At what point on one's character training is mining a viable hobby? Do you need certain stats? Certain skills train up before you start so you dont waste your time? Some constructive input would be appricated.
Minimum Mining stats on 05/20/2016 02:29 PM CDT
Re: Minimum Mining stats on 05/20/2016 02:53 PM CDT
You can do mining or lumberjacking right out of the gate. You'll be reaaaaally bad at it, but there's nothing stopping you from swinging the shovel. You can start seeing stone early on, but I don't think I started to see metals until around 200 outdoorsmanship, perception, appraisal (without buffs). It wasn't consistent until around 250 or so. You'll probably want to get at least 100 in each to get the dangers before they kill you, but your stats may make you slow enough that it won't matter. I'd also recommend picking up 75 in forging to repair your own tools.
Rangers are probably your quickest bet for miners due to guild bonus + buffs + skillset. I'd recommend something with invisibility (thieves) or an AOE calm (bards) or other means to keep big creatures at bay while you mine. That is if you feel like going into a quieter mine rather than the well populated ones near crossings. Also keep in mind that F2P characters can't get random rare metal drops.
Re: Minimum Mining stats on 05/20/2016 03:00 PM CDT
My favourite character to mine/lumberjack on is my Bard due to Sanctuary.
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Re: Minimum Mining stats on 05/20/2016 03:05 PM CDT
You can't mine while invisible. It forces you to drop your invisibility before you even try.
I think this is silly, but hey.
@thayelf //
"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
I think this is silly, but hey.
@thayelf //
"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
Re: Minimum Mining stats on 05/20/2016 04:07 PM CDT
Speaking as someone who has done significant mining at low skill level, it is difficult and may be frustrating. If you want to you can certainly try, but you will be dealing with a) complete blindness as to what metal you are mining, b) very low quality and quantity of metal that you do mine, which makes using it much harder, c) regular room events that make it impossible to keep mining safely. You will be able to PROSPECT CAREFUL to mitigate danger, but at low skill you will often not be able to remove all of the danger.
If you want to avoid these issues, I suggest the following skills:
250 Outdoorsmanship
250 Perception
250 Appraisal
It may be a little more or less in some of them, but that is my estimate. Also according to elanthipedia, Wisdom counts a great deal here as well.
If you want to eventually become a supreme miner, Ranger is the way to go. Survival primary plus the ability to greatly boost Outdoorsmanship, the main skill. If you really want to dedicate yourself to moving around and hitting every last mine, Moon Mage is of course very helpful for that. And as others have stated, you will either have to train your combats enough to handle the creatures in the mines, mine in unpopulated areas, or use an ability like the Bard's Sanctuary. The stat involved in mining is Strength, which will reduce your overall average RT.
- Navesi
If you want to avoid these issues, I suggest the following skills:
250 Outdoorsmanship
250 Perception
250 Appraisal
It may be a little more or less in some of them, but that is my estimate. Also according to elanthipedia, Wisdom counts a great deal here as well.
If you want to eventually become a supreme miner, Ranger is the way to go. Survival primary plus the ability to greatly boost Outdoorsmanship, the main skill. If you really want to dedicate yourself to moving around and hitting every last mine, Moon Mage is of course very helpful for that. And as others have stated, you will either have to train your combats enough to handle the creatures in the mines, mine in unpopulated areas, or use an ability like the Bard's Sanctuary. The stat involved in mining is Strength, which will reduce your overall average RT.
- Navesi
Re: Minimum Mining stats on 05/20/2016 06:21 PM CDT
> use an ability like the Bard's Sanctuary. The stat involved in mining is Strength, which will reduce your overall average RT.
This is in no way a criticism to your great advice, but I actually prefer balm to sanctuary. It's easier to get the calm effect than to build up a dome that stops spawns.
Re: Minimum Mining stats on 05/20/2016 06:24 PM CDT
<<It's easier to get the calm effect than to build up a dome that stops spawns.
The critter spawn blocking dome forms on the first pulse even at minimum mana with the lowest integrity stance. It's no slower than Balm and more effective at keeping things away.
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The critter spawn blocking dome forms on the first pulse even at minimum mana with the lowest integrity stance. It's no slower than Balm and more effective at keeping things away.
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Duplicate posts removed on 05/20/2016 06:27 PM CDT
Re: Minimum Mining stats on 05/20/2016 06:28 PM CDT
> The critter spawn blocking dome forms on the first pulse even at minimum mana with the lowest integrity stance. It's no slower than Balm and more effective at keeping things away.
It's been a while since I've tested it, but I remember sanctuary not always stopping creature spawns on my barb. I'll need to test it a little more later.
Re: Minimum Mining stats on 05/20/2016 06:34 PM CDT
<<It's been a while since I've tested it, but I remember sanctuary not always stopping creature spawns on my barb.
There are a handful of creatures it doesn't work on. With respect to mining, this is most notably warklins. In all other cases, Sanctuary is far superior as a keep your room safe spell.
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There are a handful of creatures it doesn't work on. With respect to mining, this is most notably warklins. In all other cases, Sanctuary is far superior as a keep your room safe spell.
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Re: Minimum Mining stats on 05/20/2016 08:49 PM CDT
Re: Minimum Mining stats on 05/20/2016 10:34 PM CDT
Re: Minimum Mining stats on 05/20/2016 10:49 PM CDT
Look at it this way: the way many people train outdoorsmanship (and perception) is by foraging/collecting piles, and appraisal by appraising things, and they can HUNT for perception training as well.
If you mine, even in non-optimal-skill conditions, you're still at least maybe getting something out of it.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
If you mine, even in non-optimal-skill conditions, you're still at least maybe getting something out of it.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Minimum Mining stats on 05/21/2016 12:43 PM CDT
I find mining is, with some blacksmithing techs, perfectly serviceable as a source of work order materials even at novice ranks, but it's certainly inefficient. You'll learn outdoorsmanshipuch, much faster kicking piles and half the metals you mine up need to be alloyed.
On the other hand it's much, much more entertaining than kicking piles.
Re: Life mana Spell preps
You raise your hands in the air. You wave them like you just don't care. Somebody says, "Hey!" Somebody says, "Ho!" Somebody screams.
On the other hand it's much, much more entertaining than kicking piles.
Re: Life mana Spell preps
You raise your hands in the air. You wave them like you just don't care. Somebody says, "Hey!" Somebody says, "Ho!" Somebody screams.