At Feet slot and Carving on 12/04/2017 07:56 PM CST
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I started a noob and decided I'd carve with him and there's an annoyance, over burdened because of the rock going to the "at feet" slot. I don't want to deed the boulder because then it's locked for 10 minutes, is there a way to basically drop what's in that slot?

Lying at your feet is a large alabaster rock.

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[Roundtime: 47]
You get a tapered steel rasp from inside your multi-strapped carryall.
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Re: At Feet slot and Carving on 12/05/2017 11:22 PM CST
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the items in the at your feet slot need to be picked up then dropped. You put things in that slot by using LOWER ITEM GROUND. However when you craft left over items get put there most of the time. You can have them put in other areas or containers unless they are too big to fit, which puts them at your feet. SO get rock, drop rock and it wont be at your feet.

Ranger Pfanston and his soggy pup
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Re: At Feet slot and Carving on 12/06/2017 04:35 AM CST
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I think the issue is that at lower stats (like newbies), you can’t easily lift/drop rocks/boulders and the at-feet slot is being factored into burden penalties.

IMO the best and most universal solution would be if the at feet slot was somehow burden free, but I don’t know the mechanical possibility for that.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: At Feet slot and Carving on 12/06/2017 06:01 AM CST
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>I think the issue is that at lower stats (like newbies), you can’t easily lift/drop rocks/boulders and the at-feet slot is being factored into burden penalties.

Nailed it! I was hoping there was some syntax I couldn't figure out or find for removing the item from that slot (aside from picking up and dropping), but it looks like this is just one of those little freak incidents that probably won't occur too often, if ever again. It did strike me as odd that the stuff is on the ground and I was still burdened, but with the DR engine being what it is I imagine Kodius had to code it as part of the player inventory which meant including the weight.
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Re: At Feet slot and Carving on 12/06/2017 09:21 PM CST
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Yeah I ran into that early for a couple new folks. What I had them do was to drop the boulder, rock, stone, etc on the ground to work on it (meaning you need to be by yourself somewhere), back then when you did that and it was on the ground to start with you could work it normally and any thing broken off stayed on the ground in front of you and not at your feet slot. I have actually not checked since that point but I think it should still work.

Ranger Pfanston and his soggy pup
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Re: At Feet slot and Carving on 12/06/2017 10:48 PM CST
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>>What I had them do was to drop the boulder, rock, stone, etc on the ground to work on it (meaning you need to be by yourself somewhere), back then when you did that and it was on the ground to start with you could work it normally and any thing broken off stayed on the ground in front of you and not at your feet slot. I have actually not checked since that point but I think it should still work.

AFAIK, these days if something weighs past a certain point, when you un-deed the material it transfers over to the at-feet slot instead of in your hands or directly on the ground. Things under a certain weight still go into your hands. Your own personal stats may play into this, as well.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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