Hunt for Knowledge: Rules and List on 08/07/2010 08:50 PM CDT
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I have for you all a scavenger hunt of epic proportions! A week of hunting and a whopping 65 items.

But we figured that 65 items was a lot to carry, so instead of actual items, you will be looking for the answers to questions.

I have picked out nice, obscure questions for you. Most of the answers won't be found in the lore and, really, most of them aren't important. What is important is the places you'll see!

Our theme this time around is S'Kra Heritage and so to find the answers you will want to meet various influential S'Kra Murs and visit S'Kra cultural landmarks across Elanthia. I gathered questions from locations in Zoluren, Therengia, Ilithi, Aesry and Ratha.

It's obvious by some of the questions where the answers will be found, but others are designed to be a bit trickier, and you may not even realise which province holds the answer until you trip right over it. Any type of thing is fair game: things you see, things you read, things you hear, things that happen when you do something. You may have to get creative to find some answers!

I don't expect anyone to find all the answers. Do the best that you can and don't worry too much if you can't find everything. You may not even need to visit all of the different provinces to have a shot if you do well in the ones you search! However, questions are designed so that you will need to go out to the locations for most of the answers. That's why you have a week to fit it in where it's convenient!

If something has changed since I scouted out the answers that makes them unavailable to find, then we are just going to roll with it. Everyone will still be at an equal inability to find the answer.

I do recommend that you take notes. A lot of the answers are specific, and if it comes down to breaking ties, we may look at whose answers are more precise.

If you want, you can cooperate in groups to find the answers or share your findings with others. Just remember that takes away your edge over them! I would also request that you do not post any answers publicly. It isn't fair to those who want to find the answers on their own.

We'll meet on the 14th to see who found the most answers. Counting will be done trivia-style. I'll go through the questions again, one at a time, and everyone will have 20 seconds to whisper the answer. If you get it whispered, you get the point, and the three people with the most points at the end will win.

Feel free to let me know about any questions. I'll keep an eye on this forum all week.


And the list!

"1. How many blood-red candles light the blackened brass lantern in Halasa Temple?
2. How many pillars stand in the Grand Rotunda of the Temple of Hav'roth?
3. How tall is the gate in Sh'kial's Square?
4. In what plaza do benches form a semi-circle around a S'Kra poet in polychrome plaster?
5. In which Hall of the Temple of Darkness is Ushnish's alcove located?"

"6. On whose statue is it written "There is no place beyond my reach!"?
7. To which immortal is the fountain in the Rathan Cleric's Guild dedicated?
8. What are the candelabras in the World Dragon Temple made out of?
9. What book has the call letters 'HuHL'?
10. What color is Meek's cat?"

"11. What crest is displayed on the white sentinel at Selhin Dava?
12. What do the guards call you once you have paid your respects at the Prayer Gates?
13. What do the words "As above, the fourth moon, so below asleep in the earth." mark?
14. What does Kor'yvyn sit on?
15. What does Shorka's Musparan statue hold?"

"16. What does Ss'thran wear on his belt?
17. What does the bell in Hav'roth's Temple have written on it?
18. What does the creature carved into the boulder on Shadaer Jama resemble?
19. What does the dais beside barbarian dancer Melcorek use for eyes?
20. What does the image of Peri'el on her prayer gate hold?"

"21. What does the plaque in the Ratha bank's cashier call it?
22. What does the plaque on the wall of Ishh's Pawnshop read?
23. What does the sign on the Velakan Trade Road warn against?
24. What does the sign at Sshoi-sson Palace's Genealogy Office say?
25. What does the woman serving food on the carpet in Ratha's bazaar use for dishes?"

"26. What gems provide the theme for the dressing rooms at Heketha Theater?
27. What is housed in the room with a door surmounted by a winged solar disk?
28. What is inlaid into the altar at Damaris' Temple in Ratha's temple district?
29. What is it Surlaenis custom for couples to do with the ancient tree on Aesry's third tier?
30. What is the coat of arms on Gamant Lisska'Vran's gate?"

"31. What is the color of Aesry's Fourth Stone of the Cloud?
32. What is the first name on the plaque conferring the Rathan Empaths' Guild to the empaths?
33. What is the image of Ushnish in his Crossing shrine made out of?
34. What is the meaning of the Eth'ral'khh carved into Shard's Shrine to the Dragon?
35. What is the name of the hill with a windworn altar above Muspar'i?"

"36. What is the name of the Keep that houses the Musparan bank?
37. What is the name of the tyrant in the old storyteller's tale of Truth?
38. What is the name of Ushnish's staff?
39. What is the pattern of the flag outside Aesry's Tribunal Building?
40. What items arm the guards of the Musparan Financial Office?"

"41. What locations are marked on the crates carried on the "Desert Wind"?
42. What material is used to make the mosaic lining the Grand Fountain in Peri'el's Retreat?
43. What offering is left in the niche in the Alcove of Peri'el at the Temple of Light?
44. What rank is the wax statue in the Dragon Priest exhibit of the Museum of Imperial History supposed to represent?
45. What seating is available in the World Dragon Temple?"

"46. What sort of bush surrounds the pool where Eluned is supposed to have weeped after the World Dragons ravagings?
47. What statuary monument stands in Great Gate Square?
48. What tactic does the museum tour guide say was used against Corik by the Dzree's troops?
49. What tartan does Jalihh wear?
50. What type of horn hangs in the Rathan Warrior Mage Guild?"

"51. Where did Bhothfin lose his left arm and eye?
52. Where does the battle carved into the gold inlaid column at the Zsikiel Monument take place?
53. Where is the altar with malachite serpent mosaics and a three-headed snake atop it?
54. Where is the cradle pictured in the book displayed in Misrel Lemicus'a's Language Study Room?
55. Where is the tapestry with the words "Haron Par S'su" embroidered on it located?"

"56. Which arch leads to the area of the Eyes of the Thirteen devoted to Hav'roth?
57. Which of the sisters who run Sisters-in-Lore was never married?
58. Which Rathan house claims their word to be as good as Phelim's Word?
59. Who are the drinks in the Muspar'i Traders' Guild complements of?
60. Who has her revenge with a drink at the Imperial Palm Inn? (Bonus: What did she do?)"

"61. Who is pictured in the portrait in the Golden Heron Inn's corridor?
62. Who is the monument in front of Ratha's palace dedicated to?
63. Who pays for the vendor food in Muspar'i?
64. Whose slab in Sho'hhs Migendaniis depicts them atop a steed?
65. With what object does Herilo busy himself while he works?"
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