A great hope of mine is that animal lore becomes more practable and available to all (with Ranger perks), Designed along the same lines as the non-creation lores. Pet and mount care would teach AL, creature charts would teach AL,and stalking creatures would teach AL.
New and more dynamic animals would be introduced, each with their own actions and abilities and existing animals would be upgraded to fit the system. Pets would ATMO and be expensive in one way or another. Pets would come in cages that one could store or vault the animal. animals released from their cage would begin to deteriorate in health as horses do now. As health deminishes, so does the abilities. Unlike mounts, most pets could die and would be resurectable by a cleric and healable by an empath. Each would have their own specific stats and a few can even hunt. All pets are highly suseptable to demeanors.
Here are some ideas on pets:
Parrot- Worn
Special Abilities: Can be taught to repeat anything it has heard by anyone recently
Special Detriments: Can chip headgear, can leave parrot droppings
Special Actions: When owner is under aggresion parrot will fly up and circle until
owner is dead, leaves room or game, or quells aggression, when it
will land again. (No threat of dying).
Demeanor Check: will direct attention to the highest demeanor.
Eagle- Worn on protected arm
Special Abilities: Can be taught to hunt as a companion.
Special Detriments: Can die, Can nip others in room when not hooded.
Special Actions: Will circle out of range then dive for attack leaving a small window
for retaliation. Can be targeted by ranged weapons and spells.
Demeanor Check: will nip at the lowest demeanor.
Vulture- Worn on protected arm.
Special Abilities: Can be taught to scavage dead carcasses and bring body parts back
to it's owner.
Special Detriments: Actions can cause jail or worse to the owner.
Special Actions: Will fly several areas away performing it's task. If it is mortally
wounded, it will always fly back to die.
Demeanor Check: will nip at the highest demeanor.
Dog- When released will closly follow owner.
Special Abilities: Can be taught to beg, shake, roll, fetch, play dead, get news
scroll, and sick another player where the dog's bark is louder than
it's bite.
Special Detriments: Chases cats into hiding
Demeanor Check: directs attention to highest demeanor
Cat- When released will closely follow owner.
Special Abilities: Will hunt rats (no teaching required). Has exellent perception.
Special Detriments: Will hide from dogs
Demeanor Check: Will hide if neautral or less demeanor is in the room.
War Dog- When released will closely follow owner.
Special Abilities: Can be taught to hunt as a companion.
Special Detriment: Not allowed to be released in or enter non-wilderness
Demeanor check: Directs bad attention to lowest demeanor
Ferret- Worn
Special Abilities: Can be taught to steal. can be directed from hiding.
Special Detriments: Can get owner arrested.
Demeanor Check: Directs attention to highest demeanor
These are just a few animal types and multiple variations on these could be developed. Give a thought to it.
Gads, I'd kill for that eagle...
Animal Attraction on 08/15/2012 05:23 AM CDT
Re: Animal Attraction on 08/15/2012 05:40 AM CDT
Re: Animal Attraction on 08/15/2012 11:21 AM CDT
Which would mean that any Animal Lore flavored activities would fall under the new Outdoorsmanship skill. To my knowledge, such activities would just poof under the skill combine (re: fishing), not that there are many activities that fall under the AL skill currently.
I would love to see more animal flavored activities. I hope that Outdoorsmanship doesn't just become the Crafting Materials Collecting skill.
I would love to see more animal flavored activities. I hope that Outdoorsmanship doesn't just become the Crafting Materials Collecting skill.
Re: Animal Attraction on 08/15/2012 02:17 PM CDT
Well currently there are a few different applications of AL, if I miss one feel free to add:
-Tending leeches/bloodworms/mites
-Wrangling horses
-Teaching horses
-Something with all those critters in Horse Clan. Maybe with the TASK system, heard goats maybe?
-Feeding all those pet spiders and other sorts of bugs.
-I always thought that creature anatomy charts should teach AL as well.
(I should note that this is probably not a popular idea, but I think only the racial ones should teach FA and maybe add more to that like Merlew, Ocular, Gorbesh, Adan'f, etc. Leave the critter ones to teach AL or Outdoorsmanship.)
System Announcement: The Night Sun has been snuffed. It's dark again. Now the scary stuff comes out.
-Tending leeches/bloodworms/mites
-Wrangling horses
-Teaching horses
-Something with all those critters in Horse Clan. Maybe with the TASK system, heard goats maybe?
-Feeding all those pet spiders and other sorts of bugs.
-I always thought that creature anatomy charts should teach AL as well.
(I should note that this is probably not a popular idea, but I think only the racial ones should teach FA and maybe add more to that like Merlew, Ocular, Gorbesh, Adan'f, etc. Leave the critter ones to teach AL or Outdoorsmanship.)
System Announcement: The Night Sun has been snuffed. It's dark again. Now the scary stuff comes out.