Curious on 08/20/2008 05:13 PM CDT
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Is there any Orders that are not for the betterment of the realm? Secrety society stuff or secretly install there own government?

Ackfer - Halfling in a Can, No Fillers Here!
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Re: Curious on 08/20/2008 05:20 PM CDT
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It's currently against the rules to make an Order that is not allied and sworn in loyalty to a particular government and its leader, IIRC.

I think it is silly to deny the huge benefit of Order mechanics to a roleplay group simply because they refuse to ally themselves to a particular government, or wish to wear black hats. But there's no indication that this will be changing any time soon, and I'm unaware of any plans to even expand it, so we'll just have to make due.

Rev. Reene

Mozzik says to Siltoth, "Ealuik to attend the wedding. Preferably dressed in a bow. And nothing else."
You say to Mozzik, "There's a word for what kind of mental defect you have and it's probably very long and hard to pronounce."
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Re: Curious on 08/20/2008 05:31 PM CDT
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Hmm. Well that sucks, must be a reason or past history has led them to such a decision.

Ackfer - Halfling in a Can, No Fillers Here!
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Re: Curious on 08/20/2008 05:48 PM CDT
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If I had to guess at a precedent I'd say Black Fang Army, but I think that's really, really silly.

I would personally love to help organize an order of lawful-neutral scholars allied to no particular government that just seeks to collect and archive information. I know one person talked about creating a group that was interested purely in preserving and spreading word of the Immortals without any political ties. But we can't do that stuff and ever be recognized officially as it currently stands and that's really unfortunate.

Rev. Reene

Mozzik says to Siltoth, "Ealuik to attend the wedding. Preferably dressed in a bow. And nothing else."
You say to Mozzik, "There's a word for what kind of mental defect you have and it's probably very long and hard to pronounce."
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Re: Curious on 08/20/2008 06:12 PM CDT
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My personal opinion is it would be nice to have Orders that arent all "nice". Make them qualify their reason for existance.

Ackfer - Halfling in a Can, No Fillers Here!
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Re: Curious on 08/20/2008 09:54 PM CDT
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>My personal opinion is it would be nice to have Orders that arent all "nice". Make them qualify their reason for existance.

There was a short lived attempt to pull together an order that was basically an Elven nationalist group, but it faded away due to the core leadership not having enough time to invest in the game before interest could be spread wide enough to meet the minimum required membership of an official order.

~ Sage Kougen Aensworth, Star Shaper of the Compact

Kssarh uses a night light. Not because Kssarh is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Kssarh.
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Re: Curious on 08/20/2008 10:10 PM CDT
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>There was a short lived attempt to pull together an order that was basically an Elven nationalist group, but it faded away due to the core leadership not having enough time to invest in the game before interest could be spread wide enough to meet the minimum required membership of an official order.

Dianelle still has her silver rose.
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Re: Curious on 08/22/2008 09:55 AM CDT
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>I would personally love to help organize an order of lawful-neutral scholars allied to no particular government that just seeks to collect and archive information.

I've been toying with an idea very similar to this, Reene. If you are up for it sometime, perhaps we could meet and talk about it?

It would be nice to know I'd have some support and/or at least interest if I took the time to try to start something.

- Erelieva
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Re: Curious on 08/22/2008 10:08 AM CDT
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It's been attempted with various themes and motivations (Bakshiloa, Sanguine Eye, etc) but it usually fizzles out.

But yeah I'd be glad to chat about something. Hit me up on AIM (ReverendReene) or find me in-game (I'm Cael).

Rev. Reene

Mozzik says to Siltoth, "Ealuik to attend the wedding. Preferably dressed in a bow. And nothing else."
You say to Mozzik, "There's a word for what kind of mental defect you have and it's probably very long and hard to pronounce."
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Re: Curious on 08/27/2008 01:18 AM CDT
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Hopefully once the Order system gets revamped more groups like these will pop up and do good. GM support and advertising is always good for these sorts of things.

Shadeau Moonith,
Player of.

Badtooth slips an ice pick in his spidersilk garter, tightening the ribbons securely below his knee.
>gasp bad
You gasp at Badtooth!
>wave shade
You fan yourself.
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