Application Responses on 08/23/2004 06:05 PM CDT
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Just a brief question for the mentors. Once an application is put in how long does one have to wait to hear a yay or nae?

The object, Truth, or the satisfaction of the intellect, and the object, Passion, or the excitement of the heart, are, although attainable, to a certain extent, in poetry, far more readily attainable in prose.

Edgar Allan Poe
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Re: Application Responses on 08/24/2004 09:13 AM CDT
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>>Just a brief question for the mentors. Once an application is put in how long does one have to wait to hear a yay or nae?

Well no longer a mentor but back when I was a mentor, it varied. Sometimes there are quite a few applications, sometimes there are not so many. It also has to go by quite a few eyes.

Can take up to 6 months, it usually doesn't take that long to hear something, but it is possible for it to take that long, and perhaps a little longer.

It all depends on how much other stuff everyone has going on.


Fighting with a bunch of archers in Geni.

"Hey, it's shoot GENI, not shoot GEN!"
[Arcath] "Public Service Announcement: Please shoot at the archers and not at Arcath"
Your mind hears Gelicast thinking, "shoot the gelv cyclops, not gelicast"
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Re: Application Responses on 08/24/2004 09:54 AM CDT
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What Brabs said.

Back when I applied as a Mentor, I got all but pounced on. Others have had to wait a long while.

I imagine it won't take long to get a Mentor application through at the moment: It's my understanding that there is a shortage of Mentors. And there are a lot of extremely confused novices out there.

Keep in mind that being a Mentor isn't supposed to be a step in some kind of power-play. If that's what you want, then Mentoring is not for you.


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Application Responses on 08/24/2004 03:06 PM CDT
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No, no power play at all. Ive make note of several observations as of late. One as you put "extremely confused novices". These people care confused over not only what to do but policy issues as well. Secondly, it's sad when you have sixth circle players walking up to you telling you they have never gotton favors, not were they advised to get them. I feel a slack in the amount of people that actualy want to help most of the people get ignored and even told to bascialy "bug off". When I started playing this game the mentors were in abundence and honestly, there were so many that provided help to me that it only seems right to give back something I recieved so freely. I've also noticed a huge discovery about things in reference to myself to my surprise. There are honestly things Ive just learned I should have been aware of at 3 or 4th circle. I'm 35 now and I was recently just made aware of the mana bar. I feel not only can I provide something to the the Mentor Society, but it can also provide me with an outlet for better learning and understand of many things. Policy, game mechanics to a more detaled extent, and few other issues Im sure I'm not aware of as of yet. Anyone that knows Aroamer also knows nothing with him is a powerplay. that is the last issue on his mind. Thanks for your posts to help me a better idea of when I might be approached for this. Your time and posts are most appreciated. Also, if there are things which I could do to possibly help sped the process along or rather prepare for it please feel free to let me know. Thanks again.

The object, Truth, or the satisfaction of the intellect, and the object, Passion, or the excitement of the heart, are, although attainable, to a certain extent, in poetry, far more readily attainable in prose.

Edgar Allan Poe
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Re: Application Responses on 08/27/2004 03:00 AM CDT
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This might be a little bit late but...if you don't hear back in six months, I would suggest sending in a new application. Sometimes things break or get lost, and it would be horrible if we lost someone who would make a perfect Mentor due to a fault on our side of things.

Good luck!


"It's got that Catcher-in-the-Ryey- I-hate-the-world-and-the-world-hates-me-so-let's-commit-suicide ambience."
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Re: Application Responses on 09/01/2004 10:09 AM CDT
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Yeah, what' Fillia said, except that I didn't exactly put in another application at 6 months (I have no concept of time, therefor I don't realize how much time passes I thought it was my 19th birthday last year and I turned 24, just to show how bad it is) ANYWAY! Come to find out, my application was around 7 or 8 months past when they called me up. Sometimes it takes a while, just gots to be paitent, and yes, it's good to put in another application after 6 months, even though my mind don't function with the concept of time so I dunno how long that is exactly but anyway!!! Have fun!

-Yea, verily: Who is that, prowling over the terrain! It is Janalynn, hands clutching an oversized scalpel! She screams apocalyptically:

"Blood and souls for my dark lord! I shall paint the town a sanguine shade of doom!!!"
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