Return of the King on 12/03/2003 07:16 PM CST
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Hey Everybody,

It seems to me that we ought to get together some groups to go see the movie. I doubt that all of DE-MD-DC-VA can see it all together at one place, so we need people to check into the movie theaters near them and find out what's going on. Most theaters will do midnight shows on Wednesday, December 17, i.e., Tuesday night. Some may air all three parts of the trilogy. All I know is that downtown Baltimore doesn't have a movie theater. Once you have some info, post it here and we'll see what kind of groups we coalesce into.

--David (Jolebin Swordstaff, Elemancer of Riverhaven)
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Re: Return of the King on 12/03/2003 10:25 PM CST
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>Some may air all three parts of the trilogy.<

Just so long as they have bathroom once an hour for all 7 hours. I can check around the Newark, DE/Elkton, MD area if there's actually anyone in the area. I'd definately be interested though.

Sean, player of Phairdon, Wandyfarer

The difference between being lost and exploring is about 5 minutes and two right turns.
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Re: Return of the King on 12/03/2003 11:15 PM CST
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Sean, Newark right here. I'm interested in going to see the movie, depending on what day. Maybe I'm just forgetful, but I've never seen your name mentioned for this area. New to the region, or my bad memory?

~Katrenos, Steve.
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Re: Return of the King on 12/04/2003 05:08 AM CST
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To the area, nope, lived here my whole life. Just been deployed for the past year and haven't been around and I was an idiot when it came to the boards before.

Sean, player of Phairdon, Wandyfarer

The difference between being lost and exploring is about 5 minutes and two right turns.
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Re: Return of the King on 12/04/2003 09:48 AM CST
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>>It seems to me that we ought to get together some groups to go see the movie. I doubt that all of DE-MD-DC-VA can see it all together at one place, so we need people to check into the movie theaters near them and find out what's going on. Most theaters will do midnight shows on Wednesday, December 17, i.e., Tuesday night. Some may air all three parts of the trilogy. All I know is that downtown Baltimore doesn't have a movie theater. Once you have some info, post it here and we'll see what kind of groups we coalesce into.

Due to my work schedule, the only good time for me is weekend-time. That Friday I believe I have my company's Christmas party, so that's out for me. Saturday tends to work better for me than Ravensday (a.k.a. Sunday). So...if there's anyone in the Howard County area looking to go a week from this Saturday, count me in. Hopefully that'll give me time to read the books, too. Having never read LOTR, I don't want the movie to spoil the ending for me since the book is probably better.


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Re: Return of the King on 12/04/2003 10:12 AM CST
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A DR family here in Bear/Glasgow DE area... if we can find a babysitter for our five-month-old, my hubby and I are game. We're sure Moira would enjoy it (oooh, sounds and colors!), but there's just no guarantees she'd be asleep at that time anyway.

Espritia, Wynder and a Bardling named Moira

She rolls over!
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Re: Return of the King on 12/05/2003 09:30 AM CST
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>>Due to my work schedule, the only good time for me is weekend-time. That Friday I believe I have my company's Christmas party, so that's out for me. Saturday tends to work better for me than Ravensday (a.k.a. Sunday). So...if there's anyone in the Howard County area looking to go a week from this Saturday, count me in.

Hey Mike,

Saturday works well for me, too. Of course, I'm in Baltimore City. But I can get to reasonably close to you if I take the light rail, I think. Do you have a theater down there?

--David (Jolebin Swordstaff, Elemancer of Riverhaven)
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Re: Return of the King on 12/07/2003 02:37 PM CST
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I would like to see the movie with you all...but I am drivin back to St Louis on either 19th or 20th. If we go before that Im game, shouldnt have too much else to do that week, besides work.

Steve player of Menlatham
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Re: Return of the King on 12/08/2003 08:08 AM CST
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>>Saturday works well for me, too. Of course, I'm in Baltimore City. But I can get to reasonably close to you if I take the light rail, I think. Do you have a theater down there?

Erm...closest light rail to me is about 20-25 minutes away (I'm in Howard County), however there are several theatres in my general area. Snowden Square is the closest to me, followed by Arundel Mills Mall. Keep in mind, I'm only able to see it if I read the trilogy first. I don't want the movie to spoil the ending. If I see it first, I'm probably never going to read the books.

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: Return of the King on 12/09/2003 04:25 AM CST
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>>Keep in mind, I'm only able to see it if I read the trilogy first. I don't want the movie to spoil the ending. If I see it first, I'm probably never going to read the books.

If it helps any, the faithfulness of the movies to the books has been declining steadily throughout the series. But I totally agree with your decision to read the books first; I've done that sort of thing several times myself.

Come on, people! Where's your excursion-planning spirit?!

--David (Jolebin Swordstaff, Elemancer of Riverhaven)
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Re: Return of the King on 12/09/2003 06:08 AM CST
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<<Come on, people! Where's your excursion-planning spirit?!>>

It disappeared when I had kids. :P


Instigator of Liberation for Hara'Jaal

It's a geographical oddity. Two weeks from everywhere.
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Return of the King on 01/13/2004 02:12 PM CST
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Okay i gotta be the only one who has yet to see this.. if anyone wants to come see it with me this weekend.. i'll be glad for the company. i live in Maryland.. i'm aiming for Movico because the screen is just so big!


if any wanna come just IM me tonight at DRanbeth and we can set something up.. if not.. I'll be enjoyin the movie!
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Re: Return of the King on 01/14/2004 07:17 AM CST
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>>Okay i gotta be the only one who has yet to see this.. if anyone wants to come see it with me this weekend.. i'll be glad for the company. i live in Maryland.. i'm aiming for Movico because the screen is just so big!

I haven't seen it yet because I'm trying to read the books first. I just finished Fellowship yesterday. ::mutters::

I'd probably be willing to see it with you, allowing for 3 things:
1) me finishing the next 2 books by this weekend
2) band practice wrapping up at some decent time on one day or the other.
3) I need to watch the NFL playoff games.

That being said, let me know what time(s) you were thinking, and mebbe we can figure something out. I live in MD too, and I'm only about 10 minutes from the Muvico.

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Re: Return of the King on 01/14/2004 08:05 AM CST
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no problem... sometime in the afternoon.. saturday or sunday
Jen player of Anbeth
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