Elanthipedia? on 01/27/2014 07:11 PM CST
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Haven't seen any discussion on it so anyone know what's up with the wiki? It says down for maintenance. Any idea how long? Does it need donations again? I'm sure I'm not the only one that uses it a lot, what can we do to get it back working sooner than later?
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Re: Elanthipedia? on 01/27/2014 09:12 PM CST
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I'm glad someone else is bringing this up, been down all day it looks like.

Did someone spill coffee on the server? How am I supposed to find out whats happening, do I actually have to play the game? :)
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Re: Elanthipedia? on 01/27/2014 10:21 PM CST
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They announced on the 25th over on their twitter feed that they were going down because of server issues, with no projected downtime duration.


>Forgive my snark, but welcome to the life of a warrior mage.
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Re: Elanthipedia? on 01/28/2014 05:27 PM CST
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I'm parroting what our tech guy said, so any errors are my own.

Basically it's doing something it shouldn't, and our volunteer host is having the sites he is paid to run affected by it. However, he's not sure WHY it's doing it, or even exactly what it's doing, or even why it's starting doing it only just now, so he's taking it down so he can test it and hopefully find out.

For whatever reason, our site does not always behave like the wiki tech specs says it should. I blame you guys! :P

ETA unknown, but it's being worked on.

It is not a money issue, but of course, we'll never turn down donations. However, I don't have the faintest clue how you'd donate without the link on the site, so... yeah.

Clear as mud? Great.

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Re: Elanthipedia? on 02/14/2014 09:25 AM CST
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Any updates on this? I feel like I'm going through withdrawal...I've been having to look up stuff in books in the IG libraries...<shudder>.

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Re: Elanthipedia? on 02/14/2014 03:36 PM CST
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Nothing on Twitter :(


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Re: Elanthipedia? on 02/14/2014 04:07 PM CST
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Im curious who are the proprietors/main staff of Elanthipedia. I know it's an open wiki where everyone contributes, but a little history? Who initially launched it (it was their idea, etc), who took it over, who runs it today.

Caraamon, if you feel like giving us some backstory...

I've said it before - it's a truly amazing achievement and possibly the single most important outside contribution to a 20 year game.
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