Seeing the type of class being taught on 07/29/2008 02:36 AM CDT
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Curious what determines whether you see what kind of a class is being taught? Been standin around a bit this evening and assessing the classes being taught and some are simplistic or basic etc. but there are a couple that just say the class that is being taught and no clue of how good the class is.
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Re: Seeing the type of class being taught on 07/29/2008 03:05 AM CDT
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<<but there are a couple that just say the class that is being taught and no clue of how good the class is.

Those are people who have AVOID !TEACH set. Its worked the same way since before the changes to teaching.

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Re: Seeing the type of class being taught on 07/29/2008 09:15 AM CDT
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There needs to be a better way to do that. =/

"Close your eyes -
For your eyes will only tell the truth..
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark, it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be." - Erik Claudin
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