on current ones.

It wouldn't have to be tied to TASK but that would be a neat way to try and hold the information needed. If it could work within that system. Or, there is that one group that makes you do some jobs before they let you hang out with them. Maybe something like what they do would work here. When you're caught, you're shown to a little area with a few different rooms for doing some work in and you have to keep reporting to a taskmaster until you pay your debt to the people of Fang Cove.

Some potential tasks could be:
* Cleaning fish
* Breaking stones
* Chopping wood
* Cutting brush
* Pulling weeds
* Collecting shells
* Braiding ropes

* Zadraes was just swallowed out of existence by Elanthia.
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/21/2013 02:56 PM CDT
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>>The work idea seemed the best sort of thing in my opinion since materials would be pretty important to not only future buildings, but also repairs or upgrades on current ones.

I feel that putting someone to work to better the community is a lot more thematic to how I view the way people at Fang Cove operate as a whole, as well. It's possible I'm just being too rosy about it and Zadraes can correct me on it or whatever, but they really do come off as a bunch of shell shocked and traumatized individuals. I just don't see them as the pinnacle of vengeance and violence that a lot of these suggestions would imply. Fang Cove isn't Shark Clan.

The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/21/2013 05:04 PM CDT
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heh I thought some head, eye, neck wounds and skin damage from sitting in the sun being eaten by crabs for a few minutes wasn't that bad...

and are you sure that rope swing does something?

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/21/2013 05:14 PM CDT
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The rope never worked that I could tell.
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/21/2013 08:00 PM CDT
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>Teleported to a random spot in the realms! Now that would be interesting.

Breaking news! Coming soon! Darsam and Keishalae take over Fang Cove! You're all doomed.

...totally kidding. It'd be fun, but...man. Chaos.

>Quite honestly, many of these ideas make me feel like we're restricting the area too much and makes having an unlawful character (e.g. one that trains stealing or is a necromancer) far less playable.

To be fair, the Estate Holder Council is overseeing Fang Cove's development. In general, these guys are law-abiding, upstanding folks that are trying to keep a good reputation for themselves and those they represent. Fang Cove lacking a formal justice system right now is a mechanics issue, but on the IC side, the Council absolutely does NOT want this area to be a haven for Necromancers or Thieves.

I'm not saying we ARE going to mutilate you guys in awful ways, but I'm not saying we won't, either. Right now I'm looking for ideas and feedback on the ideas presented. The more things we can take into consideration in advance, the better long term. :)

>The work idea seemed the best sort of thing in my opinion...

I'm liking this, too, but it's not without its own issues. The TASK system would bet he best way to implement this; it has a really good core for handling a lot of different situations. What if you already have a TASK? Some day guild quests or other special things could be tied to the TASK system. Would you want to be forced into abandoning it so that you could work your way out of trouble?

>...but they really do come off as a bunch of shell shocked and traumatized individuals.

Unstable is probably the best word to use to describe some of them. If the right (wrong?) buttons are pushed, I could see some of them flipping out and accepting a harsh sentence.

Should also keep in mind that there's an "us vs them" mentality at play. These people thought they were abandoned and forgotten. They made their peace with each other and started building a community. Then we all swoop in, start a massive series of building projects, imposing rules and new people on them, and the Council tells them "Yeah, we're in charge now. It's for the best." I could envision them having a response akin to "You outsiders are disrupting everything we built for ourselves, you break our laws and are not good for us." If citizenship for FC were possible, maybe citizens would be spared the harsher crimes (if we did them).

On the design level, this is all really fun to think about. There are many ways it could all play out, and it can be done in ways that make sense. The NPCs aren't "known" all that well yet; we don't REALLY know the extent of their trauma and what it's done to them. There's still a lot of wiggle room on just about everything. And I like FC having special, custom mechanics. More things to make it stand out from everywhere else. :) That's just fun.

SGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
Premium Lead
Trader Guild Advocate
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/21/2013 08:27 PM CDT
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I'd like a punishment for nastier things that you were --slowly-- burned alive, you can't move, and you just keep taking fire damage (with anything your wearing on), so wearing armor would make the process more drawn out and the armor would be damaged.

"I think anything that forces you to do something no sane adventurer would do just in order to train is ridiculous."

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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Re: Ocan's Bait and Tackle (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/21/2013 09:00 PM CDT
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>I'd like a punishment for nastier things that you were --slowly-- burned alive, you can't move, and you just keep taking fire damage (with anything your wearing on), so wearing armor would make the process more drawn out and the armor would be damaged.

I'm of two minds; in general, anything that takes control away from the player sucks. It's not fun sitting there watching when you can't do anything but wait out a timer. But on the flip side, short of taking actual items or something, there's not much else in the way of punishment you can inflict in current DR. Wounds, cash, etc. all easily fixed.

I'm a badger, I be badgerin'
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Re: (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/23/2013 09:12 AM CDT
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<<I'm of two minds; in general, anything that takes control away from the player sucks. It's not fun sitting there watching when you can't do anything but wait out a timer. But on the flip side, short of taking actual items or something, there's not much else in the way of punishment you can inflict in current DR. Wounds, cash, etc. all easily fixed.

What about time? Steal an herb, got to spend time typing in commands (accompanied by RTs) to replant them. Steal a pot, to the potato peeling room!

I think it's the death and dismemberment that bugs me. When spouting off ideas, they're generally cool. When it happens in game (think creature special attacks), people dislike them because it interrupts the daily grin/training.

I'm just advocating having some normal justice as well, at the very least the trial. I always viewed Fang Cove as Gilligan's Island (with >6 people of course) rather than Lord of the Flies. While stealing (and to a lesser extent necromancy) should be punished if caught, I'd like those guilds to remain playable even if suboptimal. I am worried about potential complaints such as, "I was just trying to redeem my LTB vouchers when I was successfully accused of necromancy." I don't know where I sit in that sticky situation.

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Re: (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/23/2013 09:32 AM CDT
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fine, Fang Cove justice can be a little stool in the corner of the dock, where sitting there is totally optional?

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
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Re: (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/23/2013 10:29 AM CDT
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Actually, I like the forced labor approach to it, provided it isn't 'spend 30 hours in RT doing X', it could be fun, and no better/worse than the stocks.

I'd have to agree that for a merchant-run island, burning at the stake, the ant and honey treatement, drowning, etc, don't make a ton of sense. It's hard to get out there and they don't want to kill all the customers. Maybe just some of them.

Maybe certain crimes (hey, DR felonies!) incur the more gruesome penalties, there's always something a community absolutely will not tolerate.

I'm a badger, I be badgerin'
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Re: (Fang Cove Justice) on 08/23/2013 01:51 PM CDT
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It's like Gilligan's Island, except if they were on the island until for a real decade, and not a TV one, and instead of that one savage, it was villages of gremlins and goblins, and instead of the harlem globetrotters showing up to play basketball against robots, a witch shows up to alter things, or something... oh and your old dead shipmates try to kill you whenever you go for a swim, mrs.Howell's bloated corpse packs quite a dessicating punch!

I know I'd be pissed at Gilligan the first few times he broke something, but after a few seasons of it I'm sure they'd have banished him to the jungle. I couldn't imagine how they feel about someone robbing them constantly, especially on an exclusive retreat island.

I also imagine that after pissing off an Immortal, nearly dying, and being stranded, they wouldn't want to do it again, and let necromancers go around all willy-nilly and what have you...

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
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