Recall Spell on 06/09/2009 01:38 PM CDT
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I know that this has been suggested before, but I'd like to suggest it again. And a thread in Abilitis, Skills & Magic about the Cosmetology of Spell Patterns got me thinking.

I propose that with the appropriate scholarship skill, you can recall information about spells. Obviously for bards, this would be RECALL ENCHANTE. Since I'm a Bard, I'm going to use Bard magic as my example. This would also require other guilds to better have some of their spell history fleshed out.

Example Given: Naming of Tears

Low End Messaging: Recall Enchante Naming of Tears (or the spell abbrev. which is TEAR)
Naming of Tears is in the book "Ballads and Romances"
The minimum prep for Naming of Tears is 6 mana.
You can't recall much else.

Mid Messaging:
Naming of Tears is in the book "Ballads and Romances"
The minimum prep for Naming of Tears is 6 mana.
You recall what you know about Naming of Tears:
The Naming of Tears will give all those in your group an increased ability to defend themselves in combat. While in times past the use of this enchante was too fatiguing to be effective, causing the deaths of many bards upon the battlefield, in recent times a method was discovered to employ it without imposing such a strain upon the performer. It is our hope that these techniques will allow the enchante to relive the former glory that it enjoyed during the resistance wars so long ago.
(This is the messaging from the songbook)

Successful Messaging:
Naming of Tears is in the book "Ballads and Romances"
The minimum prep for Naming of Tears is 6 mana.
You recall what you know about Naming of Tears:
This enchante was devised by the Elves during the War of Tears when the swift entry of the Dwarves caught the Elven people off guard. Elven Bards on the battlefield devised this enchante in which they named out to the soldiers those who had been lost, in essence, naming their tears. The soldiers believed the song filled them with the powers of the dead, the dead Elves determined to prevent their live kindred from joining them. That wasn't really the case... in fact, the song wove music and elemental power together to enhance the bodies and emotions of those who heard the song, helping them to withstand the Human assaults.

The Naming of Tears will give all those in your group an increased ability to defend themselves in combat. While in times past the use of this enchante was too fatiguing to be effective, causing the deaths of many bards upon the battlefield, in recent times a method was discovered to employ it without imposing such a strain upon the performer. It is our hope that these techniques will allow the enchante to relive the former glory that it enjoyed during the resistance wars so long ago.

So, in essence the low end success is giving you basic information about the enchante. Mid range success is giving you information that you could easily get from your guildleader or a song/spellbook and full success is giving you the actual history behind the spell/song.

With enough skill (I'm thinking 200 scholarship for low end success) you could begin to recall information about other guild's spells. The easiest being within your own mana type if applicable, and increasing in difficulty as you deviate further away. I guess it wouldn't be a horrible idea to be able to recall the cap of a spell either, as long as you have personally been able to achieve it.


- Terra
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Re: Recall Spell on 06/09/2009 01:59 PM CDT
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I always love having more information available at my fingertips.

I would imagine that this type of information is already stored somewhere that might be readily available for RECALL?

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Re: Recall Spell on 06/09/2009 02:13 PM CDT
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Speaking of RECALL information, this grates at my nerves. Can we please fix the following?

>recall famous kuk
You recall what you know about Kukalakai:
Known as Kukalakai of the Black Eyes, this ruler of the Elothean people is the daughter of the Ferdahl Alec, who liberated Ilithi from the Dragon Priests following the disastrous rule of his father. Kukalakai is viewed as a competent, if sometimes uncertain, ruler who has continued the popular legacy of her father.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

She's dead. Please change to:

>recall famous kuk
You recall what you know about Kukalakai:
Known as Kukalakai of the Black Eyes, this ruler of the Elothean people was the daughter of the Ferdahl Alec, who liberated Ilithi from the Dragon Priests following the disastrous rule of his father. Kukalakai was viewed as a competent, if sometimes uncertain, ruler who had continued the popular legacy of her father until her life came to an abrupt end at the hands of the Outcast King Raenilar Celendron.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

- Terra
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Re: Recall Spell on 06/09/2009 03:09 PM CDT
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>I would imagine that this type of information is already stored somewhere that might be readily available for RECALL?

Heh, I always figured that this was the key to having GMs actually implement new ideas.

Aveda's Field Guide-
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Re: Recall Spell on 06/09/2009 04:14 PM CDT
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>>Heh, I always figured that this was the key to having GMs actually implement new ideas.

I was thinking of this because Dart mentioned how easy it was to hook into the card info system with recall famous and such. Anything to make it easier to code!

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Re: Recall Spell on 06/09/2009 05:00 PM CDT
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> I was thinking of this because Dart mentioned how easy it was to hook into the card info system with recall famous and such. Anything to make it easier to code!

Yep. And for the record, we are working on the spell stuff, but it won't be in a recall. Patience, grasshoppers.

- GM Dartenian

If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. - Henry Ford
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Re: Recall Spell on 06/09/2009 09:24 PM CDT
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>>Yep. And for the record, we are working on the spell stuff, but it won't be in a recall. Patience, grasshoppers.<<

Hmmm, can't wait to see what form that ready-made information becomes available. Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be nifty. So until then, WAX OFF.

I <3 Dart

- Terra
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