Techs?? on 11/10/2015 12:15 PM CST
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Is it worth it to get these techs :Basic Lumberjacking, Improved Logging,and Arboreal Enlightenment? My understanding is one makes it easier to saw/scrape lumber in preparation for crafting and the last one makes it easier to find rare mats? Thoughts?

Gross. That's gross. You're gross.

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Re: Techs?? on 11/12/2015 02:17 PM CST
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I had all of them originally and have seen downgraded to just Basic Lumberjacking and have not noticed an issue. Reading the description for Improved logging and Arboreal Enlightenment seems to be only a perk if your using foraged product and I have found tons of rare and very rare material with only basic with no issue.
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