Book changing pages in container on 09/23/2016 11:51 PM CDT
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> read my book

-= Chapter 6, Page 6: Instructions for crafting a tall metal mug =-

A tall metal mug is a craftable item in the Forging society under the Blacksmithing crafting discipline. This is considered to be a very easy piece to make, though knowledge of the Utility Forging technique will be beneficial to the crafter.

This item is listed as a "finished large metal item" ingredient type and is created using a forging hammer, some tongs, some metalworking oil and a metal anvil with forge. A crafter may also find it helpful to have a shovel and a bellows on hand.

A list of ingredients is provided:

(1) refined metal ingot (1 volume)

put my book in my bag

You put your book in your duffel bag.

You get a steel ingot from inside your duffel bag.
> analyze my ingot
You thoroughly analyze the steel ingot, revealing some of its secrets.
This appears to be a type of refined metal ingot that is about average in quality.
The ingot is an extremely easy piece to make.
It was made by someone with significantly more skill than your own.
About 10 volume of metal was used in this item's construction.
Roundtime: 7 sec.

R> put my steel ingot on anvil

You put your ingot on the iron anvil.
> get my blacksmith book

You get a book of apprentice blacksmithing instructions from inside your duffel bag.

> study my book

You scan the horseshoe instructions with a glance and comprehend all but several minor details in the text. (4/5)
You now feel ready to begin the crafting process.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
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Re: Book changing pages in container on 09/23/2016 11:52 PM CDT
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This ever happen to anyone?
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Re: Book changing pages in container on 09/23/2016 11:58 PM CDT
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Looks like there was a change to that crafting book's database while it was in your container. If you had read it again I bet it would still be Page 6 of Chapter 6, but the templates just shifted. This happens when there is something added, or updated, in a book or when the game crashes. It just happened at a very inopportune time for you.
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Re: Book changing pages in container on 09/23/2016 11:59 PM CDT
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In vague/non-technical terms, books pull their pages from a database of instructions. Various events in the game engine's background will sometimes shift the way those items are listed in the book. You won't have "very easy" instructions ahead of "challenging" instructions, but the order of the "very easy" instructions might shift a bit at times.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Book changing pages in container on 09/24/2016 12:17 AM CDT
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Ahh OK, I just checked my alchemy book and the same thing happened. I bet they shifted due to the new armor instructions added in Duskruin. Thanks, thought I was going crazy(ier)!
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