Learning on 05/02/2009 07:51 PM CDT
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Hey, I'm curious how some of you are learning scholarship post 500 ranks? Are teaching/classes the only way?

I just ran through my entire compendium and just barely hit muddled at 516 scholarship, so I'm looking for a more effective way to train it without sitting in a high traffic area.

Thanks in advance

- Terra
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Re: Learning on 05/02/2009 07:58 PM CDT
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If you're in Crossing, you might try studying the art in the Raven's Court. I don't know that it will teach that high, but it's worth a shot.

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Learning on 05/02/2009 11:09 PM CDT
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I used a combination of compendiums, recalls (history being one of the best) and a smattering of classes to get to 1000 ranks in Scholarship.

The museum is by far and away the best tool out there to learn on your own, as was suggested. But give Recall History a try, in Muspari or Ratha where there are a number of spots, you should be able to get it moving decently.

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Re: Learning on 05/03/2009 12:50 AM CDT
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Moon mages have a lot of nice ways to move scholarship. The other guilds need to be fleshed out more.
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Re: Learning on 05/03/2009 10:20 AM CDT
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Oh, you know what.. I was so busy checking my appraisal experience on the Raven's Court artwalk that I neglected to see how much it trained scholarship. Thanks for the reminder!

- Terra
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Learning Scholarship on 12/17/2009 04:17 AM CST
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Can anyone give some tips to learning scholarship? I've got 167 ranks, and currently use anatomy charts,and recall, as well as a scholarship class when i can get one, and it moves rather slowly, especially now that i get the clarity message after one study on most of the racial charts (and maybe 3 on the snow gob chart?).

Jaedren regretfully says, "Dearest Veylani, I'm sorry to hear your lava charm ate your face. Best wishes. Have a card."
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Re: Learning Scholarship on 12/17/2009 04:47 AM CST
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If you don't have all of the charts yet, get them. I divide the charts in two groups of 9 in any order and use the following script:

put get my other comp
put turn my comp
put study my comp
put stow my comp

That's just the basics of it, but I run that section in every script I have and it has kept scholarship locked from 40 all the way to 400 in several of my characters. I never listen to a class on scholarship because this works so well.



You flat out, absolutely, 100% have no idea what you're talking about.

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Re: Learning Scholarship on 12/17/2009 05:38 PM CST
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>... as well as a scholarship class when i can get one, and it moves rather slowly...

Listening to more classes on any subject is probably better than looking for scholarship classes.

"...I am inclined to think the focus of the [Warmage's] spellbook should be ways to make things explode, to help you make things explode, or to assist your victim in exploding." -Armifer
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Re: Learning Scholarship on 12/17/2009 09:10 PM CST
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For the love of god just put out more charts.

~ Purehand

After a long deliberation, the judge finally says, "Purehand, this court finds you innocent of the charges brought upon you."
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Re: Learning Scholarship on 12/17/2009 09:17 PM CST
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Yes, please.

It's ridiculous how spread out they are.

Rev. Reene

"How do I find a philosopher?" he said.
"Around here? Throw a brick, I should think."
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Re: Learning Scholarship on 12/19/2009 12:33 PM CST
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I know it's location specific, but have you tried running through and appraising the art in Raven's Court? It teaches appraisal and scholarship amazingly well.


The gods are jerks. No, really.
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Spellbook Learning on 05/17/2010 10:38 PM CDT
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I posted this in another thread about spellbooks where the subject came up, but I figured it'd be better suited here. The spellbooks seem to teach Scholarship pretty decently, but the downtime on them is through the roof. Over an hour and a half. Could we get this tweaked down to ten minutes or something?

Also, more ways to learn scholarship that include NMUs in the future are always appreciated. :)

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Re: Spellbook Learning on 05/17/2010 11:30 PM CDT
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Isn't it possible for anyone to study a spellbook for scholarship?
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Re: Spellbook Learning on 05/17/2010 11:34 PM CDT
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<<Isn't it possible for anyone to study a spellbook for scholarship?>>



"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
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Re: Spellbook Learning on 05/20/2010 01:48 AM CDT
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Where do you get spell books?
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Re: Spellbook Learning on 05/20/2010 01:51 AM CDT
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There's a portal at the festival currently going on a Theren. Once in it, each magic using guild has a room you can go to for spellbooks for your guild. The ones that teach scholarship, however, are custom made. Make sure to read the signs and notes in the shop and they'll walk you through the process.

It's a pretty infrequent merchant, so best get one while the getting's good!

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Re: Spellbook Learning on 05/20/2010 02:50 AM CDT
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ok, thank you.
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Re: Spellbook Learning on 05/20/2010 03:24 AM CDT
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Bah estate holders only, oh well.
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Re: Spellbook Learning on 05/20/2010 04:42 AM CDT
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It's not estate holder only: It's not the portal right at the entrance to Theren. The festival is a few rooms south of the Theren gate on a field and through an arch. It's in room G on this map:


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Re: Spellbook Learning on 05/20/2010 06:36 AM CDT
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Thanks, are Necromancers barred from making custom books, do they use their assumed mana type?
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Re: Spellbook Learning on 05/20/2010 07:28 AM CDT
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<<Thanks, are Necromancers barred from making custom books, do they use their assumed mana type?

No. Any PC can go and make a custom spellbook from any guild. For example, my thief went and made an empath custom spellbook (which I chose randomly). Yes the game-system warns you that is not your guild when you enter, but nothing is preventing you from creating and purchasing a spell book.


The gods are jerks. No, really.-Armifer

I don't think we ever take the training wheels off as players or gamemasters.-Inauri
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Re: Spellbook Learning on 05/20/2010 10:44 AM CDT
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To clarify the above, there is, unsurprisingly, no Necromancer room at Mystical Machinations, but you are free to purchase a spellbook associated with any other guild. There have been statements in the Necromancer forums to the effect that there are plans to have a Necromancer-friendly spellbook merchant at some unspecified point in the future, but not at this festival.
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Re: Spellbook Learning on 05/20/2010 04:49 PM CDT
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Since there is no necro book, if make a custom book from another guild, say empath, do you get all the features of the custom book that you would if you were empath, even though you are a necro? Aside from a list of your true guild's spells.
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Re: Spellbook Learning on 05/20/2010 08:10 PM CDT
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>>PORTOFILO: Since there is no necro book, if make a custom book from another guild, say empath, do you get all the features of the custom book that you would if you were empath, even though you are a necro? Aside from a list of your true guild's spells.

The spellbook's guild affiliation merely determines the spells that are listed and the titles that are available to you. You can learn scholarship from a spellbook regardless of your guild, and you can purchase all of the accessories from Mystical Machinations.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
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Re: Spellbook Learning on 05/20/2010 08:21 PM CDT
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Alright thanks
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