The Hentaraen - Special Edition on 04/15/2008 06:19 PM CDT
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Originally I was going to approach each Order and do an interview with them and then get something published in the Hentaraen from time to time.

However, there is a special Summer edition coming up and we have an opportunity to plug all of the Orders in our in-game newspaper.

If an Order is willing to participate then please send an email to with the subject: SUMMER Hentaraen Order article -- XXX Order, with a couple of short paragraphs that encapsulate what your Order is about. For example, you could mention the purpose of the Order, what kinds of things you do as a group, what sort of regular events you run and why and how to find out more about joining etc.

Please be sure that your email subject is correct or it won't get filtered into the right basket :g:

The up-coming edition of the Hentaraen will give full details but in a nutshell, submissions will be accepted for the rest of April and throughout May.

I look forward to reading your submissions!

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