Suggestion on 12/30/2007 11:53 PM CST
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A simple suggestion for learning Animal Lore taken right out of the real world, allow the observing of Natural Critters to teach Animal lore. Allow people to hide and the Observ <Creature>, the longer it is done, the higher the exp yield.

Hooks then could be put into the Examine or Describe verbs that allow players with sufficient Animal Lore to gain further information regarding these creatures. Things like Primary attack type (Claw, slam, bite), skinablity and skin type (Pelt, Skin, hide, etc.), natural resistances (resistant to Blunt or slashing attacks, etc.) in addition to several levels of fluff messaging.

mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
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Re: Suggestion on 12/30/2007 11:57 PM CST
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That's not a bad idea.


"Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind."
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Re: Suggestion on 12/31/2007 12:07 AM CST
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I agree, I love that idea.

Question, why from hiding? Couldn't you make it like AIM for ranged weapons?

Example, you would start OBSERV(E)ing a creature, similar to how you start AIMing at a creature. After a time, you get a fully targeted messaging also similar to AIM, at which point you can EXAMINE the creature to get the full specs. Of course, you can EXAMINE beforehand; however, that would also be similar to a snap shot, just as if you were to SHOOT before a full aim.

Just an idea.
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Re: Suggestion on 12/31/2007 12:19 AM CST
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That's not a bad idea for training method.

Now how about some uses?
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Re: Suggestion on 12/31/2007 11:06 AM CST
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>>Question, why from hiding? Couldn't you make it like AIM for ranged weapons?

The idea is that in hiding the critter doesn't know you're there. Usually, if they know you're there the critter will run away (prey, like the inkhorne), charge (nastily aggressive predators), or otherwise act differently (pets and the less territorial/aggressive predators).

J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
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