Animal Lore/Skinning on 12/31/2007 12:36 PM CST
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On a board of creative imaginative posters (and debunkers), I'm sure it has been suggested before that skinning, particularly of the beast variety, teach a very small amount of animal lore.

What was the argument against it?


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Re: Animal Lore/Skinning on 12/31/2007 12:47 PM CST
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Suggested and approved, I believe. Basically, they are removing the Ranger-only version of ARRANGE. This old version will be ripped apart by vicious, combat-trained guard leucros. They will install a new version that anyone can use, which will allow the user to turn the animal to different positions that allow one to remove different portions of the body (each ARRANGE will take you to a harder body part). For example, without arrange maybe you still get rat tails. ARRANGE once, and maybe you might get a paw or something. ARRANGE again and maybe you get the pelt. ARRANGE a third time and maybe you get a trophy head. ARRANGE a fourth time and you might end up back at the default rat tail.

ARRANGE will be dictated by your animal lore, will teach it, and because you are accessing a harder skinnable location you will learn more skinning (more challenge and thus more learning).

J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
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