Comparison Scales for Weapons, Shields, and Armor on 12/08/2020 09:34 PM CST
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Below are the scales used when comparing weapons, shields, and armor.

The scales have not changed. The verbal descriptions have not changed. What has changed is that you can now see a ± next to the verbal descriptions if you enable the appraisal toggle. For details on the new toggle, see:

Yes, some of the descriptions are used for more than one ± value. Rather than artificially condense the ± scale, we decided to let you see the full ± scale. Enjoy the increased granularity.

# Weapon Damage
-7 does far less [type] damage than
-6 does a lot less [type] damage than
-5 does a lot less [type] damage than
-4 does less [type] damage than
-3 does less [type] damage than
-2 does somewhat less [type] damage than
-1 does a little less [type] damage than
0 does about as much [type] damage as
+1 does a little more [type] damage than
+2 does somewhat more [type] damage than
+3 does more [type] damage than
+4 does more [type] damage than
+5 does a lot more [type] damage than
+6 does a lot more [type] damage than
+7 does far more [type] damage than

# Balance/Power
-7 is far less balanced than
-6 is a lot less balanced than
-5 is a lot less balanced than
-4 is less balanced than
-3 is less balanced than
-2 is somewhat less balanced than
-1 is a little less balanced than
0 is about as balanced as
+1 is a little more balanced than
+2 is somewhat more balanced than
+3 is more balanced than
+4 is more balanced than
+5 is a lot more balanced than
+6 is a lot more balanced than
+7 is far more balanced than

# Shield Protection
-7 has a far lower [basic/full] defense than
-6 has a lot lower [basic/full] defense than
-5 has a lot lower [basic/full] defense than
-4 has a lower [basic/full] defense than
-3 has a lower [basic/full] defense than
-2 has a somewhat lower [basic/full] defense than
-1 has a little lower [basic/full] defense than
0 has about as good of a [basic/full] defense as
+1 has a little higher [basic/full] defense than
+2 has a somewhat higher [basic/full] defense than
+3 has a higher [basic/full] defense than
+4 has a higher [basic/full] defense than
+5 has a lot higher [basic/full] defense than
+6 has a lot higher [basic/full] defense than
+7 has a far higher [basic/full] defense than

# Armor Protection and Absorption
-7 is far less [resistant/absorptive]
-6 is a lot less [resistant/absorptive]
-5 is a lot less [resistant/absorptive]
-4 is less [resistant/absorptive]
-3 is less [resistant/absorptive]
-2 is somewhat less [resistant/absorptive]
-1 is a little less [resistant/absorptive]
0 is about as [resistant/absorptive]
+1 is a little more [resistant/absorptive]
+2 is somewhat more [resistant/absorptive]
+3 is more [resistant/absorptive]
+4 is more [resistant/absorptive]
+5 is a lot more [resistant/absorptive]
+6 is a lot more [resistant/absorptive]
+7 is far more [resistant/absorptive]

# Base Hindrance
-7 is far easier to maneuver with than
-6 is a lot easier to maneuver with than
-5 is a lot easier to maneuver with than
-4 is easier to maneuver with than
-3 is easier to maneuver with than
-2 is somewhat easier to maneuver with than
-1 is a little easier to maneuver with than
0 is about as easy to maneuver with as
+1 is a little harder to maneuver with than
+2 is somewhat harder to maneuver with than
+3 is harder to maneuver with than
+4 is harder to maneuver with than
+5 is a lot harder to maneuver with than
+6 is a lot harder to maneuver with than
+7 is far harder to maneuver with than

# Construction/Durability
-7 is far weaker than
-6 is a lot weaker than
-5 is a lot weaker than
-4 is weaker than
-3 is weaker than
-2 is somewhat weaker than
-1 is a little weaker than
0 is about as strong as
+1 is a little stronger than
+2 is somewhat stronger than
+3 is stronger than
+4 is stronger than
+5 is a lot stronger than
+6 is a lot stronger than
+7 is far stronger than

GM Cordulia
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Re: Comparison Scales for Weapons, Shields, and Armor on 12/09/2020 06:07 AM CST
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>Enjoy the increased granularity.

This is fantastic!

~Hunter Hanryu
>I would like to avoid the collection of broken dreams and sorrow that is the Ranger guild.~Agalea
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